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: Buddy linking in the editor  ( 3667 )
Jr. Member
: 67

« : March 07, 2021, 05:55:28 AM »

Has anyone have any problems with buddy linking limbs in the pose editing tool? I have been following the tutorial and either I'm reading something wrong or missed something because I can't seem to do it.

In the tutorial it says for you to right click the limb, say a hand, chose the B key from the menu that pops up. So far so good.
Then it says the diamond will turn pink, which it does.
Next it says to left click the now pink triangle (the hand) and then left click on the bone of the partner (in this case character2, pelvis).

...and then nothing happens....

Supposedly the bones should all turn pink and have an arrow showing the link but it's not there. And when I move the other character's pelvis you can tell the hand is not linked.

So am I missing something?

Any help is appreciated.

Ps- there is a link to an animation I did in another program.


Hero Member
: 1842

« #1 : March 07, 2021, 11:25:37 AM »

Hi Boo,

I am afraid this is a little too technical for me but if it is not user friendly, it may be an issue that needs addressing.

I would suggest reporting it to "Support" in any case, so they can look at it in case it is just a glitch or whether an improvement is needed to make it more user friendly.

Good luck.

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