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: The Masked Ball  ( 123463 )
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #90 : June 24, 2010, 11:43:51 AM »

I do set my dress aside so I can find it later, but feel no need to put it back on. Even before the sweet, relaxing scent reaches me. So I simply get something to drink and keep enjoying the party.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 39

« #91 : June 24, 2010, 12:04:27 PM »

Something's very wrong here... it's becoming very clear to me that pretty soon everyone here's going to get disrobed, unmasked, exposed - one way or the other! While on the face of it, it is a rather delicious turn of events, I am perturbed by the unnatural and wanton behaviorthat appears to engulf every person, moments after their clothing is  mysteriousy shed. There is a very real possibility that if I lose control, my mask may come off and my identity may be compromised! I make the decision that it would be wise to exit unnoticed (as I entered) beforethings get out of hand, and nonchalantly and slowly take steps back towards an open window...
Full Member
: 124

« #92 : June 24, 2010, 12:59:21 PM »

As you near the open window, a cold viselike hand grips your wrist. "Stop little thief, Where do you think you're going? I seem to have misplaced a broach, a bauble of some value. Perchance might you have seen it" As I ask this my grip tightens on your tiny wrist, till you gasp in pain. "Think wisely on your answer, young one"
: 39

« #93 : June 24, 2010, 01:12:02 PM »

Thief?! Me?!! *gasp*  :o  :o Why, a woman of my upbringing would'nt even contemplate  such a dastardly act! You must have dropped it somewhere... I'll help you search for it if you'd like.

Besdes, my costume is so sheer and meagre... look at me... where could I possibly conceal something as substantial as a broach??

« #94 : June 24, 2010, 01:52:22 PM »

Sensing a commotion near the window, I turn to see Mina engaged with a beautiful blonde.  I tune out all the noises and revelry around us and focus on their words.  It seems we have a thief amongst us and Mina has lost a piece of jewelry.  I'm tempted to intervene but I know full well that she can take care of herself.

I turn my attention back to the spell caster as a new scent starts to permeate the room.  People are shedding their clothes.  It must be the work of the trickster...maybe she has some help...
« : June 24, 2010, 02:01:20 PM bobbler »
Full Member
: 124

« #95 : June 24, 2010, 02:07:49 PM »

"I believe you little one, pray I do not find out otherwise, Tell me why you are in such a hurry to leave this revelry. Is there something else you need to hide? I have seen the way you move. Very skillful for a mortal creature. You almost managed to avoid detection" I release you as we are talking. "Feel free to run if you feel you must, though I doubt any one here will remember you come morning."
: 39

« #96 : June 24, 2010, 02:19:50 PM »

[OOC: ...and with that, as blatant an invitation as any to search her thoroughly, goes abegging ...  :P]

« #97 : June 24, 2010, 02:37:34 PM »

[OOC: ...and with that, as blatant an invitation as any to search her thoroughly, goes abegging ...  :P]
OOC: i caught that too and i was wondering if she was going to search you. i would have  ;)
Full Member
: 124

« #98 : June 24, 2010, 03:13:52 PM »

"Little one, your nervousness belies your words. I warned you not to cross me" with this you feel a cold breeze, and suddenly your dress is in apile on the floor at your feet. Swiftly I carry to a darkened alcove before any in the room can think to react. "I shall continue this search out of sight of the others"
Hero Member
: 1379

« #99 : June 24, 2010, 03:26:08 PM »

Catching up to my little nun that got away, I grab her, causing her to spill her drink all down her body and pull her into a curtain off dark corner. "Awww my naughty nun, did I get you all wet."  If she could have seen my wicked smile, I think she would have started running. Turning her around  so her back face me, I quickly tied her arms to her hands behind her back.  I slowly tie the red silk made rope above an below her breast, making them stand out even more.  Crisscross round her stomach into two intricate knots between her legs.  Everytime she moved one knot would rub against her clit and the other would snuggle between her lips.   Pushing down on her shoulders she began to kneel before me.
"I have a little suprise for you sweety.  Your beauty has entranced me and I decided to display it for everyone to see. What do you say?"  I laugh because I had gagged her earlier and she can't answer me verbally, only with her eyes.  Bending down I kiss the corner of her mouth, "You tastes(kiss side of her neck) so sweet( lick the drops of spilled drink from her shoulder) I almost can't(suck bead that was hangins so teasingly from her nipple) leave you".  Pulling away from her, I yank the curtains away and display the beauty that was hidden behind for all to see." Oh an don't worry, there is a barrier around you.  Only females of like mind can enter."  
I slowly back away admiring my handy work.  I feel someone watching me, but how.  I must move to my next entertainment before my fun is put to an end.  Let the Mask Ball really began. ;D

« : June 24, 2010, 06:50:42 PM sinnnn »
: 39

« #100 : June 24, 2010, 04:44:56 PM »

[OOC: I imagine, "continue out of sight of others..."  means I have to log on to AChat and invite/get invited to take this further?? *lol*]
Hero Member
: 1379

« #101 : June 24, 2010, 04:50:23 PM »

oops, did i take it too far?  LOL ::) ;D :P

« #102 : June 24, 2010, 05:36:09 PM »

oops, did i take it too far?  LOL ::) ;D :P
(no...i just think you got there quicker than the rest of us.  we'll see how Janine reacts  ;))
Hero Member
: 1379

« #103 : June 24, 2010, 06:52:29 PM »

Wonder how you'll react when I get to you. Thats if I'm not caught by then.  So many plans, so many ppl, so little time.  hehe :P ;)

« #104 : June 24, 2010, 07:06:05 PM »

(you think you can *get* to me. you forget, i can see you.  you will have trouble getting near me.)
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