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: The Masked Ball  ( 123431 )
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #30 : June 16, 2010, 09:48:53 PM »

*Nodding at the new arrival Sister Ruth keeps her head inclined as she smiles.* Your first post and it's your entrance to the Ball? That is most impressive child.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Full Member
: 124

« #31 : June 16, 2010, 10:40:15 PM »

From the open window overlooking the garden comes the sound of fluttering. As the guests turn to the window, they see a statuesque brunette woman in a Victorian style gown of red silk."Allow me to introduce myself Ladies & Gentlemen. I am Ms. Wilhelmina Harker. I bid you alla good evening". She strides lithely towards the nearest darkened corner and takes a seat.

« : June 17, 2010, 03:53:45 AM mikki »
Hero Member
: 3856

« #32 : June 17, 2010, 12:54:59 AM »

I've have timed myself to be fashionably late for one purpose, so that the activity of the ball in full swing might deter from notice of my entrance.
Best to slide unseen into the crowd and mingle, the to make a grand entrance as the tallest and ugliest Gothic Raggedy Ann . Ever since notice of the ball I have been thinking of the most radical departure of character from what they might expect. Not a horse, not a cowboy,..cross dressing...that's the key.Shaved the goatee, and mustache, waxed the chest,..watched Nathan Lane's John Wayne walk from the Birdcage, 20 times to get it down...if I wasn't prepared for tonight by now...well...

I pull the striped arm band up higher on my biceps to hide my tattoo and move into the crowd.

Jr. Member
: 97

« #33 : June 17, 2010, 05:29:55 AM »

OOC: Bear you made me LOL with your costume choice! ^_^  Good one!  Welcome everyone t o the Ball!  Will update later today.  Have fun mingling and stuff!
Full Member
: 124

« #34 : June 17, 2010, 09:33:31 PM »

Ms. Mina steps out of her corner, and approaches the band, asking for something danceable. As the music begins "Anyone care to join me on the dance floor"? stepping to the center of the ballroom.
Jr. Member
: 97

« #35 : June 17, 2010, 10:45:15 PM »

At the stroke of midnight, the masked ball opens.  "Welcome to the ball room", announces Dionysus, "Please dance, talk, and enjoy, in any way you find fit!"  Several shirtless, oiled, and anonymously masked attendants open up the 10 foot tall doors to the palace.  The grand ball room has a high vaulted ceiling, over 10 foot high.  The live orchestra plays a lively tune fit for dancing.  The interior of the AZNPalace is ensconced with torches, giving off an intimate lighting. 

You notice that not only is the parquet dance floor open, but there are also private alcoves available for chatters and/or private conversations.  You also notice that there are several pole dancers of both sexes set up in the corners of the grand ballroom.  Their fervent dancing matches the music.  An air of debauchery and freedom permeates the masked ball.  "What happens in the Aznpalace, stays in the Aznpalace," the host reassures the guests.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #36 : June 17, 2010, 10:51:08 PM »

Giving it another try, Sinnnn slinks her way back in the Ball.  I do hope everyone can see me now.  Sigh or I might as well go as the invisible chic, at least I don't have to wear clothes. ::)
Hero Member
: 3856

« #37 : June 17, 2010, 11:03:34 PM »

OOC Sinnnn, right click on the image you want,.should draw up menu,...go down to properties and click on that. What pulls up is a detail of the image, at the top is a URL specific to the image. Highlight it,...and copy (control-C); then go back and try the image button again, pasting the URL
between the "" ...try again cause right now you are the invisible woman...well you could have fun with that.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #38 : June 17, 2010, 11:13:56 PM »

Screw it, The Invisible Woman I am then.  I can have sooo much fun with this.  Walking past Bobby I steal his drink an pat him on his tight ass.  Moving on I'm searching for my sweet Janine, she called me earlier the night to give me a hint.  "Demur'"she says.  I snort, "Yeah right." I scoot pass a black an white raggedy ann, couldn't help myself an cop a quick feel.  Oops, its a guy.  I quickly jump bakc as he turns around to find out who gropped him.  I stop tricking ppl an put more effort into finding my Demur Queen. ;D ;)
Full Member
: 124

« #39 : June 17, 2010, 11:20:47 PM »

OOC @ sinnnn      Sweetie I was having the same problem as you are. 1 question - Did you rename the photo when you placed it on your computer? If you did, this is the problem. The URL you need to link to has to be online somewhere. It can not link to a file on your computer. As soon as I gave it a link to the original photo online, it popped right up. I hope this helps love.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #40 : June 17, 2010, 11:25:58 PM »

Sadly I need the Computer for Dummies book.  This is my one failing in life, everthing else is perfection.  I'm surprise I have got this far with my PC.  But I must thank you helpful ppl for trying to teach me, I will not give up because you took few precious moments out of your life to try to teach me(sob).  I will not let this beat me, but for right now I'm having more fun being invisible.  ::)
Full Member
: 124

« #41 : June 17, 2010, 11:38:13 PM »

Then by all means dear, please remain invisible as long as you like. perhaps we can have a game of Marco Polo later with sinnnn as the objective.
Jr. Member
: 97

« #42 : June 17, 2010, 11:43:52 PM »

OOC:  LOL looks like we have an invisible molester!  Haha, guests, you must fend for yourselves!   I can only control what I can see!  ;)
Hero Member
: 10350

« #43 : June 19, 2010, 08:48:26 AM »

Hey Sinnnn, I could need an invisible ally. That will help the ominous Monsieur X to finish his job.


« #44 : June 19, 2010, 10:03:20 AM »

(hey AZN where's your pic?)
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