This guy pesters me on and off. Usually the conversations are short and sweet ... But I had two hits in one night between my chats... joyful

As usual name is changed to prevent embarrassment.
Little Dick: hi mom
Brandybee : Don't start like that, I dont like mom. its not good.
Little Dick: i am sorry..i didnt mean any offence...if you were my mother id be in heaven
Brandybee : go away
Brandybee : you used the M word again,
Little Dick: sorry...just young bored horny and too much energy and sperm..i am sorry...youre beautiful
He went away as he usually does. Then he came back ....
Little Dick: youre looking incredible mama...are you going on a date or?
Brandybee : Mama?
Little Dick: if dreams came true..then yes
Brandybee : why do you think its ok to presume I am into incest or that I would even like you to call me anything?
Little Dick: i dont presume anything, i just shoot and hope
Brandybee : its bad manners and I dont like incest nor the M words
Little Dick: bad manners? this entire program is bad manners
Brandybee : so its ok then, its ok to insult people.
Little Dick: i havent insulted anyone
Brandybee : yes you did
Little Dick: how?
Brandybee : that one word insulted me, I am not your mama and by the very nature of it , it suggests incest
Brandybee : you should chat politely first before making such presumptuous role play
Little Dick: we must have a different definition of the world insult, this is going nowhere, just ignore me
Brandybee : just dont rp such things... and you should learn to apologise
Little Dick: i have not done anything with intent to insult you, neither should anything i have said insulted you, youre taking this way out of context and proportion, this is a nameless thing, it is faceless, it is purely for sex
Little Dick: anyone looking for more than sex here is going to have a very bad time, they must be already
Brandybee : wrong, you are presuming people are like you.
Little Dick: no, im not presuming anything, this is not a dating site, its not a bar, its not an island resort, its a computerised sex simulator, why put yourself...who is on here faceless and simply an avatar and a name on a pedestal? this is pornographic...nothing more...looking for more than that here is like looking for an ice block in the desert
Brandybee : thank you for explaining that. I never thought of it like that.
Brandybee : silly me
Little Dick: miss you can think what you want, it doesnt matter to me, just as much as it shouldnt matter to you what i think, i am simply trying to explain how i dont see how i have insulted i said this is pointless.....
Brandybee : No you are forcing your incestuous r p on me. I didnt like it, plain and simple. And I dont like being called Mama.
Little Dick: im not forcing simply putting it can do nothing with it...reply to it...or block not forcing anything
Brandybee : You should find out what people like first before presuming
Brandybee : Ok, so if i said, " Hi little Dick, you look great to sub tonight? " You think that’s a good opening line?
Little Dick: if i was into that then that would be fantastic, as im not in to bdsm i would say "no, not for me thank you for the offer"
Brandybee : yeah, sure you would
Little Dick: whos presuming now?
Brandybee : And I'm not that ill mannered
Little Dick: i never said you were ill mannered
Brandybee : No, I am making a point
Little Dick : i have not commented on your manners or mannerism or personality at all
Brandybee : Well Your manners and presumptions leave a lot to be desired.
Little Dick: all iv done is tried to explain my reasoning behind failing to understand how i have insulted you....offended you? possibly...but i dont see how either....repulsed? certainly....but does a disfigured person apologise to you if they see the shock on your face? no
Little Dick: well that is fine miss
Brandybee : I explained it
Brandybee : You presumed I was incestuous
Little Dick: no i didnt
Brandybee : and used the M word
Brandybee : its a sex site, you called me mama
Little Dick: i did not presume you were..i put the thing there...then hoped you might be interested...i didnt even think enough about it to consider wether you were incestuous or not
Brandybee : you should have before you opened that chat
Brandybee : its offensive
Little Dick: well see this is all a matter of opinion, thats why we are going around in circles
Brandybee : lol no, you are insulting, I told you. simples
Little Dick: well different people are insulted by different things and in different ways...obviously between myself and you quite differently
Little Dick: youre absolutely lovely to debate with though
Brandybee : sure, you presumed I was incestuous, i'm not
Little Dick: i didnt presume
Brandybee : Has it sunk in yet?
Little Dick: no
Brandybee : Mama is definitely a presumption
Little Dick: no its not..its a is fantasy and in no way was it forced on is not possible to force it on you..there is no other way to communicate it with out somply putting it to you as i did....miss you could be a 19 year old male for all i know...i do not presume jack shit here...
Brandybee : No it’s an insult
Little Dick: define an insult to me
Brandybee : assuming I am or want to be your mother on a sex site
Brandybee : without bothering to chat to see what I like or dislike
Brandybee : presuming I like such things
Little Dick: assume..presume...none of this applies.....
Brandybee : that is insulting as you presume too much
Brandybee : you did
Brandybee : you presumed by calling me that
Brandybee : i wouldnt call you Little Dick (Well maybe I would now & have

