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: From him to Her....  ( 29236 )
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: 671

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« #30 : April 01, 2018, 01:16:22 AM »

My dear....

At times I can't find the words to say what I mean, so writing it down when I think about it helps me to get my point across. All I know is that you are someone I want to spend time with and have fun with, someone I want to get to know better.

I don't know quite what it is about you that is so special, but I hope in some way I make you feel it too. Being in a new relationship is always a little awkward to me at first. I guess I am a little shy and lack self-confidence. Since meeting you, though, I find myself smiling more often. I actually feel more cheerful first thing in the morning, which is a new thing for me.

I love to talk with you. You come to the point quickly, but you're funny, too. We don't see each other that often, but that's what keeps it interesting.

Anyway, I just felt like letting you know that I am thinking of you.

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #31 : April 03, 2018, 12:15:02 PM »

My dear....

Hey you, girl of my dreams. I hope you know you are the girl for me. I mean it.
You fill my virtual life with value. ;D Feeling you passion is the most precious thing in the world. It is the best thing I have ever felt. I think about us every day, holding you, not saying a word, not having to. Doing things we love"winks", not a thought or worry in the world.
Playing a game here with our life being complete, holding and feeling everything in the world right next to me.
Touching me, perfect, pure, effortless happiness.  :oKnowing we don't need anything more. I picture this all the time, and it reminds me to never let our feelings die. It shows me that dreams are possible. Worries aren't necessary, and that I don't need to pass away to be in heaven. Since the moment I laid my eyes on you I made a promise to never lose you, to fulfill every dream you've dreamt, to fill in all your blanks, to be the one thing that will stick with you through anything and every life through at you; and I promised to care for you every moment I was given in this virtual life with you, and a promise to love you past death,  :-Xto never allow anything in this world to end this feeling, and to never forget you, through life and death, and into the next. I could never put in words how much you mean to me, but I can always feel it. For as long as you live I will give and live my life for you. You'll never need to look further, never need ask the question, I'll be there.

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #32 : April 04, 2018, 01:58:16 PM »

My dear....

There are so many reasons why you are the girl of my dreams. You are the sweetest, most loving girl I have ever met. You are intelligent and you throw your fancy physics terms at me every chance you get. You never cease to amaze me. You are just simply wonderful.

Our friendship is by far the best relationship I have ever had. It is full of so much care, laughter, and happiness. Our friendship is real. I never knew what caring was until you came into my life. You have seen me on my best days and on my worst days. You have been through my constant mood swings and the times that I can't seem to shut up. You have been through my mistakes and through my successes. You have seen my flaws and you been there anyway.  I have no idea how you manage to put up with my persistence butt, but you are one strong girl and I care for you more and more everyday because of it.

It amazes me to think that there was a time when you were not in my life. How in the world did I even function on a daily basis without you? When I look back, you have only been apart of me for a short amount of time, but when I look forward into the future, you are all I see. I see you being the most amazing girl a guy could ever ask for. I just do not know what it is about you that makes me think this way, but I am so glad you do.

You are my world and if I were to ever lose you, I do not know what would happen to me. Through all of the fights and the tears. You are my better half. You are the reason why I listen to love songs on a daily basis. You inspire me to be a better person and you brighten up my life in ways that I never could have imagined. I look forward to walking beside you into the future and I hope we never forget the memories we have made together. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you more than words will ever be able to express.

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #33 : April 05, 2018, 07:27:07 AM »

My dear....

What a wonderful beginning to my life! It began a few weeks ago ---  me finding you.
The feelings that I've felt for you all along begin to resurface. Only this time, I am free
to act on them without fear of upsetting anyone.
Thank you,. What more can a man say to the woman who opened her heart to him last
night, allowing me to feel the warmth of your love across the great distance that separates
us. You truly have no idea what I feel for you....
I try to put this feeling into words, but fail miserably. The feeling of being both scared and
at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is feeling that I have only dreamed
about. As the days continue to pass, my feelings for you continue to grow. I never thought
I had the capacity to care about anybody as much as I care about you right now. Yet, my
feelings for you continues to mature, growing beyond the realm of my heart. It seems that
you have become the fiber of my soul, the reason for my existence.
I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions could
even come close. I believe that Ronald Regan said it best to Nancy in a letter. telling her
only that, "I more than love you, Angel".

From me....


Hero Member
: 671

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« #34 : April 06, 2018, 10:51:50 AM »

My dear....

Whenever we are apart, I am constantly thinking of you. It is crazy how every little thing can remind me of you. Your smile, your laugh are never far from my thoughts. I can imagine the touch of your hand as though you are right here sitting next to me. No matter how far apart we are, you are always in my heart and in my thoughts, and your name is always on the edge of my lips. Your presence in a room/meeting place makes my light feel so much lighter and my heart yearns for you when you are far away from me. Now that we are miles apart, I cannot wait until i see you agian. I will never want to leave your side.

Yours always....

