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: Achat Mentors  ( 11926 )
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« : May 20, 2017, 12:24:40 PM »

Achat Mentors.

A few of us were asked in Nov 2016 by Achat to become Mentors in the game and to help new comers to settle in,  enjoy the unique opportunities Achat has to offer and to generally help in how everything works.
I know of 3 members who were asked to be Achat Mentors listed below.
Once confirmed by Achat, others can be added when known:

1. Vaughan.
2. Jade_Kali
3. Stone.

No one really explained what we had to do but with trial and error we have shown members:

a) How to play and use the robots,
b) How to behave,
c) How to use the facilities 
d) How to join Forum and the various contests and events.
e) How to report complaints to "Support"  and using the " ! " in the game.

F) The Forum Moderators are:  Lover, Brandybee, Jayc and Nat33.

All of us Mentors try to be polite and helpful but at the same time, we are volunteers and wish to enjoy the Achat experience too.

If any new joins wishes to gift their Mentor, they can and we to have the facility to exchange A$ to real dollars. The exchange rate, however, ensures it’s nigh on impossible to collect enough A$ to exchange and make any real money. People who are Mentors do not therefore do this for the money.

I’m not sure about the Women Mentors, but I have earnt Zilch, zero, nada. Men rarely get gifted.

If anyone needs help in the game or forum, then most members are only too glad to assist but Mentors are specifically chosen by Achat to help out when needed.

We are friendly so come say hi. We will not put up with rude players though.
We have put MENTORS in our profile.

We regularly ask the new members to register to join Forum and use the topic below to let members know what is going on.

What's on in the Forum Village currently....

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News (Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33) > What's on in the Forum Village currently....  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3835.0.html       

Please go to the last page and last post for the current events and contests as it is updated regularly.


Forum Profiles made simple.

1. You have to Register for Forum first, then log in after. Use your Achat game username and password, the same one you use for the game and shop. Remember that you need to log into Forum separately. For some reason it’s on a separate system.
Also Your password must not be longer than 12 characters in Forum. If your Achat password is longer, just omit anything after the 12 characters. 
2. Choose a nice photo from the net. I find sexy black and white pics look better with your colours in “Signature” banner later on.  Search “sensuous kissing” or “sensuous cuddles” and download to your pc in a new folder called  “Forum Pics”
(You make a new folder easily by right clicking on your PC  wall paper area and choose "New" from the Options. It makes a folder you can name and store in)

3. Find a nice quote off the net, from your favourite film, a song or a poem.

4. You need to get the relevant codes from Forum private messages. They can be used in your forum profile but are not readily available there. So you have to copy and paste them later to your signature banner from Forum first.

You will need these brackets to surround your “signature” quote, found at the top of your text box.

* B =  bold   [b.] [/b]   (Remove dot after b in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)

** Change colour.   [c.olor=red] [/color] (Remove dot after c in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)  Replace “red” in first bracket with colour of your choice.  Choose a colour from here.

Adult Game AChat > Off-Topic > Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books...> PC and Software Basics (PC101)  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3609.msg134681.html#msg134681

*** Size = the letter A with arrows facing up & down.  [s.ize=10pt] [/size] (Remove dot after s in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)

5.  So you should make something like this below for your signature banner.   Copy & paste it onto a word document for safe keeping.

[s.ize=10pt][b.][c.olor=green]My quote here [/b][/size] [/color]   (Delete dots after the s and b and c in first brackets for it to work)

6. Go to “Profile” under Welcome box on Forum Home Page. Click.

* On left,  Click on “Forum Profile Information”

**Go to  “I will upload my own pic”   Click on choose file & follow instructions to find the pic you downloaded from the net in folder “Forum Pics”   This will upload it on to your profile.

***  Choose words / saying for   “Personal Text”   This will put words under your pic.

**** Location.   Put your Country.   And fill in Gender.

***** In “ Signature”    Copy & Paste your coloured quote.
[s.ize=10pt][b.][c.olor=green]My quote here [/b][/size] [/color]   (Delete dots after the s and b and c in first brackets for it to work)
****** In “Signature,”  you can also place in a banner. This is explained below. The banner can only be 750x90.

******  Click “change profile” to change it all.

7.   On Left  Go to  “ Personal Message Options”     Tick the two boxes  -   Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default   and   Show a popup when you receive new messages.

* Click “change profile” to change it all.

8.  On Left,  Go to  “Look and Lay Out Preferences”  and you can change the time to suit you etc…

Now you should be ready to go.  Good Luck.   

