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: The Masked Ball  ( 123519 )
Full Member
: 124

« #120 : June 25, 2010, 07:03:19 PM »

Seeing that the little thief has conceded to enjoy her punishments, I scan the room for the mysterious gentleman who seems to be the source of the mystery scent that was following the trail of naked bodies. What is he up to? I can still feel the thief's pain feeding me, and as I spot the strange gentleman, I notice that as my strength is being fed, another lust is growing. needing to be satisfied soon.
Hero Member
: 10350

« #121 : June 26, 2010, 09:21:22 AM »

I notice the woman in the red dress again. She seems to look at me. And she is still dressed. Is it her own power? Is she controlled by a strange power? Probably she is under mind of Count Dracula, as he is here, too.
As I look back to her, I can feel there a different emotions coming out of her. I have to check if I am part of these emotions. I also ask myself, is my power stronger than the strange power? Knowing, I have to be careful and prudent. Dracula has big power - and I don't know what his goal is. Am I able to use him for my intentions? A dangerous game I'm playing. But I must. I cannot risk, my plans are disturbed. Not less than my life is depending on it.
I decide to get the lady in red under my control. If I reach this, the next big step is done. Shall I use sinnnn again? No, her work is done. The best, I leave her alone, she distracts most of the other guest.
I got it! I start another red herring. I go to a ball of people, lying on the floor, kissing, touching and having fun together. Spraying another perfumes to them, at once they stop their action. They look around, start to shout and cover their naked bodies with their hands. This rebellion attracts attention. As many guest look over, I vanish in the dark, watching the mysterious lady, trying to go closer to her.

Full Member
: 124

« #122 : June 26, 2010, 03:29:48 PM »

Noticing the mysterious masked stranger looking in my direction, I give the slightest tilt of my head. Is it enough that he noticed it. I think he has as he is trying to create a diversion. I step into the deepest of shadows fading from sight of all but another creature of darkness. Assured that none see me now. I fade to mist, and cross the room against the high ceiling to another empty darkened alcove, where I resume my human form. Let's see if he crosses to where he last saw me. I stay still and watch as he moves through the crowd.
Jr. Member
: 97

« #123 : June 26, 2010, 03:59:48 PM »

The little thief's gasps and moans inadvertantly escaped from her lips as Nemesis continued her rough and thoroughly arousing ministrations.  The leather crop flickered mercilessly across her body leaving swathes of reddened flesh. *whip* *whip*  She found herself helplessly bound by the will of Nemesis. As she squirmed in pleasure and pain, she soon found that  her humiliation had only started.  Guiding her captive with the mere pressure of the crop tip, the thief now found herself staring at Nemesis' boots.  At first she didn't comprehend, then it slowly dawned on her what was expected next.  She was confused and incredulous, surely she couldn't mean... "Lick them.  And slowly,  I want them so clean I can see my reflection," announced Nemesis in a tone that brooked no arguments.

After extracting the act of total submission from her captive, Nemesis  put her boot on your shoulder, forcing you to bow your head to the ground and your ass into the air.  Feeling hopelessly exposed and vulnerable, you feel the rough justice dispensed by Nemesis' crop.  *whip* *whip* Your whole body feels suffused with mixed emotions, humiliation, arousal, and pain.  And that's when you feel Nemesis fingers probing your most sensitive and rapidly wettening zone.  Unable to contain yourself any more you feel your body twitching and shuddering with orgasmic delight.

Dionysus watches the proceedings with some interest.  The host thoroughly enjoys the energy being given off by the night's revelers.  This is exactly what he had in mind when deciding to hold this celebration.  All the guests seemed to be either enjoying themselves or participating in some type of intrigue or another.

"This little slut has not fully learned her lesson yet.  I suggest we move her to the dungeon, my lord."  Dionysus nods in agreement before replying in a deep voice,  "Let her be initiated into the mysteries.  Only then will she realize the full error of her ways."  Nemesis roughly pulls the captive to her feet before marching her through a side passage.  Dionysus himself accompanies them to oversee this special rite.  The stones of the passage are of ancient stone, they are cold to your bare feet.  It feels dark dank and a little scary when you approach the oversized door.  Your heart races and you begin to feel genuine fright at the threat of the unknown and what might await you behind this door.

