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: ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!  ( 14747 )
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« : April 21, 2010, 02:34:30 PM »

Another lesbian sex position! Not only does it have the same amazing level of graphics and attention to detail, but (and I hope this doesn't make me sound petty) but I THINK it's something we can do that MF can't! I love you development team!

ADDED: You may be getting tech reports though a girlfriend I am trying to make it work with first couldn't see it at all after I had already bought it, and then went to the shop and bought it, but is still not seeing it. I made it work with Robot Girl.

ADDED AGAIN: At first she couldn't get the updater to work, now it seemed to update, but she's not seeing. She's understandably frustrated, but it's a new update... glitches happen. We still LOVE you guys.

ADDED ONE LAST TIME: It's working now. Thank you!

« : April 21, 2010, 02:49:56 PM Janine Dee »

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : April 21, 2010, 03:05:27 PM »

Congratulations girls for more fun!
But slowly I am little jealous - more and more updates for you and none for 3some, mm and for fm. Maybe I have to become a homo girl? I could go to the doc and ask for an operation ;)

Have fun friends,
Lover, the patronizing

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #2 : April 21, 2010, 03:16:51 PM »

Bah  :P We've got nine now, you've got what 12-15 plus foreplay.  :D You've still got awhile before you can be jealous.

And this one...I'm  thinking about it it's probably better you guys can't do this one... we can replace a damaged shaft much easier.  ;)

To the development team, hold your heads high. You had two lesbians in bed praising your efforts.  ;D

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel

« #3 : April 21, 2010, 05:47:33 PM »

Hmmm...interesting.  When I just logged in I did not get the update.  What's going on?  I complained about this with the last update.  With that one, I could not even log in at all.  I got the message that my software was out of date and to close the client to get auto-upgraded. I did that a number of times and it didn't work, so I had to uninstall AChat and re-install it to get it to work again.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #4 : April 21, 2010, 07:49:34 PM »

My friend needed to shut the program down a good two to three times before we could make it work, or even make it visible to her in the position selections. It did however work eventually without her having to uninstall and reinstall.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : April 22, 2010, 03:25:20 AM »

Haha, Janine, youre really counting the numbers of positions? And actually you dont know how many we have ;)

Okay, you know you can visit me for a tea or a coffeee, we will count together. Of course without ulterior motives, you know me!

Til we meet again have fun... and don't damage too much :)

Your Lover


« #6 : April 28, 2010, 01:59:45 PM »

Another lesbian update today.  The updates are coming hot & heavy lately!
Come on guys, now let's have some new threesome poses  ;)
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #7 : April 28, 2010, 05:38:54 PM »

I agree with you 100% bobbler, more threesome positions... more F-F-F threesome positions... that WAS what you were talking about right?  ;D

And Lover? I think I've said before... if we found a willing lass we could certainly take turns. ;)

And on TODAY'S update.... thank you for listening, and then exceeding expectations development team! The same amazing technical level while introducing another whole new position, one that I don't remember ever seeing one of us think of.

I would have been quite happy with conversions of M-F and here you are giving me whole new options... thank you very much gentlemen.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel

« #8 : April 28, 2010, 06:43:01 PM »

@ janine:

Nooooo, that is *not* what I was referring to, FFF positions  ;)

And you are right, it's so much better when we don't get conversions of other positions, which is why I like the 2 MMF positions, double handjob and fuck-and-suck, the best.  The conversions are good, and there are some others that I would still like to see, but the originals are better.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #9 : May 01, 2010, 04:12:37 PM »

Okay guys how bout this, MMMF, FFFM or FFFF?  Love the new positions by the way.  Long live the developers. I been looking forward to the new female positions.   But seriously double pen can be done by male, females and shemales(we have one here don't want to exclude).  I notice that the girls are fighting for their position rights but not the gay guys, really they do not have alot at all, its sad.

« #10 : May 02, 2010, 04:00:25 AM »

I'd like to add MMFF to what sinnnn said. Should be really easy to implement using the already existing poses. Personally I'd really like to see two MF pairs in the same room, but options like having one person masturbating while watching the other three would work just fine too.
Then a button for possible partner switching. ;)

« #11 : May 02, 2010, 12:40:31 PM »

MMFF sounds good.
So does MFFF  :o
Hero Member
: 1379

« #12 : May 03, 2010, 06:49:40 AM »

OOPs, MMFF  all the way.   ;D
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #13 : May 03, 2010, 07:46:00 AM »

I'm still not sure how well all four avatars would fit on the screen at the same time.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel

« #14 : May 03, 2010, 09:22:28 AM »

I'm still not sure how well all four avatars would fit on the screen at the same time.

What I imagined was seeing you and your mate up close and the other couple further away, inside the room. For instance, one pair on the bed and the other on that table next to it. Maybe it would be nice with an added camera position or two to look at either pair at your leisure. :)
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