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: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE?  ( 47466 )
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #75 : February 27, 2021, 06:24:23 AM »

It's a good quote and usually used when people try and justify their bad manners and behaviour.

The full quote is much better.

It's a pity that wasn't regarded in some other topics.

@ Sonia - Quote  "That is actually hilarious, it really is.
I think you're suffering from short term memory loss."  Unquote.

There is the hostility.  You are laughing at someone's viewpoint and accusing them of memory loss!

Carrying on the discussion ....

Old topics drop back into their own archives by not being posted in. They fall further and further back.
At times, current members wish to bring them forward to post something they feel relevant and the topic comes alive again.
I don't think, that's a bad thing. Older members ideas and views could be just as relevant today as they were back then.

New members can browse and look when they want or have the time.

If they just want to look at the current topics, there are 2 ways.

1. Go into each section and look at the topics listed on the first page.  The ones with the recent posts are listed from the top down. The further back the pages, the older the topic.

As they look, some may get lost or disorientated. There is a simple way, to start again. Under their welcome box at the top of the page is a little red button with "HOME"  on it.
Click that and it takes you back to the Forum Home Page for you to get your bearings again.

2. The other way to see recent posts  is to click on these 2 options by your name.
          Show unread posts since last visit.      OR
          Show new replies to your posts.

If you cant see these options, it is very easy to remedy.  Opposite your name  "Hello ....."    on the right side of the page is the date and a pink square box  with a Plus +  sign or a minus - sign.  Click on this box to show the  - minus sign.  The above options should be seen then.

If anyone needs any help or assistance, just ask any of the active forum members.
Most will be able to help, or if not, they can point you in the direction of someone who can.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 851


« #76 : February 27, 2021, 06:50:21 AM »

Something original that isn't pulled from the web would seem to express similar sentiments far better. In my own opinion, that is.

Don't allow yourself to be condescended to...raise your point and your voice.
Talk to people, but talk from your own standpoint...don't have theirs forced upon you.
Respect is won by those that deserve it and is a gift that must be earned, not expected.

What a very sad world it would be if we all espoused the same viewpoints and were too concerned with others' opinion of ourselves that we didn't have the courage to express ourselves freely and fully, but became bogged down in a morass of sugary artificial sweetness, afraid to have a differing opinion to the masses or those that can shout loudest simply to 'fit in'.

Hero Member
: 846

flecti non frangi

« #77 : February 27, 2021, 07:28:47 AM »

"It's a good quote and usually used when people try and justify their bad manners and behaviour."

Tell me Vaughan, do you think I am trying to justify something ?

I paraphrase an old and wise lady and you have to trump it
by something pulled off the web, the same old meme-machine
which would be a good and apt new name for this forum.

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #78 : February 27, 2021, 07:56:43 AM »

I would love to see a collection of  shirts that tuck into all the trousers, with no gaps showing, and long ties to the waist  in different colours so we can mix and match them with the suits.

A mix of plain pastel and dark shirt colours.

Sets of 1 colour ties but in sets of different shades and patterns.  Similar to this

Maybe the striped white and blue tie could be replaced with a pale blue instead of white.
Maybe the red one could be a dark colour with the Achat motif.

It would give the suits a new lease of life.

« : February 27, 2021, 07:59:06 AM Vaughan »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 46

« #79 : February 28, 2021, 05:11:44 PM »

I'd like to see the ability to change a setting so that people could not send me gifts. I don't appreciate the random gifts people send to get someone's attention. If I intended to pay attention to you I'd already be paying attention to you. Sending me a gift only serves to distract me from the person I am paying attention to. So being able to opt out of receiving gifts would be a welcome change in my opinion.
Hero Member
: 851


« #80 : February 28, 2021, 05:24:53 PM »

Could you send back that ten grand then please DD?
I sent it to you ages ago, but it was never acknowledged because I think you were busy chatting to someone else......  ::)

Seriously though.
I sort of agree. It would be nice to perhaps click a button marked 'Disable Gifts' and that would be that.
Although as time has gone by here my view on the subject has changed.
I used to send the amount back to the person straightaway.
Now I keep it.
If they're fool enough to throw money at random strangers then they obviously have too much of it.

See you soon

Hero Member
: 2178

« #81 : February 28, 2021, 08:35:57 PM »

I'd like to see the ability to change a setting so that people could not send me gifts. I don't appreciate the random gifts people send to get someone's attention. If I intended to pay attention to you I'd already be paying attention to you. Sending me a gift only serves to distract me from the person I am paying attention to. So being able to opt out of receiving gifts would be a welcome change in my opinion.

