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: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER  ( 596930 )
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1050 : June 09, 2015, 07:46:50 AM »

EGO MAN : if u want to have fun come with me, im probably better than poker

Ego Man : i have something grown for you

Ego Man : lol

FoxyRoxxy to Ego man: your big ego

what A day to start before my Poker  ;D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 21

« #1051 : June 13, 2015, 07:49:03 AM »

Is your nickname Google?
Cuase you got everything I been searching for.

Yes I like that one myself , maybe I am gullible lol .
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1052 : July 20, 2015, 09:15:50 AM »

I say 90 %  of all the lines of Achat should be here

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Full Member
: 205

« #1053 : July 22, 2015, 05:47:04 PM »

-a brief lovestory-

Gs: hi dirty bitch
-10 sec. later-
Gs: hi my love
dirtyElena:: loool
Gs: Seriously i love u Elena
Gs: Can i fuck ur mouth and ass Elena?
dirtyElena: You can go and fuck yourself!
Gs: Thank you

-the end-

-Thanks for editing the name. I acutally already changed it but have not checked if somebody ingame might be called "Genius" sorry.
Mr. Genius if you will read this, I am sorry, I did not meant to badmouth your name-
« : July 28, 2015, 05:04:33 AM dirtyElena »
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #1054 : July 22, 2015, 07:25:23 PM »

-a brief lovestory-

Gs: hi dirty bitch
-10 sec. later-
Gss: hi my love
dirtyElena:: loool
Gs: Seriously i love u Elena
Gs: Can i fuck ur mouth and ass Elena?
dirtyElena: You can go and fuck yourself!
Gs: Thank you

-the end-
lol real style  lol

Mod-Edit by Lover: Name changed
« : July 28, 2015, 12:43:24 AM Lover »

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
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: 126


« #1055 : July 27, 2015, 06:55:46 PM »

19:46 PM 7/27/2015
Mer: hi
Mer: achat sex and skype web cam?

19:47 PM 7/27/2015
Pk: dick show skype now

*as I am hitting ignore*
BxxS: you like rough?

God help me

Mod-Edit by Lover: Name changed
« : July 28, 2015, 12:43:12 AM Lover »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1056 : August 11, 2015, 11:50:40 AM »

Come on guys is this how you start a chat .
It was quite amusing pulling his tail  to bad I crashed   I was  going to give him the punchline and crashed
tip for you guys like this you only  get what you ask for so watch how you talk to us .Btw  I am all lady  ;D ask my hubby

toshort: suck my cock nice and slowly while ur baby is not here
10:27 AM 8/11/2015

FoxyRoxxy to toshort: you  suck mine

FoxyRoxxy to toshort: hahah fool

10:28 AM 8/11/2015

toshort: at least u admit that u r faggot

FoxyRoxxy to toshort: no  U are  u want to suck it

toshort to FoxyRoxxy: at least u admit that u r faggot

toshort: fuck off

and I dont have one not even in poker  its invisible   :o

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Full Member
: 121

« #1057 : September 23, 2015, 05:34:05 AM »

I don't mind a "Hi" or even "Hi babe" when English spoken guys say it, I know how it's meant and not all the guys can be humorous, brilliant and funny ;), I had some wonderful conversations with some "Hi babe" sayers once they unfreezed ;)

So I always give a second chance  ::)

What pisses me REALLY off, is that "Daddy" shit, "call me daddy" I'm like "WTF?"  :o
Really guys, women raised in Europe DO NOT (and will not) understand this whole thing, personally it only gives me goosebumps. (It's like the "mom" story)

Opening with a "hello dirty bitch" isn't a good idea as well lol, last time I was in mood and I replied "hello asshole"  ;D, same thing for "bitch" the French "salope" or the German "Hure", this isn't good manners ^^

After all I think that I'm not that difficult..... a simple "Hello how are you going " I would reply most times.

Only...please avoid to make me someone I am not...like this guy who wanted me do be a virgin....I mean...hallo???? :o
Another one wanted me to get pregnant.....oh my, I laughed so hard and I said him "Oh no sweetheart I already contribuated and I'm not up to go through this **** once more" ;)
RP okay, but some more probability would be fine ^^
« : September 23, 2015, 06:32:43 AM AnniSilver »

Note to myself: You can NOT kill people just because they're stupid :p
Full Member
: 121

« #1058 : September 24, 2015, 05:27:02 AM »

Oh Oh Oh....sorry I wouldn't flood, but I have a question and this seems to be the right place... "Worst pick up lines ever"....if not feel free to move it, replace it or whatever you think it's correct  ;)

So, the last night I was available in chat and like always i got many Hi's, how are you, nice outfit.... ::) Then I told to a friend who wanted to go off when I came, I say not a thing hun, go smoking your cigar I'll wait for you ;)....so I was on chat and logically got more Hi's, sexy girl, etc.

