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: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE?  ( 47371 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« #30 : August 05, 2020, 04:56:26 AM »

  I'm not an expert on this.  But have you seen these two links ?



  I don't think there is a separate editor to download.

  But I think somewhere on this forum is a guide and I do remember that the format was .png.  I think (and I only think) they're .png because it's a lossless compression unlike .jpg.  But just reading your post again about loading your own height maps.  No idea.  If you haven't read the second link above, it might make more sense to you than me.

  But, if you're not sure ask support.  I'm leaving a message for you as well Ana.
« : August 05, 2020, 05:08:34 AM zuzannah »

Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« #31 : August 05, 2020, 08:38:18 AM »

Thank you Zuz

I have both of those c&p'ed on my clipboard for reference.
I figured that the files had to be png. after a bit of trial and error.
The trouble I've had is that I'm trying to use my own textures and I can't get the sizing right. I don't know if the files have to be a specific size or if what I'm trying to load just won't work with the editor.
Also there's a link on Achat's site regarding jewellery, but the link doesn't work.

I'll keep poking it till it squeals....

Hero Member
: 1379

« #32 : August 05, 2020, 12:55:57 PM »

  If only there was some better instructions or even better, a stand alone editor.

  But there isn't, so, we're screwed.  It's really depressing.  :'(

  I've looked myself and thought forget it. Somewhere on here someone wrote a thread on how to do it, it was a simple first approach and it was pretty good i thought.  But I just can't find it.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #33 : August 09, 2020, 10:38:32 AM »

Ana and Zuz just reading this  now.  Have you tried using Gimp?  I used Gimp for years to create and size my own textures. I found it to be easier than many of the other programs out there and it is free which is always a good thing.

Looking forward to seeing more interesting outfits in updated textures!!

Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« #34 : August 16, 2020, 02:56:41 AM »

Hey Jessi, thank you, I'll give it a try.
I certainly can't do any worse than I have already  lol.

And while I'm in this thread....why can't shemales have tummy tats like the ladies?
In fact, in the big shop at f.a.g  there are ones that say "Body Tattoo"  for F & S with a picture of a tummy. Nowhere does it say that they're solely for female avi's. I bought 2 and am unable to use them where I wanted to... I can only have ithem just above my bottom.
Either make them available to shemales as a belly tattoo, or put some wording on the shop items to warn potential shemale buyers.

Personally, I'd much prefer the former.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #35 : August 16, 2020, 12:16:57 PM »

I used Gimp for my banner.

That's about it.  I just do not understand how to make clothing / textures or anything.  I'm just too stupid to understand it.

I have had a look on some tips on how to do it But, I just can't seem to grasp it unfortunately.
« : August 17, 2020, 09:14:57 AM zuzannah »

: 22

« #36 : August 18, 2020, 01:34:33 PM »

not enough time to say everything I'd like to see, but if I had to pick one thing it be fix the cumshots. I mean its a little off.
: 21

« #37 : September 28, 2020, 08:19:36 PM »

they need to make more body options for breast and ass size id pay for that
Hero Member
: 851


« #38 : October 10, 2020, 05:46:37 AM »

Can we get rid of the level number on the public profile header bar please?

I, and I know others, would much prefer to see an indicator of sexual orientation on a person's public area name bar than the useless level number displayed at present. Say something like  S for Straight, L for Lesbian......you get the idea.
If people want to see a player's level they can click on the avatar and see it in the profile box, though why anyone would be interested in levels I've no idea.

It would be much more useful to know at a glance without the usual preamble whether a person swings the way you do.

Sr. Member
: 323

« #39 : October 11, 2020, 04:47:36 PM »

*Hugz* Sonia... Thanks for bumping this topic.  A pet peeve of mine.  ::)

Many of us voiced our displeasure and concern when this feature was first introduced.

Good intentions but BAD idea.

Preying on the worst in us, feeding only narcissists and bullies. Doing more harm than adding value. IMO. Akin to BUYING votes and vulnerable to exploitation. I also believe this feature and the dissolution of the mods in Forum are the main culprits of the exodus in 2018.

So YES...Please ADD my vote to your "others" list. Time for Achat to repeal this useless feature.

And to be fair... for those that believe it important... move it into the profile section where it belongs... part of the BIO. NOT our shadow, a moniker or billboard or name.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #40 : October 20, 2020, 05:24:23 AM »

This has been mentioned before.

  This was chatted about last night when someone approached us and they were pretty pissed off.

  The subject was F-S poses.  And the unavailability to swap roles.  This person bought poses for this assuming that they would.  So, that's what I would like to see.

  I know, it's impossible but no harm in telling everyone here about it.

Jr. Member
: 67

« #41 : October 21, 2020, 09:41:17 AM »

How about an easy way to friend someone in game?
You can ignore easy enough, so why can't you friend?

: 22

« #42 : November 26, 2020, 12:01:48 AM »

Hello Members!  What is it that YOU want to see....I think there needs to be more of a community here but not sure how that can happen. These are my top things I would like to see happen here....what do YOU think?

1. If you give levels..make them worth something...like level 100 you gate 10 Achat coins or something to show loyalty to the players
2. Hey how about Black Jack too....and maybe make both poker and this worth something to the top player of the day or week
3. Can we have more city options?  Eliminate SUMMER as it seems like a stale location.  Maybe allow members to create their own cities for anyone to come and visit?  That will be build the community spirit here
4. Maybe a Dance room?  Where all can come and hang out and get their dance on?  Just a thought
5. Give better instruction on how we can make clothing...I would love to do this and possibly sell.  There is a big calling for menswear
6. Make more clothes available to men
7. Have a bigger area on your profile so you can write more info if you desire.  You should maybe cut it to 500 words or something but a place where people can tell you a little bit more about who they are or what their desires are
8. Have an area on profile where we can post pictures

I have tons of ideas...but would LOVE to hear from you all....YOU are what makes this place work! :) :) :)

I second all these suggestions.
: 22

« #43 : December 10, 2020, 12:09:01 PM »

Afro haircuts, guys and girls/gurls

« #44 : December 10, 2020, 01:04:20 PM »

Price reduction on clothes and maybe one second hand shop , more body options..ass..breasts...,hot kissing for women  ;)...cheap shoes and boots.... 8)...i want robot options..FF..FFM..etc...
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