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: Problems with a couple of players  ( 7745 )
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« : May 05, 2017, 09:35:12 PM »

We seem to have a problem with a couple of bad players in Achat. They get in peoples faces. Yelling and go on for many minutes. They've been warned but they just don't care. So many people  are becoming tired of these two.

Names of two are :  XXXXXXX and  XXXXX

These two are bad They're ruining this game.

Iwas told to get a screen shot while they're in action, come on really. You can talk to anyone in the game they will tell you so.

They were in the faces of XXXX and xxxx

There were many people their.

People are unconfortable with these two but just leet them carry on like this.
Screen shot I'm not going to be able to get those.
These guys are a nuisance.

I came here because It's like the team is resistant to removing these bad players. 
I/m not saying that yea just because I'm saying so right now get rid of them.
I'm telling you to verify what i'm saying ask anyone in game especially xxxx aand xxxx  it happened to them just before I came in here to complain.

Someone needs to maybe Police these things then they won't get out of control like these two Men children are. People are trying to ignore it for now. You know they won't for long. the good people will leave . 

All you'll have are the two Men Children and whatever group stays with them.

Warnings will do no good with these two.   

Edit : Names removed to prevent embarrassment.  Original forwarded to Achat Support to investigate complaint.   Brandybee. 
« : May 06, 2017, 04:51:43 AM Brandybee »
Jr. Member
: 52

Kiss Me Babe!

« #1 : May 05, 2017, 10:09:03 PM »

XXXX has multiple accounts, one of which is the XXXXX account,  he plays both at the same time. 

He has multiple other accounts as well.  he has been reported multiple times. 

your best action of defense is to simply block him.  click on his avi, at the top, click the circle line to put him  on iggy.  he likes to cuss and yell and cause a scene. 

if everyone puts him on iggy in the immediate area he will leave.  And, once on iggy, you see him but don't have to listen to his annoying shit. 

I personally have been attacked by him and he has been on iggy for some time, he doesn't even come near me anymore. 

Support will not do anything with him.  they don't referee in the game, you have issues, use the iggy button. 

My iggy list is long, and a lot of the people on it are repeat account holders.   Good Luck. 

XXXXX and XXXX both know how to deal with him.  They are not strangers to his abuse.

Edit : Names removed to prevent embarrassment.  Original forwarded to Achat Support to investigate complaint.   Brandybee. 
« : May 06, 2017, 04:54:38 AM Brandybee »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : May 06, 2017, 05:35:21 AM »

Hi Both.  We feel your pain and the original complaint with the names forwarded to Achat Support for investigation and decision to process.

Marniejo is correct.  Some players for some reason get their kicks from disrupting nice play and chat and causing drama.

The only sensible way to combat it is to cease talking to them completely and totally ignore their bad behaviour.  Eventually they run out of things to say and slink away into their own sad little world. 

Use your ignore button. Do not converse with them at all.

No matter how much you want to, no matter how much you think you can reason with these people, you cant.

Every word out of your mouth, whether in anger,  reasoned resolutions  or back mouthing and insulting, it just feeds their drama and makes them successful in disrupting your play and those around you.

If these players approach, do not utter one word to them, turn your back and carry on talking to your friends as though they are not there.

Think about it. Do you get more hurt from an argument or the indifference of being ignored?
The indifference works every time and is profoundly more insulting than any words you can utter.

Although frustrating, with Achat's lack of response at complaints at times, The very public Forum is not the platform for naming and shaming players who you have disputes with. We do not allow private spats to be aired in public.

Please activate your chat log in your settings and use screen shots where possible. Then send with your complaints to support. Its listed at the very top with Forum, Shop etc...

The more complaints that Achat receive about a member, the more likely something will be done and the severity of punishment decided.

This can range from no further action ;  warning messages ;  a temporary ban or total ban from the game.

On the  whole the only time we allow names in Forum to be published (It is public dont forget) in a dispute or complaint is when that member consents or they post their identity.
(There are exceptions in regard to trolls and members trying to scam or steal from our members)
Debates and discussions are encouraged. Naming and shaming is not - That is for Achat Support.

Our members do not wish Forum to be inundated with the dramas of a few, nor do we wish to give them a platform to cause even more chaos and mayhem.

You can send complaints to Support or to The Moderators in PM here, who will also forward your complaints on to Achat.

Good Luck, Keep Smiling and enjoy the game.

NB -  Cassianna has written an interesting piece about cyber - bulling etc...  Importantly is shows you how to report things to Achat Support.

Here is her report : 

AChats Forum > Discussions about sex > Artist's Alley (Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33) > Silver Blonde Garage    Page 29.
« : May 06, 2017, 05:49:25 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 161

« #3 : May 06, 2017, 06:08:38 AM »

Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #4 : May 06, 2017, 06:25:28 AM »

My question to Brandybee:
How can these 2 guys (with their several alts) be embarrassed???
They both are abusing other game-players here with
the worst insults you can imagine!
It is more than annoying that these radical fascists are taken in protection here!