Little Dick : miss youre more than welcome to call me little dick or moby dick or whatever you want....i simply put a situationally rp there and you were welcome to do what you wanted with was not forced on to was put to you the only way that is possible through this
Brandybee : It was, you sent it, I didnt ask for it
Brandybee : You presume too much
Little Dick: my word
Brandybee : accept it or not but don’t ever do that to me again
Little Dick: well...we will just have to agree to disagree on those points miss, im sorry we couldnt work this out, you seem like a lovely lady and i have no higher respect for strong minded girls, so...if i can ever be of any assisstance to talk or anything dont hesitate, of course i am not presuming or assuming here that you would want anything to do with me at all after this...but i am putting it out there..ok?
Brandybee : Not to me ok, I find it extremely insulting and presumptuous. And I know others do too
Little Dick: well that is fine i said were gona have to disagree here...i am sorry we couldnt work this has been lovely doing this though, youre great
Brandybee : I still dont hear an apology
Little Dick: i still dont see what i have to apologize for....for suggesting something youre not interested in? if someone says to you..."hey did you see the tennis?" and maybe to you tennis is the most boring fuckin thing in the world...would you make them apologize to you for asking?
Brandybee : No tennis is not incest
Little Dick: so?
Little Dick: its the same principle
Brandybee : and you called me a name I did not like
Brandybee : No its not
Brandybee : Tennis is not taboo or against the law
Brandybee : It’s totally the wrong analogy
Little Dick: yes...but it was said in a place where sexual fantasies are played in the context it is no different
Brandybee : No your sexual fantasy is not mine
Little Dick: exactly
Brandybee : You do what you want in the room
Brandybee : Not in the lobby
Little Dick: how else am i supposed to know that unless i put it out there to you?
Brandybee : you talk to me and ask what I like
Brandybee : you presumed
Brandybee : you was wrong
Brandybee : I didn’t like the presumption
Brandybee : Nor the name calling
Little dick: you say name calling as if i was calling you something derogatory, that was not the intent with which it was used...........why do you wish to keep talking to me?
Brandybee : You did. You called me Mama
Little dick: yes im quite aware of that
Brandybee : So I find it insulting
Little Dick: in my mind it is not derogatory or insulting it is suggesting a you despise me so much for being a boy with too much testosterone right now...and too much of an imagination...maybe wanting to get a thrill of doing something taboo? i dont understand why you persist with want to fix me? or you just want an apology for something that i dont think i have done?
Brandybee : So keep it for the room, you force your ideals on me that I frankly find despicable. Therefore it was a wrong opening line. It was insulting and presumptuous
Brandybee : and before using such a strong taboo, you should have found out if I was like minded
Little Dick: well i dont like to beat around the bush miss...thats why i just cut to the point...but i have really enjoyed this anyway...probably more than i would have doing what i suggested with you..i am sorry but the only thing i can apologise for is failing to see how you think i inteded to hurt you, that is the last thing i wanted to do
Brandybee : You didn’t hurt me, you pissed me off by calling me Mama and what it suggested.
Little Dick: well i didnt intend that, i cant repeat myself any more miss....really....i know you dont agree with it but do you understand my point of view?
Brandybee : No, you insulted me, you won’t accept it nor apologise. That’s your prerogative.
Little Dick: well just call me napoleon and be done with it then
Brandybee : No, I wouldnt insult Napolean
Little Dick: lol
Brandybee : lol
Little Dick: what do you want from me?
Brandybee : Nothing, I like to chat. LMAO
Brandybee : see if there’s any chemistry
Little Dick: well havent you found enough for a man mad volcanoe yet?
Brandybee : There’s no chemistry here, but I like talking to you lol
Little Dick: why?
Brandybee : Why no chemistry or why I like talking to you?
Little Dick: just why really
Brandybee : No chemistry , not on the same wave length = crap room
Brandybee : Talking to you, I chat by nature and am a role player too
Little Dick: ok
Brandybee :

