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: Dealing with online abuse?  ( 2846 )
Full Member
: 136

MSN Messenger - khaten@live.co.uk
« : March 07, 2021, 10:18:13 AM »

Hi guys,

I am just looking to get some help. I am not going to use names here because I feel like too much hurt has been caused for it. I wanted to know how people handle online abuse? I left a relationship over a year ago and have moved on, but for some reason, the person I was with seems incapable of doing this too. We were together a long time, but it fell apart in the end.

Gifting on the game became a control mechanism and unfortunately, the person felt like gifting me without me asking meant she owned me.

Every attempt I made to patch things up and be "friends" just dissolved into abuse.

Since that time I have received threats, abusive language and countless messages online and off, and it became too much, so I put her on ignore, only for her to message any girl I got close with and tell her about our prior relationship and how much of a cunt I am. After being called a cunt for the 50th time I decided I should take action so I wrote to the mods of the game to report this behavior as I feel it is toxic to the community.

This has seemed to enrage her even more and I am now getting real life threats sent to my email and threats to breach my real life and tell everyone that I am a horrible person.

This is a fantasy game and sometimes feelings are real which I understand, but I made my intention clear from the start that I never wanted ANYTHING outside of the game. I have tried to talk things through and make things right, but it seems this person won't be happy until I am finished with everything. I am a step away from just leaving the game to be rid of all this abuse but need peoples advice on what they think I should do next because I don't just want to be bullied out of something that I enjoy...

I guess I am saying....help

Hero Member
: 851


« #1 : March 07, 2021, 10:52:30 AM »

Hi Khaten
and welcome back after so long

It seems to me that you've done everything right from what you've posted.

Don't get involved in extenuating a pointless argument and just "put it behind you".

If you feel that you are still the recipient of any kind of abuse even though you choose to ignore it then you must contact the ATeam who will look into the issue and deal with it.

I realise my reply is next to no help at all, but I wish you a resolution soon

Be safe and well

Hero Member
: 1842

« #2 : March 07, 2021, 11:06:47 AM »


This person is in breach of the terms of service for use of Achat and harassment laws in most countries.

Achats terms of service say amongst other things ...  "We reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action in its sole discretion against anyone who violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Service and terminating the membership of such violators. It includes Content that:
i. is patently offensive to the online community, such as Content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
ii. harasses or advocates harassment of another person;...."

Like any complaint,  collate all the messages and threats,  screen shoot them keep in date order. This is to prove their behaviour is threatening, abusive and harassment.
I suggest saving in a folder safe and update as new messages come in.  This can then be sent to multiple agencies to deal with the harassment.

Initially report it to Achat's "Support" here so attempts can be made to resolve it locally  and to any other "Support" that is relevant to the abusive messages,  like your email provider or other game provider.
At the same time ask all of them if they would co-operate with any police you report it to should the need arise,  and ask for a reference number and contact email you can include in your police complaint so they can liaise direct to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction.

Hope this helps and Good Luck.
« : March 07, 2021, 11:08:29 AM Stone »

Hero Member
: 2178

« #3 : March 07, 2021, 04:33:59 PM »

I too had a rl stalker that originated on a game...NOT AChat.  I took all the information I had from him, texts emails, etc and brought it to my local police department.  They contacted the police department in his home town and shortly after that he received a visit from his local law enforcement telling him to stop or I would need to press formal charges.  Of course this works when you are both in the same country. 

That and V and other friends warning him off worked amazingly.  Never settle for abuse.  Never hesitate to reach out and report such things to Achat Support. 

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #4 : March 21, 2021, 07:38:16 AM »

This is also an interesting read written by Cassianna and Lover

Support > FAQ > Bad Behavior and Cyber Violence In Game

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
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