What is going wrong at Achat???
« : May 06, 2017, 06:29:10 AM BillyBlueeye »

On the journey to Valhal
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : May 06, 2017, 07:01:50 AM »

Hi Billy,

Public Forum is not for naming & shaming.

Complaints along with chat logs and or screenshots to Achat Support.

Thank you.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


« #6 : May 06, 2017, 03:54:11 PM »

scream back at them  they will leave you alone   :D

we all know who this 2 are  no names need to be said   


                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #7 : May 06, 2017, 04:56:40 PM »

Well Brandybee,
it may be your task to arrange for order.

But: It is very sad that such people,
who only come here to spoil the fun of others,
can not be named by name.

My opinion is:
If these are the rules of the forum, these should be changed as soon as possible.
Whoever behaves badly towards others should also be able to live with the consequences.

Who protects those who are offended and insulted by them?
Who protects those who are bothered by these guys despite Igno?

On the journey to Valhal
Hero Member
: 507

« #8 : May 07, 2017, 04:03:31 AM »

To put people on a pillory in public is seemingly a rather medieval practice, in my opinion. On the other hand it also opens a door to be misused and to threw dirt on someone else. And as we all know if you throw enough dirt, something will always  stay sticky.
And if so, what would it change? Would any asshole stop being an asshole just because some more people know him/her being an asshole?
Aren't they behaving like assholes first place to let everyone know?
I think this should be announced to the support and treated accordingly. It neither is up to the public to judge nor to punish as far as I am concerned.


« #9 : May 07, 2017, 06:19:44 AM »

To put people on a pillory in public is seemingly a rather medieval practice, in my opinion. On the other hand it also opens a door to be misused and to threw dirt on someone else. And as we all know if you throw enough dirt, something will always  stay sticky.
And if so, what would it change? Would any asshole stop being an asshole just because some more people know him/her being an asshole?
Aren't they behaving like assholes first place to let everyone know?
I think this should be announced to the support and treated accordingly. It neither is up to the public to judge nor to punish as far as I am concerned.

You are absolut correct Pandorra !!
But I do understand the FRUSTRATION of the harassed players too.
IF complaints in that matter to the support would be handled fast and with a little bit of more punishment
I really doubt it would come to those posts.
It's a scream for justice. Most ( I have to say so ) from full members who paid a YEAR Subscription for REAL MONEY and want to enjoy the sexy fantasy world in here.
Sure there always some little turd who play stupid but some REAL do make a play no more possible.
We can ignore them---we don't read but they STILL STAND IN OUR FACES and listen to OUR conversation!
We could move to another side of the room - some do- shit follows !!
I see the only real "help" in that, if some serious disturbing of the play is reported to the AChat Support, they should act a bit faster
and taking care of their paying members!

Thats all
Hero Member
: 10457


« #10 : May 07, 2017, 02:31:20 PM »

You can all seat talk and talk  and keep talking  candy coat all  and keep talking  about others   the point here   is
that achat   needs to really change  a lot and   keep us more  safe   give us more  options to block ignore protected
ourselfs from the ignorance of others  they  need to add a  whispering bottone or make private rooms where others can go  hang with
there  groups 

their is not  game that  do's not have  this Drama  this  jerks  its a universal cyber epidemic

that can not be stoped .....

to me  what needs to be  done is keep suggesting to Achat  to change or give more protection more  more options more in their developing things

and to stop all this  you no one will  thats the 
reality  of  it

I want to know why  do you not  keep asking Achat to   give you more  gorup rooms  for your  groups friends   

to me that   makes more reason then starting  to ban  jerks from  being Jerks  ( their is a lot I  do not like  on here  they may feel same about me
I do not care  but  I do not want no one  ban from playing  just bec I do not like them ..only with a good reason like stealing  hacking  and to me i am still woundering why they are on here     ....but  for being a   jerk ??  ))
that cant change and cant keep them off  the gameb   but you can ask achat to change some the game to give you
tools to  ignoring the jerks   
     I want more suggestions for the game and less complaining

sorry about the  bad grammers  I am very upset 
« : May 07, 2017, 02:46:14 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #11 : May 07, 2017, 03:35:46 PM »

Stop being upset and go buy some street tacos
Street tacos make everything better, baby. 

« : May 07, 2017, 03:37:41 PM Momma_andrea »


« #12 : May 08, 2017, 12:19:49 AM »

mmm, Yummy, I think I will grab one of those Tacos before I bore all that care to read my opine on this subject.

Well, you know I was bound to show up and open my BIG mouth .... eventually.  ::) . I have been itching to say something  for over a week and here I am.   

