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: Here's the facts. I'm here for filthy fun.  ( 2159 )
: 8

« : January 09, 2019, 08:28:45 PM »

(Fair warning I prefer SS, SF, SSS but unfortunately not really into men. )
 I'm absurdity open minded person who is extremely sensitive to others needs and desperately feel the need to satisfy and fulfill anyone and everyone's needs.

That being said. - Don't be shy on the streets or chats with me, you want it? Take it.-

Small talk is important but if I'm online and not busy, then any and all invites will be accepted right away.

Much love Teggyb1 xoxoxox
« : January 11, 2019, 06:49:11 AM Teggyb1 »

Life's to short for Vanilla.
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