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| | |-+  AChat 55 Word Writing Contest Christmas/New Year
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: AChat 55 Word Writing Contest Christmas/New Year  ( 10738 )
Hero Member
: 2178

« #15 : January 28, 2021, 09:07:55 PM »

TWO HOURS left to VOTE on your favorite story!!

Deadline is  midnight Eastern Standard Time the 28th January 2021. (5am GMT 29 Jan. 2021)

Hero Member
: 2178

« #16 : January 28, 2021, 11:09:21 PM »


Deadline was  midnight Eastern Standard Time the 28th January 2021. (5am GMT 29 Jan. 2021)

Full Member
: 136

Saga - Norse Goddess of Storytelling

« #17 : January 29, 2021, 12:48:45 PM »

Judges Scores    Each Judge knows their number and can identify themselves in this topic if they wish. 

Special thanks to all who took part and to our Judges.
Without you, this would not be possible.

Full Member
: 136

Saga - Norse Goddess of Storytelling

« #18 : January 29, 2021, 12:49:01 PM »

1.  8. Christmas Reunion by Stone                            805      Awarded  A$1,500    
2.  1. Precious Glitter by JessiCapri                           775      Awarded  A$1,000
3.  4. The Christmas Card by Vaughan                      770      Awarded     A$500   

4.  11. A Little Light Inside by kelly220022                745      Awarded     A$300            
5.  6. The Christmas Spirit by Kaitlyn1989                 715      Awarded     A$250

6.  12. Christmas Blessing by JessiCapri                            710 
7.  16. Once upon a Christmas time by Vaughan.               640                             
8.  15. It will be a lonely Christmas without you By Stone    625 
9.  2. Elf Pleasure by Cohan.                                            610 
10.  7. Christmas Comings by Lady Andrea                        595 
11.  3. Coming Home for Christmas by Stone                     570
12.  13. Waiting for the Fireworks by zuzannah                  560
13.  9. The best present EVER! by Zuzannah                      520
14. 10. Bedford Falls by Lady Andrea                                515
15.  5. A Covid Christmas 2020 by devil4you                     440
16.  17. Santa’s Secret Fetish By Cohan                            430 
17.  18. BDSM New Year Party by Vaughan.                      420
18.  14. Master Santa by JessiCapri                                  390

Due to the surprise of the two organisers gaining a podium each,  we are sharing some of the prize with the contestants who came 4th and 5th.

Congratulations to  the winner  STONE
Then the runner up -   JessiCapri
and the other  placements   -  Vaughan,   kelly220022   &   Kaitlyn1989. 

Your winnings will be gifted to your account shortly.

Thank you to all the Contestants, Judges, Sponsors & public voters who made this contest  possible.
« : January 29, 2021, 12:52:39 PM Saga55 »

Hero Member
: 1379

« #19 : January 30, 2021, 04:25:49 AM »

Congrats to the Winners

And a big thank you to V, Jessi and Saga.    :-* :-* :-*
« : January 30, 2021, 12:05:11 PM zuzannah »

Hero Member
: 1842

« #20 : January 30, 2021, 08:17:53 AM »

Thank you everyone for the congratulations, public, private and in person.
I didn't really expect to get anywhere.

A big thank you to my faithful hound, who inspired my short story. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my rock.

Thank you to the organisers , the judges and all my peers who ranked me high enough to take first place.

I hope more contests are arranged and others also have a go.  You never know, it could be you winning a prize.

Sr. Member
: 323

« #21 : February 05, 2021, 10:18:53 AM »

Late as usual  ::)  but don't want to be left out....

Congratz to our top winners... Stone and Jessi & Vaughan without any "oops"  ;) and Kelly too for their awarded entries among a fine field of entrants making this contest most difficult to judge. Forcing me to reread many stories, some more than twice.   ;D 

Thank YOU all who participated... i enjoyed the varied box of treats and a SHOUT OUT to those who contributed so much to make this happen... Jessi, Vaughan and Saga  ;) ofc.

I hope to see more creative contests in 2021.   

Hero Member
: 2178

« #22 : February 07, 2021, 01:43:59 PM »

Late as usual  ::)  but don't want to be left out....

Congratz to our top winners... Stone and Jessi & Vaughan without any "oops"  ;) and Kelly too for their awarded entries among a fine field of entrants making this contest most difficult to judge. Forcing me to reread many stories, some more than twice.   ;D 

Thank YOU all who participated... i enjoyed the varied box of treats and a SHOUT OUT to those who contributed so much to make this happen... Jessi, Vaughan and Saga  ;) ofc.

Thank you so very much Kait!!  We are so glad that you have enjoyed this and the other contests.  It truly was a great one thanks to all of the entrants.  In fact each one we held had awesome results.

There were many who told us they were not writers, but found that indeed they were.  The proof is in their work.  We hope they continue their efforts and write much more.

We need to give a special shout out to ACHAT as well for their generous sponsorship that added to the prizes.  Upon Vaughan's request they also added some extra to the last one so that Tift could award a prize for what was her current contest at the time.  So to them we are grateful.

Unfortunately, due to recent events, what was supposed to be a brief breather from contests will now be a much longer one for us.

Kait we look forward to seeing you and LadyA back where we first met.

J & V

« : February 07, 2021, 01:47:58 PM JessiCapri »

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