why are you still here?

Little Dick: not fair really...youve no idea how much you turn me on...dont know what to do with myself now..guess ill have a cigerete while i figure it out
Brandybee : lol
Brandybee : You like erotic stories? There’s good ones on Forum.
Little Dick: i havent really read any
Little Dick: i like russian stories
Brandybee : Are you a member of Forum?
Little Dick: ok...what name are they under? i am bored now...and ridiculously horny but i dont think i could read anything right now
Little Dick: what forum?
Brandybee - Achats Forum -
Brandybee : its free, just register your details then log in
Little Dick: oh ok
Little Dick: i only install this thing once every couple of months..i duno miss...i dont want to get that far in to it
It goes quiet & I continue to chat to others.
Little Dick: sorry miss i had a phone call
Little Dick: i hate to be crass but i really just need to ejaculate...youve got me so wired..even after being stuck talking to my boss for half an hour
Little Dick: my cocks been hard for you so long its aching
Brandybee : lol Good, suffer lol
Little Dick: mercy
Brandybee : talking to the wrong person. I chat about erotic stories lol
Little Dick: ok...i am in a predicament then...i dont want to settle for any other girl right now
Brandybee : lol. best join forum then

You can read the stories

Brandybee : hot guranteed

Little Dick: next time i need this release i will...need something visual right now
Brandybee : Trust me, I bet your imagination is better. Try it and see
Little Dick: i dont have the time or patience right now
Brandybee :That’s a shame, you are missing quite an experience
Little Dick: i think iv been missing you my whole life...but i just couldnt go on a forum right now, at bursting point and i dont want anyone but you
Brandybee : mmm sorry, I am very particular and Mama killed it.
Little Dick: then i have committed orgasmical suicide
Brandybee : Thats one way of looking at it

Little Dicky: Theres nothing i can do or say is there?
Brandybee : No, you can’t recover from that, It’s why it’s not a good way to start

Little Dick: you wouldnt want a 19 year old anyway i dont think, youre too classy for me
Little Dick: can i at least have your permission to think of you when i cum?
Brandybee : No
Brandybee : lol
Little Dick: seriously?
Brandybee : No, think of someone else lol
Little Dick: i cant
Little Dick: youre really gona do that to me?
Brandybee : I'm a Domme, so no permission (

Little Dick: iv never been dommed...would you dom me? make me cum 5 times in you till i pass out?
Brandybee : No, you should not have called me Mama
Little Dick: well i cant do anything about it now....
Little Dick: i am my own worst enemy
Brandybee : mmm hmmm I tried to tell you, even hinted at saying sorry.
Little Dick: if i said sorry it would be false though miss....i am sorry that what happened happened..and how it turned out...but i cant apologise for not knowing how i did something wrong
Brandybee : Have you ever heard the expression - " You have to dress up to dress down"?
Little Dick: yes
Brandybee : dress up = start classy, you can dress down = down and dirty. You can’t start dirty and go up to classy…. but you can be classy and go down to dirty
Brandybee : And here endeths the lesson.
Little DIck: ok, well, i am sorry
Brandybee : At last you see the light

Little Dick: yeah but give me one guess and id say its a train coming
Little Dick: do i have your permission now?
Brandybee : Train baby, with me it’s an earthquake and violent storm with a train coming. You missed your stop
Brandybee : No
Little Dick: i give up
Little Dick: it was real nice meeting you miss and talking
Brandybee : take care, and change your initial contact
Brandybee : Nighty Night.
Think he's got the message now