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: R.I.P. Auswoody  ( 10457 )
Hero Member
: 1600

« : August 31, 2018, 12:09:40 AM »

With a heavy heart I must covey some bad news. Auswoody an active member of the Achat  community has passed away. He dropped out of sight in early April of this year. As he had told me in March that he was in the process of moving into a new home, I was not concerned at 1st. But as the months passed both my spouse Stone and myself grew more concerned as it was not like him to absent for so long. Earlier this month we decided to send him a card to his home address in Australia. Today Stone received an email from his ex-wife saying

 “Sadly he passed away peacefully in hospital on 7 April 2018 with his loved daughter Katrina Lorraine present.”
“I am sorry to convey this bad news.”
“I knew how much his online life meant to him.”
“Best wishes”
“Teresa” (ex-wife and long-term friend with ups and downs)

I met Woody ( as we called him ) at the Achat Town Square, a 2nd party chat room Woody had helped to set up. This was before Achat had  meeting places and was a great place to chat with fellow Achatters  in a group situation. I liked him for the get go and really enjoyed his company. We are the same age and shared many interests Books, Music, Movies, etc.

Woody was active on this forum during the glory days of this place. He ran the very fun Formula one pool events for several years.
Woody could be ruff and gruff at times and had zero tolerance for bullshit drama and bully behavior and moderated the Square chatroom diligently and with fairness. I have spent more hours than I would like to count visiting with him and talking about everything under the sun.

Woody was an 80s biker who had led a wild life but had settled down, retired and spent his days tinkering with motorcycles and cars and spending quality time with the real love of his life, his 2 grandsons.

Woody was a one of a kind, one of God’s prototypes not meant for mass production and I will miss him.     

Hero Member
: 785

« #1 : August 31, 2018, 01:06:09 AM »

So sad to hear... RIP Woody :(

Banner By Martinus
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #2 : August 31, 2018, 05:13:21 AM »

I'm shocked  and  send  condolences to his family and friends.

Blowin' In The Wind -Bob Dylan   -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G58XWF6B3AA

Give them Hell in Heaven Woody.   RIP  Bloke.  It was good to have met and on occasions sparred with you.
Knucks and Respect.

In Memory of AusWoody -  Passed away 2018. Valued member of Achat & other game.
Please give him 5 star ratings on Literotica for his stories.  His legacy to us.

AusWoody -   https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=2047115&page=submissions
« : August 31, 2018, 05:34:17 AM Vaughan »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #3 : August 31, 2018, 07:13:35 AM »

WoW, Thanks Jayc for this shocking news, i have goosebumps all over me.....

When I met Mick he was an disturb old man that always spoke his mind, he told me how to get allong with people and how to deal with people on the game he hate it when people fucked in public....Said they like Animals.
Brandee was always the one to calm him down and never had a doubt that the wise old man would be such an inspiration to how I play the game today. He told me if something is bothering you, you need to get it of your chest...cause your chest is made for a woman's head not troubles! Mick was one of my frist friends i made on achat cause like Jayc said he was always here, and if he wasn't here he was fucking Panda around in the Square...we had great fun there to!
I didn't even notice that you where not on Facebook anymore, i always loved your post, you really was like a Dad to me in this place, i know allot have been left un-done. but i know we will meet again someday!
You said "98% of all Harleys ever sold are still on the road. The other 2% made it home." Well i'm glad we all had the opportunity to know a legend...
R.I.P my Friend

Hero Member
: 507

« #4 : August 31, 2018, 07:13:43 AM »

This is sad news.
I hope it is, as he would like it to be and he's looking back as he presumed, yelling: "Hell, what a ride!"

Jr. Member
: 52

« #5 : August 31, 2018, 04:19:01 PM »

 :( :( :( :( :( :(

So sorry to hear this news ..my condolences to everyone .. he was a good guy .. so sorry to hear of his loss .

Thoughts with you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amethyst
: 38

Use it or lose it, dearie

« #6 : August 31, 2018, 10:44:20 PM »

He was a good soul. Hope that soul is at peace on his Harley in the heavens.
Jr. Member
: 63

« #7 : September 02, 2018, 06:31:22 AM »

Sure He is - R.I.P. Auswoody

He was a good soul. Hope that soul is at peace on his Harley in the heavens.


« #8 : September 04, 2018, 08:54:36 AM »

NOOOOO, this not what I came looking for.

