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: why remove the character type ?  ( 22051 )
Hero Member
: 10457


« #15 : April 21, 2015, 09:06:23 AM »

I guess achat needs to decide which financial model will benefit them most in the long term.

Easy on this   get new staff!   The growth of this game is to slow it needs more  then one update or two every week , its so slow
slow in growing ...  no poses for other  at same time   what smart person would not make them at the same time     its in the  staff  the need more
Creative Marketing ....New Staff  I say  ::)


I did use the personality box ;)  I like other talkative people. 

I liked the box to  ;)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Sr. Member
: 367

« #16 : April 21, 2015, 11:22:50 AM »

Actually Roxy, I was referring to them making a decision to either allow/encourage men paying women to room, or to discourage it/ban it.  Men gifting to room obviously is making them money as these men buy achat$, but at some point this (is already) and will continue to drive other people away.  I personally don't think that men bearing the brunt of all the payments for this game is a smart decision for this format as (webcams, phone sex etc) are already a well established, and quicker/easier way for men to masturbate with a partner.
: 32

« #17 : June 05, 2017, 08:32:15 AM »

Hello guys, I'm back. Most of you probably don't remember me, but that's fine, I was away for 200 years, well it was just 2 years, but even that long is an eternity. So I installed recently (2 days ago) AChat and been browsing the forum, which brought me to this topic. Well, I read, that those checkboxes about characterisation were removed, exchanged for some whore stuff, or what, but after logging in and looking on my character customization window in AChat, I still see those checkboxes. Is it because of an older client, or was it brought back while I took that 200 years long slumber?
I am just pretty much confused, so thanks for your replies.

The tiny lovely lady for you
: 36

MSN Messenger - Michelle.johnston989@gmail.com
« #18 : September 09, 2019, 11:46:33 PM »

Would I sell myself for sex in the real world, no I simply couldn't. In my fantasy world Achat is boosting my confidence so much, I am a extremely shy woman with not a great deal of self worth. For someone to actually want to pay for my services helps  me in ways I simply cant explain, if I have been gifted I accept the fact that i have committed to participate in something that is to be special for that person who has gifted me and when I say participate I get the urge to with all my heart, it is so real for me and most of my real sexual highs I experience during paid sexual encounters, and if that person paying doesn't reach the same heights I am staying until he does. I shouldn't say this but it doesn't really mater to me what someone has paid me the same level service should be provided because they have paid me something. I was paid $200A to participate in a MFF event and realised the person who paid for my service didn't have the poses, not being particularly keen on group sex I felt compelled to purchase over $1200A worth of poses during that event end result 3 content and happy players (me included!) And I've added two new friends
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