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: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER  ( 598860 )
Hero Member
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« #675 : October 10, 2011, 02:02:09 PM »

Ahaha no way. :D
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #676 : October 11, 2011, 09:46:54 AM »

I see i'm not alone to be insulted when i dont want go in room with a man . Why they think girls are their toys . If they want toys there is some good artificial girl now ^^

Hero Member
: 1597

« #677 : October 11, 2011, 11:40:04 AM »

lol Really after all  ,do I look like some ones CHEW TOY !


@ Bear  Funny pic ! I`d send it in a heart beat < Will thats my wacky side !hehehe

@Adera sweet in pink girl friend I Harass back > Told a certain pimp to get in line buddy !

What is this a meat market , get in line , take a number ticket stub , NEXT !!!!! If the big boys dish it out , they better can take it back !hehehe
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #678 : October 11, 2011, 11:52:56 AM »

The sad truth Rukya is that there have always been and will always be those who don't care what you say, let alone read your profile, but that's why the developers gave us the ignore list.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Full Member
: 167

« #679 : January 14, 2012, 01:36:03 PM »

It's been a while, but I thought I'd bring this back to life, because really... the lack of originality is starting to make my eyes bleed.

Hi bb.
Hi sexy.
I love chocolate.
Hello Mistress.
and today's prize goes to:  Hello ma'am  Have you seen my Mommy?  I'm lost.

Ok, now, the first two are just plain lazy, and since I can't really make my avi much different than anyone else's avi, it's just crap, seriously.  The third, OMG, I'm more than the colour of my skin.  Fourth:  way to assume I'm your mistress, and fifth.  Wow, just lead with the scene before seeing if I'm okay with it.  rude much? 

/snarkfest off.
Sr. Member
: 415

« #680 : January 14, 2012, 01:45:15 PM »

I'm sure girls have more funny pickups to tell but not long time ago I was sent this:

"Hi nice haircut but it seems kinda gay....wanna fuck?"

I don't care about gender or sexual  orinetation but talking to a hetero guy like that won't get u anywhere LOL

Lots guys that think all girls here are sluts and some girls that think all guys are just looking for meaningless sex, and let's not forget guys pretending to be girls they are the worst they don't even try to act like girls, but I have to say sometimes I have big laughs about some messages
Hero Member
: 3047

« #681 : January 14, 2012, 02:02:10 PM »

Hi bb.
Hi sexy.
I love chocolate.
Hello Mistress.
and today's prize goes to:  Hello ma'am  Have you seen my Mommy?  I'm lost.

Ok, now, the first two are just plain lazy, and since I can't really make my avi much different than anyone else's avi, it's just crap, seriously.  The third, OMG, I'm more than the colour of my skin.  Fourth:  way to assume I'm your mistress, and fifth.  Wow, just lead with the scene before seeing if I'm okay with it.  rude much? 

I agree, the two first are very common at that.

About skin colour... I sometimes get black men telling me how they want to fuck my tight white ass with their big black cocks. I'm not against that, but to start off with a line like that isn't what I like.

Ahaha I have to laugh some at the last one, you should've told him/her "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie I haven't, but you have the info desk over there they will surely find your mommy".
Full Member
: 167

« #682 : January 14, 2012, 02:13:37 PM »

About skin colour... I sometimes get black men telling me how they want to fuck my tight white ass with their big black cocks. I'm not against that, but to start off with a line like that isn't what I like.

Ahaha I have to laugh some at the last one, you should've told him/her "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie I haven't, but you have the info desk over there they will surely find your mommy".