But then...... :o :o :o :o , a guy asked me if I would like to have some incest RP, I was so shocked that I didn't reply anything.....is this standard on Achat or am I only a "lucky" one to get a proposition like this? What should I have done? Ignore like I did? Reply "listen asshole...." and explain him my point of view? Report it? What YOU would have done?

Yea I'm not as naive as it could seem, I know right that ALL kind of people come to an virtual sex site and I let them all have their personal trip, but there are limits  :'(

I even don't remember the nick of this person, so it's too late to do anything, but I would like to read your meanings of this issue, for the next time that would probably come!

Note to myself: You can NOT kill people just because they're stupid :p
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1059 : September 24, 2015, 05:52:30 AM »

You will get many such requests about incest, ageplay, extreme kinks & sick play like rapes and violence.

Ignore, admonish and report. Whatever you are feeling at the time. 

I get annoyed when guys presume my sexual likes on first contact & have wiped the floor with them followed by pinning their little pencil dicks to the floor with my high heels.

Welcome to Achat.  The Bright side is still the best :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Sr. Member
: 280

« #1060 : September 26, 2015, 10:12:50 PM »

Hi All :)

Had a funny exchange think about this conversation.

Other: word out is your pussy needs to be owned.
Other: is it true
Me: lol
Other: Im not laughing.
Me: I am that was a very lame line.
Other: Was it?
Me: Yep
Other: Well what do you have to say about it
Me: I already said it. It is a very lame line. It also doesn't make sense. Word out from where? The assumption involved in assuming my pussy needs owning or would be allowed to be owned. Then asking if its true when you put it (meaning the original comment) in definite language suggesting you don't know.
Other: Talk Talk Talk. (very dismissive no?)
Me: Ask a question get an answer.\
Other: I just ask a simple question.
Me: You asked what do I have to say about it. That means a description or a critique :p
Other: You haven't denied anything though.
Me: No need due to the method of it being dismissed like I did.
Other: Have a goodnight day or whatever
Me: Bye bye.

Seriously if you are going to open with a line like that you are deserving of laughter over an interaction.

Full Member
: 121

« #1061 : September 30, 2015, 11:29:13 AM »

We won't make a better world, but maybe some well-behaved guys , lol  ::)

Since I wrote "Good manners are NOT an option" on my profile it's going better, seems that some guys really read ;)

Whatever, I got a "Fuck!" followed by a "You look so hot!" earlier...........well ummmmm.....some do still NOT read   :D

Please guys, tell me something I don't even know!  ;D ;D ;D

Note to myself: You can NOT kill people just because they're stupid :p
Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #1062 : September 30, 2015, 12:06:45 PM »

You know Anni since I'm on this game 80% of guys says: "Hey bitch want to fuck ?"  ;D
So you choose it's a standard sentence lol

If good manners are an option, many don't suscribe to this option  :D
Not a real problem for me, I prefer a bad guy who fuck well than a gentleman who fuck bad !!! sometimes a gentleman fuck very good and it's a fiesta  :)

That I like on AChat all day I take pleasure and laugh a lot so it's the most important  8)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Full Member
: 121

« #1063 : September 30, 2015, 02:37:53 PM »

Haha, le "hey bitch want to fuck", je l'ai pas encore eu mdrrr, mais bon....pas loin :p

Après j'ai écris que les bonnes manières ne sont PAS une option, perso je pense que le mot PAS surtout en majuscules est ignoré exprès ^^

J'ai rien contre les bads boys non plus, au contraire, maissss un minimum d'éducation quoi!

Les rires je les confirme, j'en ai avec un gars qui va me tuer un jour lol, il est trop délire ;) ET éduqué  + intelligent, le rêve quoi;)

* Haha, the "hey bitch want to fuck" I didn't had yet, but hey...not so far from this :p

After all I wrote that good manners are NOT an option, personally I think that the word NOT, especially when written in uppercase letters is intentionally ignored ^^
I really don't mind "badboys", buuuut I like a minimum of education!
I can only confirm the laughters, i have some hilarious ones with a guy who will kill me one day lol, very civilized AND smart, a real dream ;) *

Note to myself: You can NOT kill people just because they're stupid :p
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1064 : October 01, 2015, 09:19:19 AM »

Maybe they think, you don't want good manners :D

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