This chat up was a little ... well make your own mind up, especially if you know Jayc and I .
I was in a couple of chats at the time and have edited those out and changed the guys name to persistant. He was a freeuser.
Persistant: sex
Persistant: hi baby , iam JAYC but this is my new account
Persistant: are you busy ?
Stone : No you are not
Persistant: i couldn't login to my account so i made this one
Persistant: i will invite you baby He invited. I let it run out as I was in chat.
Persistant: its me baby ,,,
Persistant: are you ok ? ..
Persistant: what's wrong with you ?..
Stone : you are not jayc, Its not funny
Persistant: what ??.. do you think that i'm jocking with you ? ..
Persistant: baby its me believe me
Stone : prove it
Persistant: are you busy with some 1 else ? ..
Stone : Just chatting. I said prove it
Persistant: how you want me to prove it , ask me something
Stone : How long have we been together?
Persistant: 1 year
Stone : How did we meet?
Persistant: what now ? i just proved it baby you will ask me about everything in our relation now ?
Persistant: i will invite you and we continue talking there
Stone : your answer was wrong, I was giving you another chance

Persistant: i will invite you and we continue talking there
Stone : your answer was wrong, I was giving you another chance

He invited and I declined.
Persistant: my answer was right and i know it ,, stop testing me
Persistant: ready ?
He invited. I declined.
Stone : You are not Jayc and its not funny doing that
Persistant: you still don't believe me ?
Persistant: you say that because you are with some 1 else right ? ,
,Persistant: ok , our relation ends here
Stone to : Matters not, I only room with Jayc
Persistant: you willn't see Jayc anymore coz he will be with another girl
Stone : You know, you should be yourself and not pretend to be someone else, especially someone’s spouse.
Persistant: bye , and thanks for what you did for me :*
Stone : You are not Jayc. And I will tell him what you just did.
Persistant: i proved that i'm Jayc but you didn't believe
Stone : He's a Dom too. Tut Tut. ( OK , so I told a white lie there )
Persistant: ok tell me i'm waiting for that ,,
Persistant: do you want to be sure that i'm Jayc ? you can be very sure now when you see me on skype
Stone : You are not Jayc. But at least you read my profile which makes a nice change.
Persistant: what change ? ,,, did you wrote on your profile that we have been together for 1 year ? ,,, stop pretending , i know what are you trying to do
Stone : We have not been together for a year
Stone : How did we meet?
Persistant: lol , so if we have not been together for a year ( as you say ) why you ask me another question ? .. if you want to end our relation and want us to not talk anymore just say that
Stone I was giving you another chance
Stone : to dig yourself deeper into the hole lol
Persistant: well we met here
Persistant: lol
Persistant: what a stupid girl

,, go ahead but trust me you willn't stay with Jayc for a long time coz guys need many girls ,, and 1 girl is not enough ,, espicially a girl like you
Stone : Baby, You havent had the pleasure of my room
Persistant: so what's special in your room ? . lol
Stone : Ask Jayc

Stone : And he will tell you Stone

Persistant: no need coz there is nothing special , you are just like others

Persistant: and Jayc told me that

Stone : Now that is just nasty and spiteful isnt it?
Persistant: no
Persistant: wanna show me what is special in your room ?
Stone : I'm sorry but I only room with Jayc

Stone : but nice try

I'm sure you will enjoy your time here. Just be yourself.
Persistant: lol , i just wanted to be sure about what Jayc's words coz he told me that nothing special in your room and you don't make him feel plesure

Persistant: well ,, you will see that i was right , you willn't stay with Jayc for a long time

Stone : Define a long time?
Persistant: Sorry, you are on my ignore list...