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: Graphics  ( 7423 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« : September 13, 2020, 04:03:01 AM »

  I might get into trouble saying what I'm going to say, but someone has to.

  I know that it has been mentioned before but, I'm mentioning it again.

  The graphics on the front page of this website are False.  We do do not look like that.  And when you scroll down the actual graphics are shown.  There is no feedback from the ACHAT team that this look is going to be added to the client.

  If you see the topic above this one.  Fake website tries to deceive AChat users. 

  See that word, deceive.  I believe right now that we and especially new members that see those graphics, are being slightly Deceived.  Only slightly.

  So, the Achat team, (Tom that logs into this Forum) if you are reading this and before you delete it or ban me (I hope not) can you just PLEASE post something  about  this subject.

Thank you and Sorry. 
« : September 13, 2020, 04:09:05 AM zuzannah »

Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« #1 : September 13, 2020, 06:27:09 AM »

Hi Zuz   :)

I have a different opinion to yours...as you know already, the graphics/animations don't really interest me. I'd prefer the massive amounts of processing capability required for graphics to be used to improve the chat system.
The vast majority of users spend most of their time logged in chatting/messaging with others, so why not improve the quality of this?
Introducing the option to Private Message people whilst in public would be welcomed, I'm sure. I'd definitely like to see that introduced, along with it being possible to send far longer messages than the short paragraph available at the moment. I enjoy roleplay and being able to send longer passages of text would mean I wouldn't have to use another site or my own private chat room for this.
The name of the game is "Achat", I think there's a clue in there.... it was designed for people to chat and that's what most people are here for, to interact with other people, not to just watch animations, even if they were Hollywood blockbuster  quality they'd be nothing without the person behind the avatar breathing life into it.
Even games that began as graphic only sex simulations such as 3D Sex Villa have introduced chat (Chathouse 3D) because that's what their customers have said they would like.

At the end of the day everyone has their own ideal of how they'd like this site to be.
You'd like enhanced graphics, I'd like better chat capability.
We can't always get what we want. But the fact we're both still here after so long must mean that we don't really mind too much......don't you think?

Have a great day

See you soon


Hero Member
: 1379

« #2 : September 13, 2020, 09:54:16 AM »

  I think you've missed the point.  I am not asking for enhanced graphics.  If i want enhanced graphics then I would open an account to you know where.  Or just don't bother with this place and do something else.

  The graphics shown on the front page of the website are false,  well some of them are. 

   I'm saying that those pictures  are mis-leading  to people who have played here for sometime, think they might be improved, I did when i first saw them, but mostly to people who are joining because they think the graphics look like that. Those pics / animation is practically false advertising in my opinion.

  I totally agree that the chat box could be improved, but how ? Apart from taking up more space on screen.  Myself, I don't use long sentences in room, just short descriptions and not very good either (I know, boring and hardly room nowadays) but, at least I try.  I'm not a brain box, you've probably noticed.  But, i don't want to read lines and lines of writing in room.  But, again my opinion.  I don't want to read lines and lines for just one kiss for Example.  The graphics are there to show that.

  Maybe I'm just getting frustrated and picking flies because of it, I don't know.   We won't get any feedback from these posts anyway,  just forget what I've wrote and well............. forget it.

  Maybe it's time to say forget it.  Nothing is going to change, so excuse me while I latex up.

Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« #3 : September 14, 2020, 08:10:30 AM »

I don't see how it's "false" advertising to use something that's been honed and polished to attract custom. It's just advertising. It's part of everyday life. Everyone is subject to the ploys and devices that are used to advertise everything from Avon products to Zabaglione and everything inbetween.  Anyone that's ever made any kind of transaction based solely on the product advert has more than likely found that it's not quite exactly as described, but as long as it fits the purpose intended they don't mind.
As you say, Zuz, if it is a major bone of contention then there are other options available.
I've had to tailor my own behaviour and expectations here to fit in with what's  possible for me to get from this site. What it lacks, I go elsewhere for.

There are pro's and con's to everything. No one platform is going to be able to totally please everyone all the time.


Hero Member
: 1379

« #4 : September 16, 2020, 05:00:07 AM »

Sorry about this thread.

I'm not going to add anything to it.

Apart from, Sorry to the Devs.   :-*

Hero Member
: 2178

« #5 : September 30, 2020, 08:44:54 AM »

Zuz and Analetta I think you have both made valid points.  This should not have to be a one or the other improvement. 

Zuz you had great points. Don't apologize for them. You always voice your concerns respectfully and I suspect you have never purposely offended anyone. Even those who may deserve it. As your friend it pains me when you second guess yourself. You ARE smarter than the average bear.

Graphics does not just apply to poses.  We very much enjoy new poses even if not needed, but new rooms with updated graphics would be amazing too.  Updating Summer by removing some of the trees and either opening up areas where we currently cannot go or make those areas smaller in size would definitely help, if not eliminate, the screen freezing up and lag we all experience there.

As for the communication side the only chat box improvement I would like is when in lobby.  Each time a new message is sent it should create it's own new chat box.  My spouse and I rather like not receiving messages when roomed.  Having a private conversation in public is pretty easy. Just move out of earshot of others.

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