Another fine example of lowlife's approach:
[a lowlife] -
Hi baby do you like thick cocks? // Sure, they always call any unknown lady 'a baby' ('a babe')
[Me] -
No, I do not like cocks at all. I like gentlemen. For those, who are just cocks, I have my blacklist. //To where I put him right after my answer

This is just wonderful. What an interesting logic, the perfect rage fit:
[a boy]: hi
hello[a boy]: nice outfit you got

//At first, he seems usual.
i know 
[a boy]: can i see your legs ? //Now it's getting strange.
[a boy]: cuz it's showing only from th midle
[a boy]: can you join me in my room ? so i can have a better view ?
[a boy]: or maybe you ar fat

Well, if you offer me a wine and a nice chat, than... correct that. No //I started to type an answer, than i got the last two messages, he was typing them fast, not waiting for my answers, so i corrected it.
You're too fast
[a boy]:

[a boy]: because i wanna go sleep

//Now he went like many others, all-egoistic. 'I want', 'Add me' and so on. He cannot even imagine me to refuse him. Which never stops to amuse me, how sure of themselves these boys are. Think themselves as a gift from above, or like that?
[a boy]: just add me to your friends
Than go and sleep[Me]:
no //He prefers not to notice my refuse. Or maybe he's just typing too fast to notice.
[a boy]: and we gonna have a chat one other day
[a boy]:

[a boy]: and mayve sex after //Sure, of course I have to want to have sex with him. How could I possible refuse such an offer? Yes, I'm sarcastic, as I was since the beginning of this conversation.
[a boy]: you are right
[a boy]: i was rude this time //Too late. He said enough.
I said no. Now get lost[a boy]: get lost ?? //And here he has a rage fit.
[a boy]: fuck of you dirty cheap slut
[a boy]: fucking with guys for a glas of wine //An example of idiot's logic. I didn't said a word about having sex with him to him, I was telling him about a chat. But it's obvious, that he cannot imagine me refusing sex. In his mind he's already had his way with me as much as his perverted wish told him.
[a boy]: stupid bitch
[a boy]: youre definetly english //That's just brilliant conclusion! I am definitely English. Well. He's from Dublin, at least, that he stated in his profile. So, it might be just a common hostility towards English people. Xenophoby is usual among the lowlife. And no, I'm not English. So even this piece of hate went off target

Welcome to my blacklist, lowlife. Learn to think and to behave, little boy 
[a boy]: Sorry, you are on my ignore list... //And he was faster to ignore me. Which makes it even more funny. A boy ignoring ladies will end up playing with Robot Girl. But than, that's what he definitely deserves