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: In my real life I'm a shy Australian Girl 30 years old my real name is also Mich  ( 7114 )
: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com

I'm not sure where to begin, my sex life started young at around 12 years old from an abusive  father who later served about 3 years in jail cor crimes committed against me, was it enough time the law seemed to think so at the time. Anyway it had an profound affect on me and I was never able to form a proper sexual relationship with anyone. Don't get me wrong I am sociable and a friendly woman, able to hold inteligent conversation, but when it comes to intermitancy I am a hopeless  case it seems. I've found my short time here to be so rewarding and am convinced it is helping me to overcome my past problems,  I've had intimate relations with a number of friends here both men and women, the later making me question my sexuality. I t is making me so much more willing to try and over come my hangups in perhaps a real relationship soon and before it's too late as I am 30

I currently live in Exmouth Western Auustralia where I work in tourism, I take tourists out to Ningaloo reef, where I help them  to do activities such as swimming with whale sharks seeing actual whales with their new born and generally experience the reef. My job is seasonal and casual so I may head south as the temperatures rise here and the season's end feel free to contact me I'm Michelle989 1989 being my birth year which was taken so I guess I'm 1030 years old :)
Hero Member
: 1379

Hi Michelle and welcome to Achat.

  I hope your experiences here help you more and more as you explore, well............. Everything  :o  Oh by the way, sounds like you have an Awesome job.  Swimming with Whale Sharks omg!!!!!!!

  I like how you say before it's too late at 30.  OMG, you're making me feel old.

  This place can be rewarding, it was / is for me still, sometimes  :D

  Hope you carry on having fun here and thanks for introducing yourself here too.

Jr. Member
: 63

Hi Michelle,
welcome to this place, take care.

: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com

Thank you both so much for your kind comments :) With regard to my age, I guess I more think that my biological clock is ticking and feel quite sad to think I may never experience motherhood, and that's it, I love children and feel sad I may never have one for me. Rely hop I may find you both in the game at some point! I am at least happy that some ppl support this forum as well. A lot of the posts are quite old and my fear is that support work the game is waiting having just found it I would be gutted to wake one day and find it gone, any thoughts?
Hero Member
: 1379

  Yeah, there were more people that used ths Forum.  For reasons I don't really want to go into, support has dwindled.  But, I keep posting from time to time.

  As to finding this place suddenly go.  Who knows.  Only ACHAT knows that.

: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com

Oh I hope it doesn't I am growing so fond of my new friends here, ithey mean the world to me

Welcome in Achat Mich! Nice to meet you...and i hope to meet you in Amsterdam or NY. Kisssseeess!
: 10

ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: but where am i really? In your thoughts :D
Michelle989: then what time is it now?
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: no not the middle of the atlantic silly hahaha...it is 5:15am right now
5:16 AM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: oh I had forgotten sorry
Michelle989: 12 hours diff makes complete sense now, my brother lives in NY you see
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: it is ok i didnt tell you before anyways. so no i wont have to worry about staying up babe 6pm is very manageable
5:17 AM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: ok :) bye for now I'm off
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: yes, you and I are 10hrs apart and he would be an hour later than me he is on EST I am on Cst
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Ok sexy Ill see you later lots of kisses bye
Michelle989: bye
6:03 AM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: Thank you Greg for your kind gift :) so nice of you, I popped back quickly just to say I am wrong its not 12hour time diff its 14 hours
6:05 AM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: so 4am will be 2pm I guess :(
6:16 AM 11/19/2019
Kissmedeeply: hi x
14:09 PM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: see you upstairs?
jess25: ooooo got butterflys
14:10 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: i know you werent talking to me were you?
Michelle989: I am
14:11 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: when you said see you upstairs?
14:12 PM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: I was talking to Jess in Amsters, she wants to join us to
Michelle989: she is new
Michelle989: and a good friend
Michelle989: it may only be chatting
14:13 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: How can she be a good friend already if she is new? And no Id rather not have anyone join us thank you though
14:14 PM 11/19/2019
Michelle989: I only suggested it cause it would be rude to leave her alone, we can meet another time
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: It would be rude to leave me after making plans with me
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: My time is valuable as is yours. Is thishow youre going to repay my kindness?
14:15 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: She is new? Id say I was a better friend having known you longer and this is what youre going to do??
Michelle989: I was just trying to be fair, my friends are important too me
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: am i not your friend?
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: guess im not as important as someone new
14:16 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Youre not being fair to me whatsoever
Michelle989: Look I will talk later I just didnt want to leave you out, thats all
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: having made plans telling me a time then not asking me if it was ok to invite som
14:17 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: youre going to tell me later and go stick with her?
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: Thats fine, Ill post this bullshit all over the place. Youre not the sweet person I thought you were. Like who the fuck do you think you are?
14:18 PM 11/19/2019
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: I did nothing but be kind and generous and patient
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: this is how you show your appreciation...
Michelle989: So rude! consider yourself blocked
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: im rude lol
ShavdNuttz to Michelle989: look at what youre doing to me yet im rude
: 1

ShavdNuttz, i already ignored you time ago for being rude to a friend, now you just proving the idiot you are by posting conversations on the forum. You should really go hide , you aren't even able to behave in a chat , i can imagine in real life. Pathetic.
: 3

This is directed to the Asswipe ShavdNuttz... you are one of the most treacherous Trolls in Achat. Put on your daddy's Big Boy pants before verbally assaulting one of the best females playing this game. Otherwise you will find yourself shunned and a poisoned, vile player.

: 5

Hi Giggles ... Patrick here. I am a new player.

Anyway, my question is how do you play this game without getting hurt or hurting others?

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

Hi Michelle

Hi Patrick

Hi anyone still here who knows me.

In answer to your question Patrick, just play honestly and friendly and enjoy the fun. 
You will meet people you like and those you dont. Hopefully you will meet more who you like and will enjoy your experience here and in the game.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com

Just wanted to set the record straight, my father never abused me , i made that  statement up at a time when I first joined Achat and didn't realise at that time how seriously I would take Achat. I was attention seeking I guess, a silly comment by a silly woman . All the rest is true I am this  particularly shy person , the reasons I simply can't explain why I find relationships so awkward, I do feel ppl look at me not as a person but an object, I can't explain the feelings I get when I am at work and I see someone looking at me or in a que in a pub waiting to buy a drink  and feel someone's hand on my bottom, I know most women deal with it just can't explain why I can't, like to think I am getting better, I really think I am and so much is down to Achat.. Sorry I should never have made that serious lie about my dad who I love immensely , he is actually the most kind and gentalist person and role model. So sorry dad so hope you are never aware I said this silly statement about you
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

See top right of your posts is "modify"   or even "remove" posts.

Click on that and it allows you to edit and remove the shit.

« : February 10, 2020, 02:29:55 PM Vaughan »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com

Thank you Vaughn, but I said it, and feel it should stay as it is, I was so messed up back then. The current situation with the corona virus makes my  pettiness seem unimportant. So sorry it's taken me so long to reply thanks very much for your advise
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