Dionysus eyes are mysteriously knowing.  He knows secrets that you can only guess at.  There is also an air of expectance as if the captive might make one final plea to escape her fate.  Nemesis on the other hand has a fiery look in her eyes.  She is consumed in the moment, enacting the punishment that is her duty and her right.  Your wrists are tightly grasped by your captor.  Escape seems unlikely by mere use of force...
« : June 26, 2010, 04:19:09 PM AZNLoverV »

« #124 : June 26, 2010, 04:01:27 PM »

I am able to keep track of the few people still moving about the room, those not concerned with the disturbance as the thief receives her punishment and is lead down to the dungeon.  Most eyes are on her, but the trickster, masked stranger and Mina seem to have plans of their own.  I feel the beautiful magician slowly lowering herself down the length of my body, watching as she continues to pleasure herself...
« : June 26, 2010, 04:04:29 PM bobbler »
Hero Member
: 1379

« #125 : June 26, 2010, 06:07:10 PM »

I ease back into the ball, my return is unnotice for everyones attention is on the young their getting her comeuppance.  Going over to my little Nun, I make sure the barrier stayed in place an I whisper to her my plans for the evening and how I will need her help.  I had her something, tell her to keep it safe, quick kiss to her tasty lips and I fade into the shadows.  On to my next helper, he offered to team up earlier lets see if he speaks true.  Before this night is over all will bow so sweetly to me.   ;D ;)

« #126 : June 26, 2010, 06:15:38 PM »

(you crack me up  :D and ummm, isn't your little Nun all tied up and naked?  you gave her something...where exactly is she going to hide it and how can she hold on to it?  :D )
Hero Member
: 1379

« #127 : June 26, 2010, 06:17:29 PM »

Yee of little faith, you shall see an learn.   ;)
« : June 26, 2010, 06:57:29 PM sinnnn »
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #128 : June 26, 2010, 06:41:27 PM »

OOC: I must admit I'm curious as well, but at this point it's fairly clear I trust her. ::)

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel

« #129 : June 26, 2010, 07:13:39 PM »

(you roll your eyes and say you trust her? lmao. anyway, i think i know where she could have put it  ;) )
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #130 : June 26, 2010, 07:16:13 PM »

Actually the roll was over the fact that fairly clear is sort of an understatement. 

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel

« #131 : June 27, 2010, 05:29:06 AM »

Sitting in the second row of the string portion of the orchestra, my eyes moving about the room, catching every details in between the trickier sections of the music I find myself eternally grateful for the cover the cello before me supplies. After mere minutes in this session I took the liberty of undoing my zipper behind it as I've felt myself "rising to the occasion" even as the first guests started unveiling their hot bodies.
Still impressed by the others around me, not missing a single beat. So professional.
However, I noticed quite a few of us lightening the burden of our suits and costumes, mostly hidden behind our instruments and sheets of music. Most impressive are the two trumpet players that have managed to please each other with their hands as one of them has played through a solo and the extra percussionist that managed to slip in between the knees behind the piano player, giving him a proper blowjob before she got up to play her next part by the end of the melody.
Full Member
: 116

« #132 : June 28, 2010, 06:46:29 AM »

Overwhelmed by lust and eagerness to please my master, I slowly lower myself to my knees as he holds me in his cloak. My hands are already moving under my dress, seemingly of their own accord. My left hand cups each breast in turn, while taking my nipple between my fingers and pinching it lightly. My right hand is feeling the nakedness and wetness under my skirt, and soon starts rubbing. Every move of my fingers is intensified by the warmth of my masters presence, so close and comforting.

When I'm fully down to my knees, my left hand is leaving my breasts and starts teasing this bulge I now see before me. I trace the linings of my masters pants with my fingers and scratch the clothing a little at the inner thighs. I watch in delight and anticipation as the outline of my master's penis starts to show more and more in his pants right before my face.

When the full outline is visible in my master's pants, I slowly move my fingers upwards and unbutton and unzip the pants skillfully with one hand, my other hand rubbing more feverishly in excitement. I only stop rubbing for a moment to put my both hands behind my master's belt and pull down his pants. I moan in eagerness as my master's rapidly growing manhood appears before me, just inches from my face. I close my eyes, lick my lips and slowly move my head towards it...

« #133 : June 28, 2010, 06:21:23 PM »

(i think everyone's waiting for my reply. it's coming...soon. it will be here for Carli to read when she gets up in the morning  :-* )

« #134 : June 28, 2010, 09:19:14 PM »

I lower my gaze and watch as the Child comes to rest on her knees in front of me.  Watching her pleasure herself causes my cock to stir.  It's getting harder to keep any of my attention on the players in the room as I watch her lower my pants to the floor.  My eyes narrow and a slight grin starts to form as I see her mouth now inches from my cock.  I feel her hands on my ass as she brings me closer to her waiting mouth.  I watch as she opens her mouth and her tongue slides out.  A low moan escapes my lips as I see her move even closer, and she looks up at me, deep into my eyes, a mischievous grin on her face as she prepares to pleasure me.  She looks down and starts to make slow circles around the head of my cock with her tongue while holding the shaft tight in her hand.  A shiver runs through me as she does so.  The sensation is very intense and I watch as she continues to please her Master...
« : June 29, 2010, 12:13:57 AM bobbler »
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