Any Problems, just ask


Useful FREE Downloads.

Down Load these 2 free programmes and open a free account with imgur to upload your pics too.

Useful FREE Downloads.

1. For taking images - Light Shot Http://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html

2. For Editing & framing your pictures / photographs - PhotoScape -

3. For storing images and giving them a http address -  Imgur https://imgur.com 

4. Set up an account with chattango for free Instant Messaging:

Free Instant Messaging site :   Chattango  -    http://chatango.com/signupdir


On your PC  open up a new file in documents to save your pics.

1. To do this click on “Documents” to open it.
2. In the Document Box Right click. A menu box will open, go to “New” and another menu box will open, click on “Folder”   
3. It will create a New Folder for you to name. This is for your saved pics and screen shots. Call it  “Achat Name” Specials.
4. Then open up this “Specials” folder.  In this “Specials” Box Right click. A menu box will open, go to “New” and another menu box will open, click on “Folder” 
5. It will create a New Folder for you to name. This is for your saved pics from the internet. Call it  “Fave Pics”  Repeat again and create a folder “ Screen shots”


Taking  a screen shot.

1.  Click on the purple lightshot feather when you have the pose you like. If not, click the “esc” button on your keyboard and try again.
2. Right click and “select the area” you want. This is usually a square or rectangle. When satisfied –
3. Click on the save button on the screen – Looks like a Floppy Disc Square by the x, bottom of your selected pic.  This will crop it and save to your PC.
4. Your Pc will ask you how to “Save as”  by a pop box.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Screen shots” folders.
5. Save your pic.
6.  At  2 & 3 above, check out the symbols around your chosen pic – you can do things to your pic if you want, mark it etc…  Have a play.


Saving a pic from the internet.

1. In your search engine, like Google, Bing etc.. look for your desired pic.  When you find it, click on it, to make it bigger.
2. Right click on the pic. A box menu comes up. Click on “Save Image as”   Ensure it is saved as jpeg.
3. Your Pc will ask you how to “Save as”  by a pop box.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Fave Pics” folder.
4. Save your pic.


Uploading a pic to imgur.

1. Log in to your free imgur account.
2. Click on your name to show drop down menu. Click on Albums
3. Click on “New Album” 
4. A box appears. Choose a name, maybe your partners name, the subject etc…  Make sure you click on “hidden”. You don’t want the public to see your obscene pics – you could even get kicked off the site.
5. Click on “ Add another image” and a box appears.  Click on “Browse” and it open a box to your PC.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Fave Pics” folder or  “Screen Shots” folder.
6. Choose the pic you want.  Click on the pic to populate the box , then on “Open” and it will upload to your imgur album. This uploaded pic in your album will now have a “http…” address. You need the http address to post in forum either in a PM or a Topic.


To upload a pic to forum.

1. Right click on your chosen image in your imgur album you wish to post or pm in forum. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “Copy Image Address” or  “Copy URL” or similar.  This is to copy the http address of the pic.
2. Open up Forum and the topic or PM ( Private Message ) you wish to answer or send.  Paste it by right clicking and choosing paste from the drop down menu (OR Control / Ctrl  + V  ) in your  Forum   " Message "  or  " Reply"  box.   The URL will appear. 
3. Then high light it blue (Holding left button down on your mouse and dragging across )
4. Above the smiley faces above  is a square box  " insert image"  ( 2nd one from the left),
5. Click on that, it will bracket the url for you
6. Then preview, using the below button on the right under the text box. The pic should come up above this section.  Check it looks right and not too big.  If it’s not, try again

If it’s too big,  try this –

It can happen that a pic can be too big and it doesn't fix on the post size (max width is 750). So, it can help to resize it without modifying it offline. See below:


To Resize a pic thats too big

1. [img.]http://URL of the pic[/img.]  (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

2. Use this simple code:

[img. width=200] URL of the pic [/img.] where 200 is the size you want to set.  (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

3. I recommend for rooms, a good size is 650.   

4. The longest size is 750.  So if you want pics on the same line, ensure added together, including spaces does not exceed 750.

5. For smaller pics, lower it around 300 or 400.

6. 600 is a good size for Forum.   [img. width=600] URL of the pic [img.] (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

7. If you are happy with the preview, then send / post.


Dance to the same music in a room.

Here is another useful Tip from a friend to enhance the rooming experience.
Simple but ingenious.

