Hiya, due to the same questions being asked over and over, I thought the best way to answer any queries was by answering them as useful tips. Hope it helps and if I have missed anything .. just let me know and I'll do an add on

Tips on posting in erotic story threads.
Hi ya, Welcome to Forum and the AB&G - an erotic fantasy bar , story and role-play feature here. Glad you have decided to join us.
Tips to post and join in the fun. These tips are useful for other similar topics too.

1. Read up on the topic and interlinking topics . It will give you a feel for the place and storylines that have taken place and are in the process of being developed. In this case, the AB&G is linked to the Icehouse topic, although the latter is a very specific kink – be warned.
2. Please don’t be too overwhelmed by experienced people who post. They also learnt by trial & error & had to develop themselves.
3. Please do not be overwhelmed if you feel there are clicks of groups, this happens naturally because people know each other, either through the game , through Forum or both and they know the chosen people they mention in their posts, will through experience, interlink their posts favourably with theirs.
4. You will be made welcome and be mentioned in their posts, politely at first until you get to know each other so please reply, and if it helps, imagine what you would do in real life in such a situation. It helps to inspire your posts. This is interlinked storytelling and role playing .An example would be, how would you be arriving at the bar, on foot, by car, taxi, bike , what do you see, hear, feel,taste, smell – use your senses, put yourself there – it’s your introduction to the story.
5. Try and interlink, your posts with people who respond to you, if someone buys you a drink or speaks to you ... answer them and add abit.. maybe enquire what goes on here, offer to dance, maybe challenge them to a bull ride lol. Maybe see something happening that is mentioned in story lines already happening. Maybe Jayc chatting to Covems, named people on the dancefloor, seeing someone who accepted the bull ride challenge..
6. As you familiarise yourself and post more, your storylines will develop too. Some people arrange stories away from the topic when they chat before posting, others improvise as they go. I know I improvise a lot, some people have taken me by surprise ( Hentaiboy , JD, Azrielle lol ) and I love springing surprises on the more experienced posters to challenge their skills – more mischievous though , than presuming any intimacies & is usually with people I know won’t be offended & up for the challenge. Be versatile lol. Bear’s capture a fine example after banters in other topics. And he rose to the challenge admirably as did others, which actually developed other story lines.
7. Please keep in with the time line of the writers who have already started stories. If you cant, then wait until they have finished before you post otherwise you could easily ruin their story. Its an intertwining RP don't forget, not a stand alone story. You can only change the time line if you are the only person posting, otherwise ensure you do it with the agreement of the others writing at the same time. An Example, if a couple are doing a story of a romantic night in the Spa Room, you cant post a story the following day until you know they are finished or it is confirmed they have abandoned their story. By all means write your post, but wait till the time lines match and fit in.
8. Intimacy will no doubt occur as you get to know people and bond or have bonded already. Please don’t presume intimacy will occur, like real life, there should be some chemistry tested between you first & consent obtained. Some posters may already have a story line in mind and setting it up ready for the respondent. Please don’t break the law .... or abuse staff too much lol. The topics are moderated by Achat & the Moderators.
9. Please, don’t be put off if your post is not responded to immediately. This maybe because people are on breaks away, real life commitments, heavily involved in other topics or story lines and their workload a little overwhelmed. You will be responded to in the end, as most posters go back and forth through the thread to pick up things they may have missed first time round.
10. Make your posts easily readable. Look at the experienced posters. They tend to use paragraphs after every four or five lines or so and also when using speech. Use the modify button to edit if need be. Check your post afterwards for spellings, that it makes sense , fits in with the other posts and its easily readable and words not too crowded. There are none English native speakers who post & read & may need to translate some words.
11. It’s all about having fun, gaining confidence to post, improving your role-playing and storytelling, reading others stories and shenanigans and making new friends.
Enjoy & welcome aboard. Can’t wait to read more of your posts.