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: Should Premuim members and non-members interact?
mingle outside room only   -1 (7.1%)
both outside n inside room   -9 (64.3%)
shouldn't mingle at all   -0 (0%)
who cares   -4 (28.6%)
: 12

: Should Non-Members play with Premuim Members?  ( 14831 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« : June 08, 2010, 02:40:43 PM »

I have gotten lots of non-members thanking me for giving them the time of day, because they get ignored by alot of premuim members.  So that got me thinking, should we mingle outside of the room only, or in the room, or not at all?  I don't really care, but it seems other ppl do.  Soooo whats the big deal ppl? Enlighten me.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #1 : June 08, 2010, 02:59:50 PM »

For me it's the individual. I have played with both members and non and the big difference I can see is that the members seem more into it. Maybe it's because they were into it enough to spend cash, but the majority of the lame lines/guys not getting I'm gay/ not realizing that I might be too busy when THEY happen to hail me seem to be the non-members.

I don't ignore people because they are non-members, but many of those I end up ignoring happen to be non-members.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
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Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Full Member
: 116

« #2 : June 08, 2010, 03:37:42 PM »

I've had some very good experiences with non-members, but I agree with you also that the majority of my ignore list is non-member. I would at least like to keep the opportunity to give a non-member a chance. That, and I like showing newbies arouind if they're really nice :D

« #3 : June 08, 2010, 04:13:19 PM »

I agree with the above posters. It all depends on the individual, but the ones with the worst behaviour are the ones with nothing to lose, i.e. the non premium members.
Quite a few of my friends are not premium so I for one sure wouldn't like to be limited in any way, but I understand why you're raising this question.
Full Member
: 188

« #4 : June 08, 2010, 05:16:51 PM »

The question is rhetorical! Response and does not deserve any votes! Bravo , Janine and Carli! 8)
« : June 08, 2010, 05:19:39 PM Dannyello »
Hero Member
: 1379

« #5 : June 08, 2010, 05:45:04 PM »

Dude its just a question I was curious bout.  I have had some non-members bitch an I notice on some premuim accounts comments that they only want members only.  Heck I have seen non-members do the same, they want premium only.  So I just wanted to know what ppl thought about.  Seriously don't flip out, thats what posting is all about.   ;D
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #6 : June 08, 2010, 05:56:08 PM »

*I* always thought it was because of positions. Two non-premiums are probably going to get bored fast.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Full Member
: 124

« #7 : June 08, 2010, 06:22:50 PM »

personally, i find it equal proportions on those who just won't take no for an answer, member or non, by far the majority are men who just keep on hounding you
Sr. Member
: 262

« #8 : June 09, 2010, 01:40:06 AM »

I agree with the positions comment.....members (or i would assume most, anyway) would have extra positions, and since non-members in a room with a member can use those positions, it's a great way for "newbies" to see the benefits of becoming a member.

However, I also agree with some behavior issues.....my profile says "no could invites", which I get anyway, and ALWAYS non-members.....my profile says for 3some, both parties must ask me, again ignored by non members........violations of etiquette seem to always be non-members, although i am not counting out the language barrier since I am in the USA and there are users all over the world.

But I find that the non-members that follow the rules seem to be better lovers than members (1st class v 3rd class from the days of the Titanic? sorry...anyway), maybe to make up for the lack of membership

And, don't forget membership is required for clothing.....?
: 13

« #9 : June 09, 2010, 02:32:16 AM »

Hi as a relatively new member to achat i will openly admit that had i of not tasted the sweet sweet delight of achat with an existing memeber that was kind enough to show me around the buttons and how it all works along with almost versing me in achat messaging and sexy chat, then i would probably not be here now!  So i feel it important that free and existing members are able to chat.

