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: Sami's magical list of ideas for achat  ( 3784 )
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I love unicorns :P

« : April 26, 2017, 10:33:46 AM »

Hey there everyone, I just had a few ideas for the game, Feel free to add anything or provide feedback towards my ideas :) I will update this post as I think of more, Thanks for reading :)!

1: If possible add a "Are you sure" window with "Yes or no" option when removing a friend.
Reason: It is very easy to accidentally remove someone from your friends list by mistake.

2: Don't know if this is possible or not but it would be really nice if there was a way to chat with friends on a mobile app, Sometimes I find myself wanting to chat with someone but can't unless I'm at home.
Reason: Chat with friends while not in game on mobile app.

3: Group size should be increased to 4 - 5, Sometimes it's nice to room with a few friends to chat privately, Sex wise 3 people isn't much of a group :p

That's it for now, Thanks again for reading xoxox

« : April 26, 2017, 11:19:02 AM samisweetie »
: 14

« #1 : December 02, 2017, 03:08:48 PM »

I agree with number 1 totally, I lost a very good friend because i accidentally deleted them.  It really does need to be a 2 stage system to delete someone from your list to prevent accidents. 
Hero Member
: 507

« #2 : December 03, 2017, 03:36:35 AM »

A popup before finally terminating a relation would be a great advantage. Using a touchpad frequently, I managed too, accidently hitting the broken heart buttom.

But I faced never problems to explain that it was done by mistake and renew the relations accordingly. I wonder what kind of "very good friend" would not forgive an event like this. In fact, someone who would not except my excuse and instead prefers to take this chance to get rid of me would not keep my crying for long.

: 1

« #3 : December 04, 2017, 02:08:48 PM »

I really like the idea of a mobile chat and increasing the group size.
: [1]  
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