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: Trying to create items for the store.  ( 5109 )
: 2

« : July 07, 2018, 04:56:02 PM »

Hello Everybody!!  Recently, i came across this Site and checked it out and decided to add this to my existing portfolio and income. I have experience creating content and selling it on sites like DAZ3D, Renderotica as well as the Reallusion iClone store. This is my forst attempt in year of creating stuff with a limited set of tools and i do hope to contribute to the site as well as the community and game. Here is a halfhearted attempt at skinning one of the outfits using the clothing editor, hope you like it and if any of the seasoned content creators have advice, critiques or just want to chime in, please do. Thanks!

: 13

« #1 : July 15, 2018, 07:32:06 PM »

read all the stuff achat put out to developers and then send in your dress with a height map and wait for answer
then bug them again after a few weeks
The maps here are nasty so have fun :)
They pay in ACHAT$  ;D Not sure if it is possable to get the money out anymore
: 2

« #2 : July 16, 2018, 09:17:42 PM »

Thank you so much for the reply J. I appreciate it.
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