I get black guys asking me if I like black guys.  I gotta wonder, why it's about skin?  It's obnoxious all the way around; on either end of the colour spectrum, geez people.   ::)  I need a standard answer.  "I like men that don't care about the colour of my skin or theirs.  Now shoo."  Think it'll work?   ;D 

As for lost boy; I was too busy staring at my computer with my jaw hanging to the floor.  I'll work on more good pat responses.
Hero Member
: 3047

« #683 : January 14, 2012, 02:36:08 PM »

I get black guys asking me if I like black guys.  I gotta wonder, why it's about skin?  It's obnoxious all the way around; on either end of the colour spectrum, geez people.   ::)  I need a standard answer.  "I like men that don't care about the colour of my skin or theirs.  Now shoo."  Think it'll work?   ;D 

As for lost boy; I was too busy staring at my computer with my jaw hanging to the floor.  I'll work on more good pat responses.

Ahaha, that would be fun reply. I think there are those that really get off on it, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it's a fetish for some.
Full Member
: 167

« #684 : January 14, 2012, 02:45:36 PM »

Actually it happens to me often enough that I'll have to go with, it is a fetish.  There has however, got to be a way to express that without just, leading, even on a kink site.  I keep wishing for a more exhaustive kinks list.  then we can have a red list... of course, considering folks don't pay attention already.   ::)  I've rolled my eyes so much today, they should fall out.

Ok, so  RL line. "gimme a hug!  I hug all the cool chicks!"  I actually did hug him, he was so damn jovial.
Hero Member
: 3047

« #685 : January 14, 2012, 02:56:07 PM »

Someone coming up, stopping, watching me and then uttering "wow" is flattering, I like it. :)
Sr. Member
: 329

« #686 : January 14, 2012, 04:23:18 PM »

I see i'm not alone to be insulted when i dont want go in room with a man . Why they think girls are their toys . If they want toys there is some good artificial girl now ^^
It is just before action or it is another story in action ? :P

My worst pick-up :

In Achat : I see a women who had a profile sentence saying she liked abuse and this kind of stuff..
- me : Good evening, what about if i come from behind and suddently grab your breast, whispering to you "Abuse,... humm imagine what i can do to you!"
- her (some second latter) : WTF ! + a some tasty insults
- me : hu :o i have guess you was looking for a kinky RP
- her : you freaky bastard
- me : ok, ok cool down it is just a game + send
- systeme message : sorry bla bla you are on my ignore list  :-X

Maybe i was  a little be to earlly in the "RP mode"  ::)

In Real life, this two are still vivid in my mind because they are simply so funny
The quickest :
I was talking with a girl in a party, and she was asking a lot of questions, and asking, and asking ....
- me (rought translation from french) : Damned, you are curious like a old pussy !
- her: (she pulled up her skirt, she was not wearing panty and show me her pussy) :"shouting in anger" And that it is an old pussy ? !!!
- me (stunned, i was still so innocent) : heuuuu ......
I missed something this day  ;D

the clumsiest (spelling ok ?) :
In another party somewhere on the riviera, i look an "appetizing" girl lying in a deck chair, she was wearing a sexy white tight dress and obviously looking for something  8).
I make a low profile approach and gently ask if the other deck chair beside her was free.
She wiggle in her chair and tell me with a smile : Ho, yes of course
I start to seat in to the chair thinking "hooo yes man, keep cool and stay on this track" but the chair legs simply go off under me ( the IKEA syndrom ?) and the "whiscky cola" in my hand splash her dress.......
her ( suddently less in the mood and standing on and shouting) : WHORE !!! What a jerk !!!
Yes another fashion victime, since this day i never drink "whisky-cola" again  ;).
Hero Member
: 7883

« #687 : January 15, 2012, 05:55:42 AM »

Sorry if i say this, Urban, but the last one was reallyyyy funny!  ;D
« : January 15, 2012, 03:19:01 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #688 : January 15, 2012, 06:51:54 AM »

@Urban: Yes, don'tr drink whiskey cola, better take syrup ;)

Hero Member
: 3047

« #689 : January 15, 2012, 07:53:03 AM »

I hate it when someone spills on me at a party, if it's at a friends place she might have something to lend me so I at least can go out later on without feeling like a fool.

Urban, too bad there though... not much you can do when the legs give away.
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