Hi Maturrango,
I really like your initiative on this contest. However, i would like to suggest 2 alterations.
1st as you declare it a ‘most fucked’ contest I would suggest a counter instead of votes. It could work like this:
Every contesting girl changes her Country info into ‘AprilContest=0 - (+ any pers. Info you still want here)‘
example for Paolasexy01: ‘
AprilContest=0 - argentina’
- After every encounter, the inviter adds a vote to the contestant. Means that max votes should be as high as possible.
- After every encounter, the contestant increases her profile 'AprilContest=0' counter by one
If everything goes well both counters should match.
I think the total number would be very interesting. How often can a girl get laid in achat during a month?
Statistics can be fun.

2nd and even more important, the contestants should be getting more recognition other than fame alone.
So instead of each partaker to deposit a sum to one or several judges, we could al award whatever we like to the first, second and third place winners. For instance 300, 200, 100. Or even 100, 75, 50 if your low on cash.
In this manner each partaker is still allowed to gift her or his favorite girl regardless of outcome.
With the amount of partakers, this should make for some nice price money.
What you all think?