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: Bullying  ( 15723 )
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MSN Messenger - gonzalez.richard50@yahoo.com AOL Instant Messenger - 859+Crownwood+Dr
« : January 01, 2018, 08:23:05 AM »

Its sad when you go in a room(city)  and people( ritajean, cara, etc) try to control a room and chasing people( new members)  out.  And then assuming you they are there to start trouble . There's a line of people stopping you from going down the street and if you cross the line they give you trouble. I'm not Sezawolf's subboy I find it rude and inproper, I 'm a paid member  of Achat like everyone else. It's not right for people and no one has the right to tell me what room i can or can not be in.
« : January 01, 2018, 08:36:43 AM lickyman »
Hero Member
: 507

« #1 : January 01, 2018, 10:16:31 AM »

Welcome and a happy New Year first of all.

Bullying is met always and everywhere. It seems to be a great game for some. Destructive, but anyway a game.
Most times bully's egos are so low that they need to boost it with bulling others in order to feel superior.
Uhhh, lame!
Taking this into consideration you may even argue, who is the victim or loser in this game actually. I'd say everyone involved.

However, namedropping does not help it anyway. Whether ist Jean or Jane or Bill or Bob does not matter. Unless you actually plan to report to an authority names shouldn't matter.

What matters is, that it is a game. And what makes a game work, no matty how shitty it is?
Players who act according to the game's rules, right?
So if you don't like the game, fuck it. Don't apply to their rules and give a shit.

If someone tries to spoil your mood and make you get upset, just don't. Don't get your mood spoiled, just ignore. Don't act the way, they want you to act. Like freaking out and complaining. This will soon let their interest drop down to zero. If someone is looking for a victim, don't become a victim.

Here are people around who like to have fun. Who understand that any relation or interaction between people is about to elevate. Yourself and others same time. To have fun. Not make fun of someone else but together with. Constructive, cheerful people who understand that making others feel better and giving them a good time elevates themself into having an awesome time too.

Find those persons and enjoy a good time and a good spirit. That's the best advice I can give.

« : January 01, 2018, 10:25:11 AM Pandorra »

: 2

MSN Messenger - gonzalez.richard50@yahoo.com AOL Instant Messenger - 859+Crownwood+Dr
« #2 : January 01, 2018, 10:29:24 AM »

happy New Year to all,
  Yes i understand Name calling is a childest way of  upsetting people as my self.  but  name dropping  i bear to differ on that for makes others aware of whom is doing the bulling. So your saying they are playing by the game rules huh?
Hero Member
: 507

« #3 : January 01, 2018, 12:18:21 PM »

Sure they do. It's their bully game's rules though, not AChat's. Don't mix that one up.

What do you achieve with name dropping?

Anyone who is not dumber as cucumber will anyhow find out who is a bully and who not. Do you think you could prevent anything?
You give credit to a bully first of all.

I like to say, whenever you point your finger at someone, you point three at yourself.

Jr. Member
: 89

« #4 : January 01, 2018, 12:39:39 PM »

"I like to say, whenever you point your finger at someone, you point three at yourself!"
Yes that's all we can say bout "fucky" names.
Well lickyman, let's say your keyboard is haunted....
have fun in game anyway and good luck luckyman!

: 5

« #5 : August 09, 2019, 03:03:40 PM »

This is still a thing tho.

Dont gonna say a name but i guess everyone knows anyway.

She acting like that place is hers and everytime someone is standing there and she dont like them she start telling him to go away that he is not wanted there like its here place.


And everytime if you start normal discussion she blocks you so you are the bad one and then she tell to others how you are the bad one and you are looking for troubles etc.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #6 : August 11, 2019, 12:53:58 PM »

  Report this person to Support.

  Keep chat logs for proof.

