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: Can't load a profile picture  ( 17769 )
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« #30 : August 02, 2018, 06:15:48 PM »

Decided to reply here rather than start a new thread since I seem to be having the exact problem!

I upload the image, it seems fine, I see it in the preview, where it asks you to crop it, but when I click to upload the result is nada!

I've already clicked the support thing so just waiting to hear from them, I just thought I would ask if anyone else had this experience and if and how they fixed it.  It's a long shot, but I already tried making the image small, different browsers, etc.  I do have this other account (that I'm phasing out) and in there it still works.

I'll just wait for support to reply but I'm not holding my breath.  I might go back to my old account but was really enjoying my new user name lol
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« #31 : August 03, 2018, 09:18:45 AM »

 :o I have the same problem but forget it... its the best you can do.

More than a year I complained about it and still not working here.
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« #32 : August 03, 2018, 03:04:17 PM »

That sucks! 


I did get a reply today!  My A$ got refunded (I didn't realize how much I'd spent just trying it out lol) and they said they are working on the problem.  Was a faster reply than I expected!  So kudos!

I'll wait for the big update I guess, it's not a super huge deal but it'd be nice to have!

So heads up to anyone with this problem!  Don't keep on trying if it doesn't work the first two times  :D
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