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: what changes needed to be done
bring public sex back   -8 (33.3%)
public sex only with WG   -0 (0%)
fix min amount to hire WG   -0 (0%)
get old night settings back?   -5 (20.8%)
just do anything to make night alive again   -11 (45.8%)
: 24

: 25

« : August 15, 2017, 04:53:34 PM »

Ever since achat updated night street and restricted public sex in it no one is visiting it anymore.atleast public sex with working girls should be allowed other wise the room will die.please help me by supporting and getting night street back to life

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #1 : August 15, 2017, 05:02:07 PM »

Bring public sex back.

Its sad to see it empty all the time.  Least people have the option of  dancing and integrating then, which will no doubt lead to invites.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 25

« #2 : August 15, 2017, 05:11:40 PM »

thanks vaughan for supporting me..hope we will see some changes soon to night street...

: 8

Crave the Maeve, baby!

« #3 : August 15, 2017, 05:17:44 PM »

I agree. I go there often to try to make myself some a$, but I always end up standing there for hours, with nobody coming in.

: 25

« #4 : August 15, 2017, 05:19:29 PM »

exactly i am also facing same problem..hope its sorted out soon..

Hero Member
: 1379

« #5 : August 16, 2017, 04:34:55 AM »

  The problem is that no one is prepared to pay if they can get it for free.

  The amount of free users that go there is huge, massive even. They have no money for you or themselves.  They are wasting your time. 

  Another thing has occurred to me too.  I've been there, (behind the glass for a laugh) and the working girls were all new (day started 14 / 15th Aug 2017).  Because of the problem and massive drama involving multiple accounts, this kind of asks questions about who they are.  If clients and the other true working girls don't care about this, fine.  But, in my opinion, it's suspicious.

  Public sex is again, only my opinion here folks, not as good as it should be.  The speed cannot be changed.  (I know, I think this would be impossible to implement) but, also, there is no Cum-Shot.  But if you are only using it for dancing to get acquainted then there's no problem.

  So,  how do you sort this out ?  How do you make it better ?   I don't know.  Bringing back public sex or even the ability to just dance might be a solution but, it still won't get rid of the people who don't have any money for you. (Time Wasters).

  Maybe one hard ass solution would be to not allow clients in who don't have any (Say minimum of 200 - 300 $).  But then No one would enter.

  I've just been there.  No one is there but, I have noticed something above the text box.

  What's the For all button for.  To me it doesn't do anything.  I've tried talking to someone out of range and then clicking "For All" instead of send but no one replies.

: 25

« #6 : August 16, 2017, 04:55:57 PM »

yea something needss to be done and thanks for ur concern and hope something is done real quick and we get a better night street soon..

: 12

I, me and myself dont always agree

« #7 : December 18, 2017, 04:20:50 PM »

I have to say, I don't like public sex in the other cities, nor do I partake in this action, But if public sex etc is allowed, the first place it should be is the night city, its a red light district, bring it back, maybe so many beds wont appear in front of me in the other cities then lol. But in all seriousness, I certainly support this request, why have a red light district if the people there can not enjoy it?

:) Davina :)
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