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: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE?  ( 46382 )
Jr. Member
: 67

« #60 : February 13, 2021, 11:18:10 AM »

I know it's been said before. But at the risk of sounding like the Spice Girls, I'll tell you what  I want, what I really, really want....

Server Stability

It's so annoyin rooming with someone and having to reconnect over and over until one gets frustrated and gives up. and doing sex in public is a roll of the dice depending how full the room is.

I'm sure everyone else feel the same way.

Hero Member
: 851


« #61 : February 13, 2021, 12:05:44 PM »

I don't 'room' and haven't for a long, long time.
But I have to say I've never experienced any problems in public.
Maybe it's a connectivity problem on your end, Boo, rather than the Achat servers?
Just a thought...I've no knowledge of these things, but can only speak from my own experience.
I know before my friend here had her broadband upgraded she used to have lots of problems running Achat.

Hope it gets worked out anyway, whatever the issue.


Hero Member
: 846

flecti non frangi

« #62 : February 15, 2021, 04:08:32 AM »

Just an idea that has probably been mooted before
how about allowing cross-dressing across all genders
it would make for some remarkable inventions of style
and make more interesting topless Tuesdays and other events

sure it sounds ridiculous but look where we are

Think of the revenue !
« : February 15, 2021, 04:19:22 AM Tift »

: 1

« #63 : February 15, 2021, 11:48:45 PM »

I would love to have some more group options.... a 4some would be great..... or at least some new 3some poses. It would be amazing if the developers would add some bisexual options in mfm. (In ffm we girls can do some hot kissing and licking)-it would be so hot to share a cock with a male partner... uhhhh.... :)
kisses... and thanks for a lot of fun in this game....
Jr. Member
: 67

« #64 : February 16, 2021, 09:21:21 AM »

I would love to have some more group options.... a 4some would be great..... or at least some new 3some poses. It would be amazing if the developers would add some bisexual options in mfm. (In ffm we girls can do some hot kissing and licking)-it would be so hot to share a cock with a male partner... uhhhh.... :)
kisses... and thanks for a lot of fun in this game....

On that note maybe even open up the pose editor. Or is that nothing but a pipe dream?

Jr. Member
: 67

« #65 : February 26, 2021, 08:40:14 AM »

Wow, I asked about the pose editor and now am please to see it's up and running. I should have asked to win the lotto  ;D

But I do have another request of something else I would love to see here as well: a more up to date forum.

Currently this forum is very archaic and real clunky to use.  If I might suggest, I would really love to see a more modern, and functional forum.  All the data for the posts and pictures are saved on dbase, so it would be possible to update the forum look and feel and still keep all the posts.

I would suggest  something that would follow some of the current standards of CSS3 and HTML 5  and adaptive design. I think something like that would not only foster more use of the forums, but would also attract more (hopefully spending) customers to the game. It would also make posting stuff here a lot more enjoyable and help the community grow.

What do you all think?

Hero Member
: 1379

« #66 : February 26, 2021, 09:29:54 AM »

Good idea.

 As long as an up to date forum had the same ways of doing things as the old one.  Posting a pic for example,  I wouldn't really like to re-learn it all at the moment.   ::)

Hero Member
: 851


« #67 : February 26, 2021, 01:29:00 PM »

A little work had already started on an idea to "modernise" and tidy up the forum.
Nothing was to be deleted, just rearranged and generally tidied up to make it much easier to navigate, especially for anyone new to the forum.
This has ceased, for various reasons, but is, in my opinion, something that is still very much needed.
No change to the way anything is posted, that would all remain the same. But placing threads/topics where they should be and an "archiving" of out of date/unused threads to allow people to be able to find what they're looking for without having to trawl through thread after thread without being able to see what they came for and "giving up" in frustration.

Hero Member
: 2178

« #68 : February 26, 2021, 02:27:20 PM »

With all due respect, older posts are already archived as newer ones appear first in the list.  The owner of the topic has picked it's position.  If someone wishes to have a topic moved  the owner of the topic should be contacted and approval given before it is moved.  In order to keep clutter to a minimum duplicate topics should be avoided.  If the original topic is older a new post makes it current.

Hero Member
: 851


« #69 : February 26, 2021, 06:13:48 PM »

With all due respect, older posts are already archived as newer ones appear first in the list.  The owner of the topic has picked it's position.  If someone wishes to have a topic moved  the owner of the topic should be contacted and approval given before it is moved.  In order to keep clutter to a minimum duplicate topics should be avoided.  If the original topic is older a new post makes it current.

I realise the OP chose where to post originally. That doesn't mean that a thread was posted in the right area of the forum.
As to contacting people...how long would your suggestion be to wait for a reply from someone that hasn't been active in the forum for 1, 2, 3 or more years...the same amount of time?
There are many, many threads that have had no activity in them for a very long time.
Why not create an Archive for posts (for example) that have seen no activity for over a year?
I know that a certain spectrum of people are resistant to change, that's always the way.
But I've heard a great many people say that they've been put off the forum by how cluttered with archaic threads it is and it simply not being new user friendly.
« : February 26, 2021, 06:16:07 PM Soniaslut »

Hero Member
: 2178

« #70 : February 26, 2021, 07:23:10 PM »

With all due respect, older posts are already archived as newer ones appear first in the list.  The owner of the topic has picked it's position.  If someone wishes to have a topic moved  the owner of the topic should be contacted and approval given before it is moved.  In order to keep clutter to a minimum duplicate topics should be avoided.  If the original topic is older a new post makes it current.

