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: Zone for Premium members only  ( 5417 )
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« : December 18, 2017, 10:42:15 AM »

Good day A-chat community! i would like to ask if t here is possibility to make one Zone map only for premium users, it would be great for avoiding some persons who are creating alts for annoying other people, lot of new players come to us and making our life harder with cold invites or standing right in front of us even if we asked them politely to step aside, thank you for your time and thanks for your answers.

It's mostly about ppl like Ciro5 who been banned but he is still creating alts and coming back...

Best regards concerned citizen Fully.
: 7

« #1 : December 18, 2017, 04:38:45 PM »

I've encountered scummy sorts. I'm sure an upset harasser can make your life miserable if they're dedicated enough. But, like trolls, if you ignore them, most gradually get tired, bored and discouraged. What they want is your attention. A pay wall (premium membership) won't slow them down for long.

I'm sure you can think of many negatives to a premium-only area. Two big ones that would keep me away are:
(a) cannot enjoy time with my non-premium friends there; and
(b) cannot meet true newcomers on trial accounts; and
(c) cannot "experiment" with my friends using an alternate personas at a low cost.
Hero Member
: 507

« #2 : December 19, 2017, 12:38:35 AM »

But you could still decide where to go.
So this does not exclude any brave attempt to go to a free for all area. But it would give another option you could feely choose, so I am all for it. Premium Spa for the win.
Your points are not valid as you could stlll go to get harassed but you could avoid it too, which you apparently cannot now.

: 9

« #3 : December 19, 2017, 01:39:28 AM »

so, like I said to you before..
while it's not a -bad- idea... it does leads to a fiery hell-scape of pointlessness.

firstly, you wanna take everyone with a short fuse and cram them into a single room?
.. yeah, great idea. ::)  after a week, it'll be drama central.. and a ghost town shortly after.

..not to mention that this room wouldnt change a damn thing.
the trolls get banned every few days, so they've already got starer prem forever.
they wont even last long enough to hit cut-off and have to do those few clicks to make a new one.

you dont need a hug-box, you need a better block button.
needs to mute the both of you and replace both of you with paper cut-outs.
no yelling, no listening in, no peeping and nothing in your face.
done. easy. good-night.

Jr. Member
: 89

« #4 : December 19, 2017, 02:50:47 AM »

I agree with Corta for a better block button
By the way, i remember the time where i was an ugly and stupid free user rowing hard to engage conversations...
Lest's give to free users a chance to have fun, don't isolate you in a private area. So many lovely peoples deserves to be known!
Trolls are not so difficult to avoid after all!

Hero Member
: 507

« #5 : December 19, 2017, 11:38:58 AM »

From all the multi-player-rooms I fairly only use the poker room. Guess why?
Because it is a pretty idiot free zone. And guess why?
Because it is not open for freebies.
Concept proven.

I don't have a short fuse. I simply don't want to waste my precious time with crappy trolling idiots. Who ever likes could still do. Therefore there's no sense to argue against an option for those who don't.

Spa for the win!

I won't mind a kill switch or mute button for trolls though.

And yes, I am pretty well aware not every freebie is a crappy trolling idiot. But the other way around almost entirely.
So I'd like to have the option to choose where to go to if this would be a prem-only-MP. All for it!
If it would be like beach volley ball it would be azome!


« #6 : December 20, 2017, 02:23:23 AM »

From all the multi-player-rooms I fairly only use the poker room. Guess why?
Because it is a pretty idiot free zone. And guess why?
Because it is not open for freebies.
Concept proven.

I don't have a short fuse. I simply don't want to waste my precious time with crappy trolling idiots. Who ever likes could still do.

I won't mind a kill switch or mute button for trolls though.

And yes, I am pretty well aware not every freebie is a crappy trolling idiot. But the other way around almost entirely.
So I'd like to have the option to choose where to go to if this would be a prem-only-MP. All for it!

Total agree with you.
Me....I would like to have my own guest room. Bar,beach,city what ever from the rooms.
But only I can invite ppl to come in and join.
Up to max 20 players for party.
It makes no matter if free or premium as long the owner of room invited......he got power to lock you out too.
But that's a dream.

You cant change others!
A freak or Troll stays that.
If you cant trust a player about his mind....and way of playing.....step back.

This is better than any privat room.

You all have that kind of game fun you like

And happy holliday.
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