Hey there everyone, I just had a few ideas for the game, Feel free to add anything or provide feedback towards my ideas

I will update this post as I think of more, Thanks for reading

1: If possible add a "Are you sure" window with "Yes or no" option when removing a friend.
Reason: It is very easy to accidentally remove someone from your friends list by mistake.
2: Don't know if this is possible or not but it would be really nice if there was a way to chat with friends on a mobile app, Sometimes I find myself wanting to chat with someone but can't unless I'm at home.
Reason: Chat with friends while not in game on mobile app.
3: Group size should be increased to 4 - 5, Sometimes it's nice to room with a few friends to chat privately, Sex wise 3 people isn't much of a group :p
That's it for now, Thanks again for reading xoxox