I realise the OP chose where to post originally. That doesn't mean that a thread was posted in the right area of the forum.
As to contacting people...how long would your suggestion be to wait for a reply from someone that hasn't been active in the forum for 1, 2, 3 or more years...the same amount of time?
There are many, many threads that have had no activity in them for a very long time.
Why not create an Archive for posts (for example) that have seen no activity for over a year?
I know that a certain spectrum of people are resistant to change, that's always the way.
But I've heard a great many people say that they've been put off the forum by how cluttered with archaic threads it is and it simply not being new user friendly.

But that's the point.  If I post a topic, where I place it is where I want it to be. Just because someone else may think it could be/should be in a different spot why does their opinion matter more than mine, the original poster??  It matters little to me if everyone else can find it or not.  It won't be missed if it has never been found.  This is a public forum and everyone gets to post where they wish to post.  I would never dare to tell you I think you posted your topic in the wrong spot.  If a topic has been in the wrong spot for 3 years and many have been able to find it then others will be able to find it too.  Respect the original topic poster.  As to new users, there is a learning curve to everything including the game.

Hero Member
: 851


« #71 : February 26, 2021, 07:33:29 PM »

Quote from JessiCapri
But that's the point.  If I post a topic, where I place it is where I want it to be. Just because someone else may think it could be/should be in a different spot why does their opinion matter more than mine, the original poster??  It matters little to me if everyone else can find it or not.  It won't be missed if it has never been found.  This is a public forum and everyone gets to post where they wish to post.  I would never dare to tell you I think you posted your topic in the wrong spot.  If a topic has been in the wrong spot for 3 years and many have been able to find it then others will be able to find it too.  Respect the original topic poster.  As to new users, there is a learning curve to everything including the game.[/colour]

That is actually hilarious, it really is.
I think you're suffering from short term memory loss.
What you're saying is that anyone can post whatever topic they choose wherever they choose regardless of whether there's a section for that topic already in existence elsewhere in the forum.

« : February 26, 2021, 07:36:55 PM Soniaslut »

Hero Member
: 2178

« #72 : February 26, 2021, 08:51:32 PM »

Quote from JessiCapri
But that's the point.  If I post a topic, where I place it is where I want it to be. Just because someone else may think it could be/should be in a different spot why does their opinion matter more than mine, the original poster??  It matters little to me if everyone else can find it or not.  It won't be missed if it has never been found.  This is a public forum and everyone gets to post where they wish to post.  I would never dare to tell you I think you posted your topic in the wrong spot.  If a topic has been in the wrong spot for 3 years and many have been able to find it then others will be able to find it too.  Respect the original topic poster.  As to new users, there is a learning curve to everything including the game.[/colour]

That is actually hilarious, it really is.
I think you're suffering from short term memory loss.
What you're saying is that anyone can post whatever topic they choose wherever they choose regardless of whether there's a section for that topic already in existence elsewhere in the forum.

Sighs Your complete lack of respect for other people is once again showing.  Can you not disagree with someone without throwing insults?  It's fine as it is more of a reflection on who you are than on who I am. 

And yes, I am saying anyone can post any topic in any section they wish.  Yes, it may be difficult for others to find but perhaps that is what they want.  My question to you remains the same.  Why should where I post my topics mean anything to you??  You post your topics where you wish and I will post my topics where I wish. 

Hero Member
: 851


« #73 : February 26, 2021, 09:13:27 PM »

That is actually hilarious, it really is.
I think you're suffering from short term memory loss.
What you're saying is that anyone can post whatever topic they choose wherever they choose regardless of whether there's a section for that topic already in existence elsewhere in the forum.

Sighs Your complete lack of respect for other people is once again showing.  Can you not disagree with someone without throwing insults?  It's fine as it is more of a reflection on who you are than on who I am. 

And yes, I am saying anyone can post any topic in any section they wish.  Yes, it may be difficult for others to find but perhaps that is what they want.  My question to you remains the same.  Why should where I post my topics mean anything to you??  You post your topics where you wish and I will post my topics where I wish. 

I fail to see any insult in anything I wrote above.. Just a statement that it was only very recently I was being blamed for all sorts of things that you, and others didn't agree with including postings that I had nothing to do with yet was considered somehow responsible for.
Yet again you attempt to turn a simple post into an argument. But I shan't rise to the bait.

What and where you post is of absolutely no interest to me.
If you're happy with the forum remaining as it is that's your opinion to have. My only interest has ever been trying to respond to the many comments made by very many people that I've encouraged to use the forum that it's an out of date and cumbersome dinosaur and to attempt to do something to attract new participants.
Lots read...few post because of the jumbled nature of the place.

Hero Member
: 846

flecti non frangi

« #74 : February 27, 2021, 04:55:18 AM »

My grandmother always told me that if you
wanted respect you had to earn it first

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