NOT what I had hoped to find… not the words I wanted to see when sneaking into a forum I abandoned months ago looking for anything from another.

This news of Woody’s passing hits me hard at a particularly vulnerable time. Already struggling with thoughts n feelings of abandoning people I called friend. People I care for, connected with. People like Mick… who I failed to continue corresponding with, thinking there would be time to reply later. Never considering those would be his last words. OUR last words. Left wondering about the “what if’s”, feeling pretty self-loathing atm, a hypocrite. Damn my wiring, my all or nothing ways.

Anyone who visited this forum over the last two years knows of my feelings for Andrea, a few of you might know of my special feelings for Justin, Zoe and Pan… but I don’t think anyone here other than Andrea knows of my feelings for Mick, unless he shared them with you.
I first met Woody in this forum… where I met all that were closest to me in this world. Enjoyed playing his games, especially the F1 Race, though I knew nothing of the sport. Always flirting & bribing him (Pythia) with extra A$$... not that it ever got me a better driver but always made me smile, having fun.

When we first met it was a turbulent time for him back in 2016; first there was some BIG “disagreement” going on within the forum which as a Newbie I knew nothing about but followed the posts and we shared PM’s. Afterwards, it was “good intentions, bad idea” the doomed Beauty contest accompanied with its drama and hurtful accusations. Sure, Woody survived it all. But even though I did not know him then as well as I would… I sensed it wore on him. Convictions come at a cost. Throughout it all we became friends.
Though we “hit” it off from our beginnings, having our fun in the forum and Winter meeting place it was not until we both shared similar significant RL events that we would become “REAL” friends. Both surviving catastrophic floods, only I was able to rebuild my home, he was not. That too took a LOT out of him and he had already pretty much used up all his 9 lives.

Yes, Woody could be stubborn in his views and gruff too. He had his ways and convictions, just as we all do, perhaps less compromising than most. But he was a MAN of his WORD. You always knew where you stood. No BS, no drama, just his unfiltered thoughts n feelings. He was fearless in “his” truth. I admired that in him.

For most… all you have to do is read Mick’s forum Siggy / Sign-off…. says it ALL about the MAN.

“Mean what I say… Say what I Mean”

And of course….

“The object of life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body but rather to skid in sideways totally worn out, shouting…..

“ HOLY SHIT. What a RIDE  !!! “

BUT just because we were friends didn’t mean we always agreed. Especially when it concerned a mutual friend and their fallout. Woody held those he cared about to a higher standard than “acquaintances”, expected more from his friends Just like a parent would. But convictions come at a cost, tested our metal… but throughout it all we could disagree as adults, remaining friends. 

And that is what Mick and I were… friends. Yes, we roomed. No, we never had pixelated sex. Our intimacy was in the words we shared and the thoughts n feelings revealed to each other. Though I teased n flirted with him often… he always told me NO, sex would only demean what we had. And he was right. Plus, I always kinda felt Woody thought of me as another daughter, very protective.

As tough as he was on the outside to most… I got a chance to see inside his fragile heart. Feel it. Turns out he’s an imposter. A BIG softy inside; caring, loving, protective, helpful. Loyal. And I don’t think Woody would mind me sharing his sorrow over losing “that mutual friend” of ours. Both of them stubborn in their convictions, costing them their friendship. Both good people, I called friends.

And while I have the vault open I will share a couple more “bitty” secrets… one that not even Andrea knows…

My feelings for Woody and trust in him was influential in my budding interest in “Andi” as he always referred to her.  Well, you know how that story goes… budding interest led to infatuation and eventually my addiction to Momma_Andrea. And THAT is all I have to say bout THAT. ;)

Another… I am now just over 8 months Prego and so ready to pop. The moment I learned of this news back in late Jan my entire world changed, as did my interests and was the reason for my sudden withdraw from this world and later the forum. Woody was among a few I shared this news with and my struggles with leaving those here that still live in my heart. His advice to me… “Fuck us all, go have that baby and be happy, we will be here for you when you return.” That was the kinda the person he was. and Andrea IS too, caring enough to make selfless decisions that are in my best interests not theirs. That is real love. I have felt their love, I still feel their love. In my thoughts every day.

