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| | |-+  Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.
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: Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 14. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
1. Sex Toys   -5 (19.2%)
2. Mile High   -0 (0%)
3. Holiday   -11 (42.3%)
4. Caught or Not   -0 (0%)
5. Every picture tells a story   -3 (11.5%)
6. Good v Evil.   -2 (7.7%)
7. Prejudice   -1 (3.8%)
8. Fast and furious   -0 (0%)
9.  Long distance lovers   -3 (11.5%)
10. Food   -1 (3.8%)
: 24

: Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.  ( 17033 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« : April 30, 2017, 09:59:21 AM »

Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.

To ensure that 3 Story Contests a year can be organised, it is imperative that members get an opportunity to discuss, vote and be involved with the story contest’s every step of the way.   

In this topic ,  I would therefore like to discuss and ask for suggestions for the possible themes for Erotic Story Contest 14.

As long as they fit the rules, as well as Stories, I also accept poems, either Rhyming or in Free Verse in this contest.

Open for theme suggestions :-   Mon 1 May 2017  to  Wednesday 31 May 2017.
Poll Open :-  Thursday 1 June 2017  to Friday 30 June 2017.

So without further ado,  Please could I have  suggestions for the next  Erotic Story Contest  14

All  ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

The following themes have already been covered in previous contests :-

1 -  New Years Resolution
2 -  In The Summer
3 -  Time Travel
4 -  First Time
5 -  Public Event
6 -  Medieval
7 -  Journey.
8. - Cheating & Infidelity.
9 – Out of this World.
10 - War Time.
11 - Christmas Time.
12 - Opposites Attract.
13 – Group Sex.

As in line with TOS ( Terms of Service )  no themes will be accepted involving bestiality or anything under --- age.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #1 : May 01, 2017, 03:16:02 AM »

Sex Toys  or adapted to be a sex toy.

Can be a sex toy  purpose built like a dildo or an item adapted to be a sex toy like a cucumber. 
Fun times  :P

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 507

« #2 : May 01, 2017, 06:48:58 AM »

Joining the Miles High Club (in the air tonight or high on emotions. You get the point.)  ;D
The thrill of getting caught (public place/area where an interruption could but must not happen.)
Holidays (some time off the workplace and maybe off limits too.)

Hero Member
: 3444

« #3 : May 01, 2017, 09:03:26 AM »

- Being caught in the act I.E by partner, boss, stranger, friend, police, parents/siblings/children (over aged 18). Turning into a 3sum, or a teaching lesson, or ganging up on the one who is cheating etc

Hero Member
: 1600

« #4 : May 01, 2017, 11:01:31 PM »

Every picture tells a story

The idea being, we have a week where photos are submitted to the contest runner. Then she will pick a number out of a hat and that photo will be posted. the writers then must write a story about the photo.
Full Member
: 114

Minni Mouse

« #5 : May 02, 2017, 08:38:27 AM »

Good vs Evil - She changes him... he changes her (either good to bad or bad to good)

Prejudice (dirty little secret) - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with, but the sex is great

Security - Sugar Daddies, Sugar mummies... someone to take care of you

Awkward Moments - Forbidden romances - NOT blood related (step parent)

Away on business - partner left at home to play or partner on business plays away

Celebrity hookup - :)

Food-  chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes

Daydream becomes reality

Fast and Furious - Car sex of some sort, or fast intense sex

Long distance lovers - phone sex / sexting / surprise visit

Make- up sex (always the best)

Show me / Teach me

Wedding hook ups - maid of honour/ groomsmen/ best man/ bridesmaids

What happens in ____ stays in _____

« : May 02, 2017, 08:49:26 AM minni91 »

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #6 : May 02, 2017, 01:27:19 PM »

Every picture tells a story

The idea being, we have a week where photos are submitted to the contest runner. Then she will pick a number out of a hat and that photo will be posted. the writers then must write a story about the photo.


Jr. Member
: 73

only reward for love is the experience of loving

« #7 : May 04, 2017, 10:06:35 AM »

hot :)

FREE to be ME
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : June 06, 2017, 03:12:49 AM »

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.

Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner. Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 114

Minni Mouse

« #9 : June 06, 2017, 08:37:49 AM »

Just a query... if the 'every picture tells a story' wins, will that be that the voting closes on the 30th and then an extra 7day period will happen in which pictures can then be sent???  Or pictures can be sent between now and the 30th and if it wins you would then pick a picture for everyone to start writing from the 1st July??? Not overly clear

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.

Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner. Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

« : June 06, 2017, 08:41:59 AM minni91 »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #10 : June 06, 2017, 09:29:41 AM »

Yes, apologies for not making it clear.

The deadline for the theme vote is Friday 30 June 2017.

If the theme is known the story submissions are open from Saturday 1 July 2017.

The one exception is if  Number 5 wins.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

If 5 wins -   there will be a 7 day period for pics to be forwarded  to me -  from Saturday 1 July to Friday 7 July 2017.
Each of the pics sent will be given a number.
The number will go into a hat - the pic chosen at random and then story submissions will be open from Saturday 8 July 2017, a delay of 1 week. 
However, this will be flexible, If 5 looks to be an early winner and is steaming ahead, I may use my discretion and bring the date forward for pics to be sent to me, thus allowing more time for writers to create their story. Keep an eye on this topic to keep updated.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 114

Minni Mouse

« #11 : June 06, 2017, 01:11:30 PM »

Gotcha  ;D ;D ;D

Yes, apologies for not making it clear.

The deadline for the theme vote is Friday 30 June 2017.

If the theme is known the story submissions are open from Saturday 1 July 2017.

The one exception is if  Number 5 wins.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

If 5 wins -   there will be a 7 day period for pics to be forwarded  to me -  from Saturday 1 July to Friday 7 July 2017.
Each of the pics sent will be given a number.
The number will go into a hat - the pic chosen at random and then story submissions will be open from Saturday 8 July 2017, a delay of 1 week. 
However, this will be flexible, If 5 looks to be an early winner and is steaming ahead, I may use my discretion and bring the date forward for pics to be sent to me, thus allowing more time for writers to create their story. Keep an eye on this topic to keep updated.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #12 : June 11, 2017, 04:48:41 AM »

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

Please Vote. I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner.
Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #13 : June 23, 2017, 12:54:06 PM »

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

Please Vote. I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner.
Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #14 : June 25, 2017, 12:30:05 AM »

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