Agree completely.  I once had to ask support to disable gifts from just one person.  It was a nuisance.

: 46

« #82 : March 02, 2021, 06:39:08 AM »

...Carrying on the discussion ....

Old topics drop back into their own archives by not being posted in. They fall further and further back.
At times, current members wish to bring them forward to post something they feel relevant and the topic comes alive again.
I don't think, that's a bad thing. Older members ideas and views could be just as relevant today as they were back then.

New members can browse and look when they want or have the time.

I thought about this discussion while browsing the forums for a few days.

I have to say that it is just as likely that all of the old posts in a thread are completely irrelevant to the current state of the game. This morning I read a post in a topic about the masturbation pose. In skimming back through previous posts (dating back to 2009), it became apparent that the game had changed enough to make all of the conversation regarding which poses people could ejaculate or squirt in moot. Even if the details were still relevant most of the people who posted their ideas are no longer posting on the forums which means they won't be contributing to the conversation.

In my opinion, there comes a time when a thread is so old that it should die and a new conversation should be started if someone has something new to say about a previously discussed topic. If the intent of this forum is discussion, the people contributing to a thread need to actually be around to discuss their ideas and the ideas being shared should be relevant to the current state of the game.
Hero Member
: 2178

« #83 : March 02, 2021, 07:51:06 PM »

I'd love to see a kiss where hands are on both sides of the face as shown below. 

Hero Member
: 851


« #84 : March 03, 2021, 04:55:45 AM »

I'd like to see the amount of "scenes" or "poses" however you choose to call them, being spread across all genders/orientations far more equally than they are at present.
I realise this has been raised many times before, but is, I feel, worth mentioning so long as there is such a glaring disparity in the provision of poses for all.

I took a quick look through the poses available in the in-game shop and came up with the figures below.
They possibly aren't totally accurate, I may have miscounted slightly (with the exception of FF poses...there are no poses available for me to purchase, so I must have them all) but the figures can't be too inaccurate, and I think speak for themselves.

MF  :  185 poses
MS  :  108 poses
MM  :  18 poses
FF  :  79 poses
FS  :  75 poses
SS  :  30 poses

Considering how often this has been brought up in the past I'm surprised more hasn't been done to redress the imbalances.

: 22

« #85 : March 03, 2021, 12:32:01 PM »

Clothed Female/shemale nude male scenes would be hot #CFNM
Hero Member
: 3856

« #86 : March 07, 2021, 12:35:30 PM »

Sonia your count is reasonably accurate.

To be frank its been a long outstanding debate that has perpetuated from the early days of the sites creation. Originally it was driven by sheer economic models of sexual social sites which were driven by simple facts that  roughly 70% of paying users were male hetero's. Female economics of this site (i.e. clothing, poses)  were driven by the gifting system.

A LOT has changed in the past 12 years, Although I tried do a quick verification I did not find any current statistics (would like seeing them here if one could provide them)

Looking at he disparity solely as FF to MF numbers s to ignore that the MF offers tend to be market tests for the other orientation. If you desire some of those I consider as ridiculous (Head standing BJ) by all means shout your wants.

The MF numbers also include a variety of poses for a wider spectrum of "practices" (i.e. Dominix/submissive actions) which lend to the  inflated disparity. I'll be happy to create an overview list under the appropriate thread (which is needed imo)

Achat has never responded well to generalized criticism. Speak in specifics. What pose do you want created from scratch. What pose do you want adopted. (there are appropriate threads where that should answer should be directed) Give them some time to work into production. I tried years ago to get the FF group  to speak up direct and useful  in directing the developers in a direction of what types of offers they  would appreciate seeing. I have an understanding that dildo action doesn't meet the full needs.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #87 : March 07, 2021, 02:39:15 PM »


We have recently completed quite an in depth study of poses provided in the shop.  Even with M/F poses we found disparages between mall/web shop so will be looking for input from the community. Will post by end of day as you have suggested in an appropriate spot.

Jess & V

Hero Member
: 3856

« #88 : March 07, 2021, 04:28:44 PM »

Well done Jess and V'

Hero Member
: 2178

« #89 : March 07, 2021, 04:39:53 PM »

Thank you Bear! 

We would do a formal count from this but again, as sure as we are of the accuracy of the M/F poses we cannot say the same for the rest because of the differences in the shops.  Others who use the poses will be able to advise us. Once that is complete a more accurate count comparison can be done.

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