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+  AChat Forum
|-+  Announcements
| |-+  A-Team ask you (Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33)
| | |-+  Procedures for reporting fraud and insults
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: Procedures for reporting fraud and insults  ( 5877 )
: 14

Be respectful

« : July 24, 2017, 03:49:42 AM »

Recently I see some premium and non-premium members who make scams, double or triple accounts, ask money for associations, advertising  etc. Etc.
In these cases, what is the reporting procedure?

Can you open a topic dedicated to reporting with logs and screen pictures?
The purpose is everyone can read and be warned more simply.


Be respectful

« #1 : July 24, 2017, 07:49:30 AM »

Recently I see some premium and non-premium members who make scams, double or triple accounts, ask money for associations, advertising  etc. Etc.
In these cases, what is the reporting procedure?

Can you open a topic dedicated to reporting with logs and screen pictures?
The purpose is everyone can read and be warned more simply.


Visit the The Tattler 2.0

Dear Jhoanna,

it is against the TOS to "flame" Member in Forum with REAL SCREEN NAME.
We had a few post like that ( one side understandably ) but they got edited or even deleted.
But this Forum is for ALL Internet users and not just for Members of Achat.

What you can do is describe the problem "without" the Account name.

And of course, send the chat log to the SUPPORT

Go to website- click on Support - and follow the instructions.
Most time you might get a quick answer depends on how serious the Fraud is.

I know harrasing and bulling and other things are a kind of "SPORT" for some user.

Dont let you freedom be disturbed by them, stay away from them and REPORT to SUPPORT :)

If you want to warn other user for paying for any kind of "service" you can do without telling the Account name.

But there will be always some Ppl who like to get the other to pay there game.

Hope I could help.

Tattler News Magazine :)
: 14

Be respectful

« #2 : July 24, 2017, 01:37:47 PM »

Dear Jhoanna,

it is against the TOS to "flame" Member in Forum with REAL SCREEN NAME.
We had a few post like that ( one side understandably ) but they got edited or even deleted.
But this Forum is for ALL Internet users and not just for Members of Achat.

What you can do is describe the problem "without" the Account name.

And of course, send the chat log to the SUPPORT

Go to website- click on Support - and follow the instructions.
Most time you might get a quick answer depends on how serious the Fraud is.

Ok, thnks for support.

Best regards.

Be respectful
: 14

Be respectful

« #3 : July 27, 2017, 04:43:52 AM »

I Go to website- click on Support  but in the website the support can't  receive the attacment (file log / Screen).

The procedure I followed is:
activate the chat log in the settings of game (Log all chat messages)
make the chat screen whit F12,
open new image whit paint , paste the image and save,
search the chat log ( in windows 10 the path is : C:/Users/your name/AppData/Local/Achat/chatlog.txt),
Open new email for achat support (achat.support@gmail.com),
report the problem,
Insert the image and the log into the e-mail (Attachments),
send the email.

This procedure is correct?

Thnks for support.

« : July 27, 2017, 04:48:02 AM Jhoanna »

Be respectful
Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : July 27, 2017, 09:00:41 AM »

Yes Jhoanna, it's the right way. You also can post the chatlog herein an own topic, but please remove the name before.

: 14

Be respectful

« #5 : July 27, 2017, 11:27:55 AM »

Yes Jhoanna, it's the right way. You also can post the chatlog herein an own topic, but please remove the name before.

Ok, thnks for support.
Best regards.

Be respectful
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