I am a relative newbie compared to many in this world, having only been here a bit over a year. I don't spend much time in game play anymore and even when I was online more often I never lived in this world like some. I still have to work for a living and my time is precious. But I am observant, I see the deception not only in Meeting Places but also here in our forum. Spread through posts, chat logs and screen shots. Some of this deception is subtle and carefully planned but most have the subtly of Donald Trump, easily recognized if you care to SEE.  This forum has become a sanctuary for me, a FUN place. Of course I realize it serves a purpose, a platform for discussions such as these. But I do not appreciate those that exploit this forum to promote their agenda.  After all we are ALL supposed to be adults here.... YES? Hard to know sometimes with all the theatrics. Why these personal disputes can't be resolved through PM's and maturity puzzles me.

First, I would like to preface this post by making it clear this is MY opinion. No more enlightened, better, or  accurate than any other. *whispers* That is why they are called opinions ... you do know every opinion comes with a brown little button hole where bodily waste is excreted. Yes, I am talking bout ASSHOLES...... EVERY opinion comes from one, including mine, I am NO different.

Second, I make a distinction between Bullying and Abuse. I am commenting on "cyber" bullying, not RL abuse. They are NOT the same.

Third, without the ability to really know who is who in a world such as ours, especially with all the multi avatar charades being played, we all have to assume responsibility for ourselves and well being. It takes a lot of time and dialog to get a sense of someone. Although this is no different in our RL it is made more complicated in a virtual world.  But that does not mean you are helpless.

Just as the SUN determines Day n Night, it is YOU and ME who determine Bully's n Victims. Different sides of the same coin, one can not exist without the other. I see so much wasted energy on this topic. So much sadness, anger n frustration. Looking for some Silver Bullet that will make it all go away. Asking Achat support for this cure-all is futile, They simply are not motivated nor do they really possess the ability to provide this sanctuary for us all. It is not possible because it is not practical.

YES... as Foxy mentioned Achat could create and infinite number of smaller "group" rooms allowing families and/or friends to mingle in privacy away from others. This works as long as you DON'T want to meet NEW people, which I happen to be a BIG Fan. It's kinda  like just listening to your playlist all the time. Sure the music is good. You like it and are comfy with it but you will never be introduced to new artists, new sounds, new flavors n ideas. It is the same with people.

YES, we are all armed with the "IGGY" feature allowing us to deafen the sounds of someone who might offend us. But that feature suffers from its own limitations and just empowers the antagonist.

My ADVISE ..... just ignore them without the IGGY feature. Before you throw a million excuses my way why this doesn't work for you. Let me assure you it works extremely well for me. I currently have NO ONE imprisoned in my "Iggy" jail. I have no need. I don't get bullied because I do not make myself a target. I do not play their game, I do not become the victim.

Sure I greet everyone with a smile and a hi .... at first. No different than many others here. I also do my best to be polite and understanding. We are a diverse community here, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, many have very challenging RL issues. Be brave enough and have compassion to be patient and understanding before passing judgement. You would want the same consideration if the circumstances were reversed. 

If however an individual persists in being unreasonable and annoying. And will not heed my initial polite request or my subsequent firm request, then I inform them that I really have nothing to say and am not interested in their conversation. At that point I just ignore them. It really is not that difficult especially in our virtual world. Sure they will persist ... BUT they will only persist as long as they believe they are an annoyance or achieving some other deception.  Bully's NEED Victims. Take that away from them and they become powerless in our world.

Does this method require some Time, Patience and Resolve? YES, but .... once this type of player knows you don't play their game they don't bother you for long. They move on looking for the drama queens that thrive on being the victim. YES, we have some here that want to be a victim. WHY, I could not begin to explain. There are many other ways to get attention, lots more fun too.

Most Bully's are infected with low self esteem and insecurity. Compelled to put others down to feel better bout themselves. I feel sadness for these people, they have been hurt in the past and have not found a way to recover. Lost in the pain which turns to anger and hatred. These are not happy people. That makes me sad.

You don't need Achat's help to solve this problem, God gave each of us the power to defeat bully's. It is called personal respect and a love of yourself. Have the courage to stand up for yourself, the discipline to follow through and the resolve to be patient. Not only will you never be the Victim of a cyber Bully, you will also grow your self esteem. And others will notice, empowerment is contagious.

Now for my disclaimer .... I have been talking about the standard Bully here in Achat, but there is an another, altogether different type of Bully that exists in our world too. This type of Bully acts with thought and cunning not the emotional outbursts associated with a regular Bully. These sociopaths always have an agenda and are capable of disguising their subterfuge in a beautiful gift wrapped package. These are the most dangerous of all, they gain your confidence, your trust, your feelings only to manipulate, exploit and eventually tear you down. There is no easy solution for this rare breed, but here is my opine on these assholes..... A true friend will never build you up only to later tear you down. True friends elevate you. Why? Because their happiness is hinged to yours. Any so called  friend that engages in this behavior was never your friend to begin with.

One more disclaimer  with exceptions .... NEVER give out personal information to anyone until you have achieved a relationship that goes well beyond the realm of this world.

OK, that is my opinion. Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling, that's just ME.
« : May 08, 2017, 07:56:07 AM Kaitlyn1989 »
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