This is useful for both couples to have the same music on when dancing, or in a room when chatting or making love or just fucking. LOL

It’s quite a good, free Internet Radio.   

Chloe @181.FM   

I have it bookmarked / favourited in my browser.

What’s good is it is free and on the left is also a mini channel list should you wish a different type of music.


We also use this free Instant Messaging site :

Chattango  -    http://chatango.com/signupdir



1. Make your own banner but please ensure that it is no bigger than 750 (length) x 90 (width)
2. Once made,  Right click on the banner you like to copy the http image addresss ; 
3. Then paste it in the signature text box by right clicking and choosing the paste option. 
See instructions below.


Remember the agreed size for a banner is 750 in length x 90 in height.

You have to post it at the correct way in the correct place or it won’t work.

Here's how:

1.  Make a copy (ctrl+c) of the "insert image" brackets  [img.]      [/img.]   (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)

2. Go to your Forum profile.   

3. Then select: Forum Profile Information. You'll get a pic like this

4. Then at the signature section add your banner http or url address between the “insert image” brackets (Paste =  ctrl+V), just like in the pic is pointed at:  [img.]  HTTP address here    [/img.]   (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)
(Copy = ctrl+C  ;  Paste =  ctrl+V)


5. If you use Flickr, you have to grab your banner url as HTML/BBCCode with HTML selected, it would look something like this :

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr---lover/8869322458/" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>

5a Then you have to extract your pic's url by deleting the things you don't need

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr---lover/8869322458/" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>

like this :    http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg

5b  This is what you got to post on your profile page in the signature box.


6.  If you use Imgur -  you get the http address by right clicking on the pic ; choosing "Copy Image address"   

6a.  This is what you got to post on your profile page in the signature box.


If anyone has been asked to be a MENTOR and wishes to be added to the list above, once your Achat Mentor invite has been verified, The Moderators or I will add you to the list in this topic.
« : May 28, 2017, 12:48:16 AM Vaughan »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 10

« #1 : May 21, 2017, 05:54:10 PM »

Good post V....Thank you!

Hero Member
: 1842

« #2 : May 21, 2017, 06:01:49 PM »

I agree as well,  nice post Vaughan,  although, I may not be as active as  Vaughan or Jade.

If anyone needs any help, feel free to ask any of us Mentors  -  Vaughan,  Jade or me - Stone.

And The Forum Moderators will also help -  Lover, Brandybee, Jayc or Nat33.

Most of all, Have fun, be friendly and treat other members with respect,  the way you would like to be treated yourself.

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #3 : May 27, 2017, 03:28:54 AM »

I thought the below may be useful to members and help cause less drama in some cases ... maybe  LOL.

(quote author=Brandybee)

Achat is a fantasy sex game. 
It is what you make it.

Ages ago, I learnt from experience of playing, enjoying the game, meeting good friends and not so good,  of being hurt and frustrated, of laughing and crying ... that eventually  I found there seemed to be phases in the game.

I found if you was in the same phase or frame of mind, your relationship or friendship was most likely to survive.
If you was in a different phase it was most likely doomed.
However, if you understood the phases, then your friendship could possibly survive your relationship break up, and you would remain chat and fun buddies.

Here are the phases to check for yourself  :


Phase 1 = Kid in a sweet shop, have sex with anything that will take you in a room, Male, Female, Shemale, or even just your sexual preference, it doesn’t matter. You  fuck to your hearts content.

Phase 2 = Bored of meaningless sex, looking for a relationship, where you have regular harem lovers, that you care for but not one special one. You enjoy all your regular lovers.

Phase 3 = Now you have a Special lover or spouse who becomes priority. You still play but with ground rules. You will leave a room and go to your special lover as soon as you are able, with respect, to go to your special lover / spouse

Phase 4 = Special lover or spouse and exclusive, no other lovers. The only thing you can do with someone else is dance and talk. No sex or nudity.

Phase 5 = meet in Real Life. You both agree to meet in a real life encounter

Phase 6 = Relationship becomes serious and it moves from virtual to reality, becoming a Real Life couple,  maybe to living together and even marriage.

You can move up and down through the phases as things happen, usually relationship improvements / break ups  in your Achat life.

Whatever phase you are in the game, remember, treat someone as you would like to be treated yourself.
Virtual or Real life should still be played with respect & manners.

PHASE 3  Ground Rules for Spouses.     Phase 3 -   Priority Lover or Spouse.

1.The Spouse has priority over all others. They ARE above ALL others. Other lovers / friend with or without fringe benefits, are made aware of their lowlier position. The Spouse is top and above all others.