But i can also, agree that sometimes the number of cold invites both through chat and actual room invites can be so annoying, i understand that non members need to chat to members to learn the joy of achat, but this flooding problem could alienate people too! possibly a members only chat area ? or even a few new chat areas for straight gay lesbian or even groups you could do them as kinda bars, and have VIP areas ( with buyable passes for vip area where a member may invite in a non member ?)  i am not sure of the fix but it does need fixing, and the cold invites could we have a no invites button or a only from friends invite button ? that we can turn on and off that way we will only get invites from people we know or if we allow it!
friends only chat button that block all non friends would be an idea??

All this said i think it is very important that members and non memebers mix, it is almost essential in my opinion, it just needs controlling!

Finally since this is my first post! let me take this oportunity to say i think Achat is one one the best and sexiest things i have ever seen on the web! i wish the developers every success and hope you continue to develope the to its full potential. In my opinion this game has few if any boundaries!


« #10 : June 09, 2010, 03:34:19 AM »

Welcome Jazelle, good to see another member joining the forums.

A little side note to previous posts, something that haunts me is the feeling that some of the ones saying they only want premium members are the ones chasing after gifts. So reading that in someone's comment usually makes me shy away, possibly for the wrong reason.
I agree with the above posts about premium members often being the ones that put more thought, time and passion into this, so I agree that in general I also prefer to join them. But I still want to reiterate that it's all about the person when we get down to it. :)
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #11 : June 09, 2010, 04:10:28 AM »

Welcome Jazelle, I've always enjoyed taking a newbie under my wing and showing them around. It's what motivated the creation of the user made user guide, but I've also found that for me to get to the point of finding out they are a newbie involves chatting. That's just to say that some either do cold invites, or focus on getting in my pants so quick that I don't care to take the time to teach them just how poorly they are acting.

I actually kind of like the idea of lesbian and gay chat sections, though considering how many woman prefer the "bi" label to "homo" it would probably need to be open to both.

The other ideas for premium chat areas, or creating rooms (for specific groups) is a popular one that has been suggested multiple times. As has filters for things like invites.

For instance as a lesbian I would want to filter invites from guys, as would many of the straight men.

As far as filtering chat... after discussion many feel that the possibility of meeting new people is worth more then filtering idiots that can always be ignored.

But in the end we all share our opinions and see which ones the development team agrees with.  :P

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 13

« #12 : June 09, 2010, 04:11:34 AM »

I agree with bouli, but i think there is a massive problem when somtimes o logon and get flooded with chat from friends newbies (and i kinda still am one!) and even cold invites form god only knows who! (i mean if you wanna f**k me at least talk to me first!).

Most of the flooding comes from non members desperate to experience the joys of achat! and i will happily show a newbie around once in a while a member was kind enough to do it for me, and i feel it only right that i and other members do this. but some can be so rude, so ..... well i am sure we have all had it!. So i feel a private members area or group chat area  for small groups of friends, these day i will go into a threesome room with two friends just to chat to avoid the flooding, and of coarse i miss other people i would like to chat to because i am locked on a room!

maybe we could have a private booth where we can chat openly so we all see the chat but we can also see who else is around and invite them to chat or not?

maybe even invite in non members ? but just the ones we wanna invite
that way it would stop the flooding, the flooding is killing me right now and although i understand the issues of fixing it i feel it should be made a priority!

Newbies need love too, but they need to respect other users too!
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #13 : June 09, 2010, 04:39:14 AM »

I have to say though Im glad Sinnnn brought this up as it's really bringing up some interesting ideas. I mean I had always thought of it as a positions thing when people requested Premiums, but Bouli's thought that it was about gifts IS a very valid one. I'm enjoying keeping up with the ideas being exchanged.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 35

« #14 : June 09, 2010, 05:26:04 AM »

i dont make a difference between premium and free member and i hate people that write "only premium" in there profile ....
im in achat for nearly 1 year now and when i started there were just 5 poses and it worked too
anyway the key element in achat is writing and imagination ... i still had fun in achat even without entering a room!

i also think some premium members think they are special because they are premium (no you are not) and i ignore them too if they cold invite
and there is no point in ignoring free members only because they are not premium

achat is for fun
not for business
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