: 8

« #7 : December 12, 2019, 04:45:27 AM »

I disagree with Pandora, name dropping is the ONLY thing you can do on a game like this. If you start screeching at me in meeting place you better believe I'm not leaving your name out of it when I tell everyone about how some bitch wouldn't stop using transphobic slurrs.
« : December 12, 2019, 04:56:27 AM Eden »
: 13

« #8 : December 22, 2019, 12:31:50 PM »

To all the souls who feel they have been bullied...I feel for you....I try and bring love and harmony here..but there are those who think they own the world here...you have mentioned a few.......this is a forum for all....and we should treat each other kindly....no reason to be a bully....what....you feel proud you can be a bully in a virtual world......oh....hmm...thinking...you are more of a pussy to act this way!  Anyone with bullying issues....bring them to me and I will try and talk to the person if you like.  There is no need for this here....we are I hope...all adults! 
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #9 : December 24, 2019, 01:06:00 PM »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2178

« #10 : August 09, 2020, 11:07:08 AM »

First take screenshots of the entire conversation and send them to support.  After that, I think this is the perfect place to name names of a bully.  Why not?  Best be sure to have proof though.  Screenshot the conversations and post them.  Let the screenshots tell the story.

Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« #11 : August 26, 2020, 09:52:38 AM »

It's a shame I have to post this, but I think it needs to be aired in public.

Several days ago I met a new member...5 minutes old, he told me. I offered to answer any questions he may have, linked him to the Advice for Newcomers in this forum and tried to generally be helpful. I just do it, and wish more would. I remember when I first joined...being ignored by people who think they're somehow superior because they've been here a while made the place even more daunting than being a "newbie". We were all noobs at one time. and should remember that. No one is better or more important than anyone else here.

I met the same guy earlier today in the public spaces and stopped to ask how he was getting on.
He told me he'd been bullied by several members, who's length of time here should mean they'd know better. Apparently he'd had an experience of a guy being rude, name calling/insults...and hit back, understandably perhaps.

What is annoying is that since then he's been abused by friends of the guy to the point where his enjoyment of Achat has faded considerably.
The people doing the bullying have been named previously in this thread, so I'll not do so again. Though I've no qualms whatever about doing so.
Apparently they told him that they "know people" and were going to get him banned.
I wonder what people it is they know? Or are they just full of shit and self-importance?
I'm tempted to opt for the latter.

I advised the guy, who is now in my Friend list, to just Iggy them all and stay away, though advice like that should never need to be given.

I'd like anyone reading this to spare a thought for new members and help out if and when possible, and if you see any bullying...post it here, name and shame.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #12 : August 26, 2020, 12:40:11 PM »

Ugh....I posted a reply and it did not show ....So here I go again.  analetta THIS type of behavior infuriates me!!  How DARE they treat people this way?!! 

Trust me, I am sure they don't know anyone.  If they are so worried about being banned they need to make threats then they do not know anyone except other bullies.

I remember my first day in a public room and it was intimidating even with V, a long term member, at my side.  I knew he'd not let anyone disrespect me and it was still a bit intimidating.  New people add life to the game.  Meeting new people is why we are all here.  The type of people you mention BORE me.  Shame on them!!

Tell your friend that if he should see V or myself out and about to please say hello and introduce himself.  We both have zero tolerance for disrespect and mean.  We have no issue with standing at his side in front of these people.

If he does not know how to take screenshots he needs to learn AND not hesitate to submit a report.  If it happens in front of us we will do the same.


Hero Member
: 2178

« #13 : February 10, 2021, 09:11:27 AM »

First take screenshots of the entire conversation and send them to support.  After that, I think this is the perfect place to name names of a bully.  Why not?  Best be sure to have proof though.  Screenshot the conversations and post them.  Let the screenshots tell the story.

Take screenshots of ANY and ALL bullying/harassment and send to ACHAT Support.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #14 : February 10, 2021, 09:24:38 AM »

Tell Achat Support. It is right next to the "Shop"  on the menu bar at the top of this page.

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