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: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE?  ( 47370 )
Hero Member
: 3856

« #90 : March 07, 2021, 05:31:10 PM »

The comment section of the charts are a bit difficult to read.

Having a nice overview of the poses classification in each sexual orientation thread might be helpful to new users.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #91 : March 07, 2021, 05:45:44 PM »

Please explain in PM Bear.  Thanks.

Hero Member
: 851


« #92 : March 07, 2021, 05:46:54 PM »

@ Bear

The count I made, as I stated in my previous post, was from the "in-game" shop only as this is the one which the vast majority of members use because after downloading the "Client" that is the last time that  funnyadultgamesplay  is visited by most members, thinking that the "game" is all there is to Achat.

I highlighted the differences in the numbers of poses not from any desire for myself to see more or less of any particular type...I have no use for them, and have no wish to "shout" for anything other than equality. My post was made because of comments and/or complaints I've heard whilst chatting with other members who are put off making comment in the forum themselves because they are uncertain just which of the 4,430 active threads in which to post in this leviathan of a forum.

Jessi...Your "in depth" study of poses has only covered MF......hardly "in-depth" is it? 
But it does seem to be in line with an attitude that has been present for over 12 years along with the assumption that women don't spend any money.

I'm but the messenger...personally speaking, I've no problems at all with the poses as they are at the moment.
All I spend the money I pump into Achat on is used for clothing and helping new members.

Going forward from here I'll cease to raise any points on other members behalf and solely restrict my forum activity to my own interests and views.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #93 : March 07, 2021, 07:43:24 PM »

@ Bear

The count I made, as I stated in my previous post, was from the "in-game" shop only as this is the one which the vast majority of members use because after downloading the "Client" that is the last time that  funnyadultgamesplay  is visited by most members, thinking that the "game" is all there is to Achat.

I highlighted the differences in the numbers of poses not from any desire for myself to see more or less of any particular type...I have no use for them, and have no wish to "shout" for anything other than equality. My post was made because of comments and/or complaints I've heard whilst chatting with other members who are put off making comment in the forum themselves because they are uncertain just which of the 4,430 active threads in which to post in this leviathan of a forum.

Jessi...Your "in depth" study of poses has only covered MF......hardly "in-depth" is it? 
But it does seem to be in line with an attitude that has been present for over 12 years along with the assumption that women don't spend any money.

I'm but the messenger...personally speaking, I've no problems at all with the poses as they are at the moment.
All I spend the money I pump into Achat on is used for clothing and helping new members.

Going forward from here I'll cease to raise any points on other members behalf and solely restrict my forum activity to my own interests and views.

The "Reviews" ARE from the M/F perspective as that is the only gender mix my spouse and I use.  The pose availability is not dependent on the Review section of the study.

If you are straight Female you cannot access any poses in the mall made for M/M.  If you are straight Male you cannot access any poses created for F/F.  Personally I have NEVER shopped in the game.  It should matter little. But yet it does to some.

We have requested those from the active community do pose reviews for their particular gender mix, post in the relevant "Discussions about sex" > " (Couple) in Achat" section  and send the link to us and we shall add to the sheet.  We look forward to receiving the links and adding them. We have shared the links of the reviews we did for our peer group.

Below is the link to the study. Each pose available for M/M, F/F, S/M, S/F and S/S are noted.  Including, YES, M/F.

Announcements > A-Team ask you > Pose Availability Study ~ Disparages Between the Sexual Orientations

« : March 07, 2021, 07:57:12 PM JessiCapri »

Hero Member
: 1842

« #94 : March 08, 2021, 12:56:36 PM »

Its about time the poses were looked at in closer details and I dont envy you for trying. Its a mammoth task.
Good luck and if you need any help, just PM me.

I am bumping this request up again. I still wnt it and think it would sell very well.

I would love a snuggle in bed pose, like this with the couple in bed with a cover over them and on a pillow.

Of course all variations should be made to suit all couples.
The actions could be the same for each person.

Lazing in bed pose.