So much has changed in my life over the last two years, I am a not the me I was, influenced by both worlds, here and there. By those I keep close to me. Throughout it all i have come to know CHANGE, and the “give” n “take” associated. Convincing me there is a balance, ying/yang, in life’s scheme. Where there is gain, there is also loss. Where there are new paths, old ones are abandoned. Where there is life, there is death. But the spirits energy is eternal. Woody now lives without boundaries, without cares, without pain and thrives in the hearts of those that got to know him.

I have also learned much in the two plus years at Achat, mostly…  it does not take physical interaction to be touched by another. The connection n feelings are just as strong and real. There is no difference for me.

Woody YOU touched my life. We made a connection. YOU won’t be forgotten. I confess I feel regret, wishing I had taken the time to reply to your last email… too caught up in my own RL and never considering it could be your last. Feel like such a hypocrite always preaching to live in the moment. That yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never guaranteed. I should have replied, I don’t get a 2nd chance.

How can someone I never “physically” touched or “saw” with my eyes leave such an impression, leave such a loss? I am learning the hard way these are irrelevant. For me… this is NO game. The consequences are real. As is the sadness… for all those I have lost here.

A Haiku for YOU Michael

Tough n gruff outside
Caring n protective in
That was my Woody

Will miss our dances
Always putting you to sleep
With nonstop chatter

Will miss our chats more
Sharing stories and feelings
Letting me inside

Living a hard life
And burdened with health issues
Never complaining

Living your motto
A life lived on your own terms
A man of your word

Friends, never lovers
Words were our intimacy
Honesty our drug

You touched my spirit
Revealing yourself to me
A connection made

My dear friend Woody
You will not be forgotten
Not anytime soon

Love, Kait
: 10

« #9 : September 05, 2018, 05:20:32 AM »

When I was a newb Woody introduced me to my first "Austrailian Kiss"   hehe.
He was unforgettable.
He was one of those characters that was bigger then life.
I still remember the "good ol days" before iggy when he would block all the nakeys that would come to the corner in winter and try to press themselves against me......you could almost see him kicking their asses......lol
I used to get a kick out of everyone when I would make them turn around after telling them Woody had etched his name on that corner building lol
If anyone could have done it it would have been Woody   :)
He was in so much pain even when I first met him and the mudslide that took his home made things even more traumatic.....but it never stopped him from helping others.....I would never have my banner now if it wasn't for Woody....He will be sorely missed      :(

Hero Member
: 1842

« #10 : September 06, 2018, 05:12:46 AM »

We miss you Woody.   God Bless and keep you safe.
Stone and Jayc

I am thankful for knowing some wonderful friends here.
One of whom was AusWoody.

If anyone has some good pics and screen shots of AusWoody enjoying the game with friends and the forum games he enjoyed. Please send them to me in PM here in forum.
Vaughan has kindly agreed to assist me to a collage of pictures in his memory.

Thanking you all in anticipation.

Stone & Jayc.

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: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #11 : September 09, 2018, 07:19:12 AM »

One last time for old times sake,

I loved doing that to him and he "Hated" it so much he made it part of the square.
Goodbye Woody

Hero Member
: 1842

« #12 : September 15, 2018, 03:41:57 PM »

Remembering all the good times we shared with Woody 

Thank you Vaughan for your creative input.

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #13 : July 16, 2019, 01:52:59 PM »

AusWoody as Mr July 2017  made by GsCougar.   RIP both.

Listing of the Members Interviews in The Achat Tatler

14. AusWoody

AUSWOODYs Interview  by  GsCougar.

1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)

a bit over  4 yrs, a lover on another site introduced me, imvu or australia   ? not clear, for the sex poses now to chat.

2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day

great poses, played with robotgirl

3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?

meeting new people  have made some good friends here

4) Your best memories?

the good old days

5) Your worst memories?

all the dramas of the last 18 months and constant bickering

6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?

the ability to have alts

7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?

not missed  just not answered

8 ) What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?

confidence and personality

9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?


10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words

intelligent, affectionate, sexy, slim and HONEST

11) Describe yourself in 5 words

old fat ugly sick and HONEST

12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?

help me with my premium, like ffs its less than a $ a day if you canty afford that get a fucking job

13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line

none of my pickup l;ines are cheesy  lol

14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)

yes yes yes  yes and run a couple of competitions  and events as well as hosting (owning) achatsquare chat room  (http://achatsquare.chatango.com/)

15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?

be yourself always

Thanks Woody to share


Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
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