2. In a dispute, the Spouse will be sided with in public. (Any disagreements to be conducted in private for resolving.) Never show your Spouse up or undermine them in public.

3. If a spouse’s position is disrespected or threatened by their partner’s lover etc.., then the partner will take side with the Spouse and either -  deal with the lover to their Spouse’s satisfaction & remind the lover of their secondary or lowlier position OR divorce the Spouse. The Spouse Must Always Be Priority.

4. If you are roomed / fucking and your Spouse arrives, you will make your excuses and leave the room to go to your Spouse as soon as reasonably possible. Do not keep the spouse waiting too long, but be respectful to your room mate too.

You will keep an agreed form of contact open while you are in a room with others. (The wardrobe secret entry aka Forum / chattango PM) You will know this by contacting each other in Chattango PM and or Forum Village PM. Never keep your Spouse waiting unless they have agreed to it.

Free Instant Messaging site :   Chattango  -    http://chatango.com/signupdir

The arriving Spouse, however, will respect the room and on making contact with the Spouse inside will wait patiently a reasonable amount of time for them to finish and make their excuses to leave. They will not chatter, while the other Spouse is ending a fuck or room.

5.Never room / fuck an ex-Spouse without the agreement of your current Spouse prior to doing so.

6. Never flirt, belittle or undermine your Spouse in public. Remember The Spouse is Number 1 & Priority.

7. Never show favour or room another while you are with your spouse or if your spouse is online without prior agreement or they know or are made aware that you regularly see a certain lover and this is their time etc…  The Spouse should respect this arrangement.

Achat is a fantasy sex game. 
It is what you make it. Lets make sure its fun.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 18

Follow the white rabbit

« #4 : May 29, 2017, 02:22:16 AM »

I am in Phase 5 = meet in Real Life. You both agree to meet in a real life encounter  :D :D

Full Member
: 161

« #5 : May 29, 2017, 05:05:04 PM »

After reading about mentors, I was quite interested in that topic. Changing 'game'-money into real money was not my concern, I however think some people seem to collect enough virtual money and therefore could make some real dollars here. Seeing how many a$ some people dumped into completely useless list entries I infact think there's obviously enough cash flowing. Whatever makes people happy...

I have contact with newbies quite often and it wouldn't be the first time that I told them a few things about achat...about its bright sides, about its dark sides. So I was interested about that idea, and asked support about it, I even thought about 'applying' to be tasked officially with what I'm doing often anyway, why not contributing something to achat, why not helping making it a better place.

The answer i got was...unexpected....and, forgive me to ruin the party, shattering:

I just thought I better share it.
Does this mean I'll stop telling newbies things? Nope. I'll just keep doing it without a 'title'.
Hero Member
: 1669

« #6 : May 29, 2017, 08:32:56 PM »

The answer i got was...unexpected....and, forgive me to ruin the party, shattering:

I just thought I better share it.
Does this mean I'll stop telling newbies things? Nope. I'll just keep doing it without a 'title'.

« : May 29, 2017, 08:34:44 PM Jaynie »
Sr. Member
: 336

« #7 : May 30, 2017, 05:01:49 AM »

the mentoring program keeps running the way as it was started. Just we don't plan to invite/involve more experienced users in the near future, as our developments has different directions.
Hero Member
: 1669

« #8 : May 30, 2017, 09:14:52 AM »

OMG im in tears laughing.. so just to help "clear things up" ...  the line of communication that is open to in game players.  otherwise known as "Achat Support"  tells actual game players this program was only a trial and has no more real importance..   ( it's kinda important since the 'mentors' were created to help IN GAME players.. i think.. i could be wrong..  lol )

And then we have an Administrator who comes on into the forum... and says something else to people who may or may NOT be playing the game.. 

Thank you Achat for being so consistent with your inconsistency.

I guess that clears it up...

BTW.. as always it is my absolute pleasure to send every single new person i meet and greet in Achat  directly to the Mentors.. Sadly. these mentors have petitioned Achat for a private meeting place room .. for premium members only...  away from all new users..   :)

« : May 30, 2017, 09:38:01 AM Jaynie »
Full Member
: 161

« #9 : May 30, 2017, 02:55:20 PM »

Ummm...I have to admit...I didn't even think of that contradiction yet.  ;D  ROFL People that are meant to help newbies trying to get special restricted rooms that are beyond access for the newbies they want to help...eh...wtf?

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