From me....
« : April 06, 2018, 11:13:29 AM Honeybatcher »

Hero Member
: 671

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« #35 : April 09, 2018, 03:48:23 AM »

My dear....

My heart is just overflowing with joy.I had the most wonderful time with you.
I think that you are an AMAZING woman. Why? Your look warms my heart.
Your touch makes it quiver. Being close to you fills my heart with contentment.

Touching and caressing you, in completely innocent ways, comforts me and my
heart. Feeling your gentle touch on my lips made me feel desired. Feeling you
gently touch my face made me feel loved. Gently touching your face filled me
with an ever increasing longing for you.

I think that we have been brought together at this time in our lives for
something very special. I can't wait to explore what life has in store for us.

With warmth & longing...

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #36 : April 10, 2018, 02:08:27 AM »

My dear....

From the moment I first saw you I knew that we were going to have something special. It was just how when we came together, we found ourselves in our own world. I feel like the words I say to you are so much more real than anything I’ve ever said to anyone else. You put color into my world. I feel like I’ve become a better person because of you, better able to love and care for other people in my life. You are so inspiring and it’s always too long until I see you again. I care about you more everyday....

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #37 : April 11, 2018, 07:39:14 AM »

My dear....

I know we don't get to talk or see each other as much as I want to, but being apart for now doesn't change the way I feel about you. Sure I'm lonely, and sometimes I'm overwhelmed with this emptiness in my heart. Just remember that I care about you and everything about you makes my heart beat a little faster. That's what gets me through every minute of every day that I'm without you. Angel, you don't know what I would give to kiss your lips, feel your touch, or even just to be with you. I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress. I have never cared about anyone as much as I care about you.

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #38 : April 12, 2018, 01:43:00 AM »

My dear....

I don't care if you forget our first kiss or our first date, just as long as you remember that I love you with every aching bone in my body and always will, no matter what. Having you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I care about you and that will never change.

From me....

P.S: I have a surprise when i reach 1000 views :-*

Hero Member
: 671

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« #39 : April 12, 2018, 10:42:31 AM »

Hero Member
: 671

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« #40 : April 12, 2018, 10:44:07 AM »

Hero Member
: 671

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« #41 : April 14, 2018, 01:12:28 AM »

My dear....

I´ve been looking for you again and still I cannot find you. My eyes wander off in the blue sea and in the silky mantel of the sky on our little Island in search of a glimpse of your eyes, a glimpse of your much needed presence...
Everything blue in this world reminds me of your sweet, deep eyes. I miss you more and more with every memory of you, at all times, but more so when I´m feeling lonely and distant.
The love I feel for you is honest and true, in the exact same proportion as the sea is deep and the sky is infinite. And the immense, empty galactic space is the dimension of how much I miss you.
I wish I were a God and I wish I could gather all the pleasures that I take from your presence... I wish I could gather in my soul all the affection with which you strengthen me and I wish you would never deprive me of your big smile and those amazing blue eyes of yours that always seem to have the ability to warm up and calm my heart.
I need to see you again fast. I need our eyes to meet so I can see the magic, the truth and the affection reflected in those kind, beautiful eyes of yours.

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #42 : April 16, 2018, 08:54:32 AM »

My dear....

If I could ask for a wish right now, I would ask to never be far from you because missing you is a terrible feeling and the noble and wonderful feeling of being happy is just translated into absence and sadness.
Having you near, looking into your eyes, your skin and your lips touching mine - those are the things that make me feel truly happy. And what makes me the saddest is not having your near, not feeling the warmth of your arms and the comfort of your shoulder, not feeling the joyful sound, not feeling the thrilling touch of your hands in my hair and the glow of your presence wherever you are.
If I could ask for a wish right now, I would ask for us never to be apart because when you are near, all my other wishes immediately come true! Having you close by is all I need to be happy!
So, my love, come back soon and promise me you will never make me go through such suffering again, because missing someone who is absent is the saddest feeling of all...

From me....

Hero Member
: 671

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« #43 : April 16, 2018, 04:27:07 PM »

Hero Member
: 671

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« #44 : April 17, 2018, 05:30:15 AM »

My dear....

I told you sometime ago that I knew someone who was interested in you. You were curious but, at the same time, you didn`t seem very keen to find out who that person might be. You told me back then that you were taking some time for yourself and that you wanted to be on your own for a while...
I did insist on this matter several times and I`ve repeated my `alert` about this person who would like to be closer to you, much closer, and who wanted you to be much more than just a friend - this person would like you to be his girlfriend, his partner...
This person has always dreamt of holding you, kissing you, feeling the warmth of your body on his chest, your breath on his lips, but having a discreet nature, he has always disguised his feelings to the very limit.
But now, I can`t keep hiding his name anymore. It has become impossible to hide the one who is truly in love with you and would really like to have you as his girlfriend and partner forever; that someone who has been close enough to you to notice how beautiful and adorable you are!
My Angel, the person - is me! I hope this confession won`t scare you off. I leave you with an affectionate kiss.

From me....

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