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+  AChat Forum
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| | |-+  Rules for Groups and Houses
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: Rules for Groups and Houses  ( 6295 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : May 16, 2015, 05:37:32 AM »

In response to numerous complaints and breaches of TOS to some groups, families & House practices,  it is felt a code of conduct is now required for these groups to agree to before advertising is allowed on Forum.  Any proven breach will result in the topic being removed.

1. All House, Group or Family will abide by the TOS as agreed when joining Achat. Some Rules below are high lighted due to the most complaints that are received, however all TOS are equal.

* you are not to allowed to do anything that is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libellous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortious, obscene or otherwise in violation of the Product's rules or policies

    * Victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability

    * AChat has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography. If we become aware of content with child pornography, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the accounts of those involved with the distribution.

    * It is not allowed to sell any pictures or videos for A$. Users, who do 'picture trading' can be banned without preliminary warning.

2. They will clearly show the leaders of the group and will address any complaints from members seriously and liaise with Moderators to ensure a resolution is reached if possible.

3. No members will be forced to give private information eg -  real name, emails, address or other personal data. They can leave at any time.

4. There will be no black listing / mass ignoring / refusal to play by the House, group or family. If an individual has a disagreement with one person / player, then that dispute is NOT with the whole group or house and will not be advertised as such to the other house / group / family members to ignore or refuse to play with the player disputed with. It is an individuals choice.

5. If any financial expectations are made to join the group or to play with members, then it is clearly identified in their House topic. Members should be made aware of costs.

6. Leaders should ensure that members know the TOS and point them to read this Topic and rules for the Group / Family / House.

7. Proof of any breaches of TOS or these Forum Rules will result in the Topic for the Group / Family / House to be removed.
« : May 16, 2015, 05:51:43 AM Brandybee »

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