1. As shown in pic  - F  lying on M's shoulder
2  M  lying on F's shoulder
3.  M kisses F  forehead
4.  F  kisses M forehead
5.  Holding hands
6.  Hand kissing
7.  F stroking M's hair
8.  M stroking F's hair

I think you get the idea. Can be used to laze in bed and chat or tuck in for bed.

Hero Member
: 846

flecti non frangi

« #95 : March 09, 2021, 10:52:48 AM »

I want to see longer skirts and dresses, in pastel and floral designs, with flat shoes
like slingbacks, sneakers and fancy flip-flops.  Tight leather skirts down to the knee,
bodycon dresses as well as loose skater skirts closer to the knee. 
This has been brought up before numerous times and so it's brought up again with examples.

We already have a mass of tight short skirts and dresses that are "sexy" and show your bits;
we have wings for devils and angels, bunny ears and zombie faces, gimp masks and those
awful clown outfits (sorry I just think they are) .... So there has to be room for sexy long skirts
and dresses that have motion when you walk, tight long skirts are fabulous; and the ability
to have flat feet in flat shoes as any of the men have always done.  It is unfair that women
and shemales have to walk as in heels even without shoes.  It is time to step up
(please excuse the pun) and expand the women's and shemale's wardrobes to include
these clothes.   They are just as sexy as the shorter clothes.

Some examples of what is wanted to show the length of skirt and dress and the types
of flat shoes ... these are not necessarily desired designs but if anyone has examples
of clothes like this they would like to see please post photos of them.

Look, sneakers ...

More sneakers

If you agree with any of this please post your support
and write to support .. the more the merrier and improves
any chances of getting some of these things

: 46

« #96 : March 17, 2021, 10:11:55 AM »

Tift, I agree with your thoughts on clothing and shoes. I've emailed support as well.

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #97 : March 17, 2021, 12:09:53 PM »

Welsh Cilts

Scottish Kilts

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2178

« #98 : March 18, 2021, 04:12:26 PM »

Any one around experienced enough to create new meshes for the new dresses, longer ties and kilts?  The avi maps are available I am sure.  We all know there are extremely gifted and talented people roaming the halls of Achat.

Jr. Member
: 67

« #99 : March 19, 2021, 04:57:18 AM »

Any one around experienced enough to create new meshes for the new dresses, longer ties and kilts?  The avi maps are available I am sure.  We all know there are extremely gifted and talented people roaming the halls of Achat.

I might be wrong, but I think only achat can create new meshes. I'm sure the game runs on a proprietary system and even though there are a lot of good 3D modeling programs out there, i don't think any of them save a file that can be read by the game. In order for meshes to be used there Achat would have to release some kind of converter.

On that note,  I would love to see hats being added to the editor. They exist in the game, as we all know, but right now there is no option to edit them

: 1

« #100 : April 19, 2021, 02:48:04 PM »

Some of these things are mentioned in other replies but here are the main things I would love to see;

1. More non-slutty clothes options.  Being the seductive girl next door can be fun.
2. Ability to take layers of clothes off as things progress. It would be nice to go from street clothes to my bra to nothing.
3. expanded profile option for those that might want to share more about their background, or read about others, and maybe share pictures as well.  Having a sense of someone's background and personality adds a real important dimension. I like to be able to share a photo of myself from time to time, gives my partner something extra to the experience.
4. More options for meeting others naturally as you would at a party.
5. A little more ability to customize avatars to look as close to one's real self as we would like. Particularly (for me anyway) around face details, hair, and breasts/nipples.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #101 : April 20, 2021, 05:10:00 AM »

 Hi milfyvixen,

Welcome to Forum.
You have some great ideas.  Achat do read Forum to get ideas for upgrades and improvements so hopefully will take note.

Keep them coming and please look around and post more.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2178

« #102 : April 21, 2021, 05:29:44 PM »

In the last 52 days my spouse and I have used 180 M/F poses.  That is 3.46 poses used a day for 52 days.

Since starting here at Achat I have continuously been told that having sex helps in increasing your rating.  I am officially calling 'bullshit' on that theory. 

The only thing I've seen increase that number is purchases in the shop.

So please Achat give us a clue as to what truly impacts the rating other than shopping.

Thank you.
« : April 21, 2021, 05:57:01 PM JessiCapri »

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