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The Highway....
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: The Highway.... ( 7791 )
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
The Highway....
December 16, 2010, 04:44:19 PM »
The highway stretched out before me…… like a black ribbon hugging the contour of the terrain. … I look down at the speedometer…… not realizing I had hit 80mph…..remembering my last encounter with the highway patrol …and how unpleasant it was……. . I ease back on the throttle just a bit…..letting the V-twin catch its breath as the bike slows…..keeping an eye on my speed I watch the needle drop to 70.…… I twist the throttle to hold a steady speed as I engage the cruise control. The exhaust pipes now humming once again …with that roar that keeps me going…… I glance at the fuel gage and see that its showing less than a quarter of a tank of fuel….. Which means I have about 30 miles of fuel left…… and there is nothing along this stretch of highway….. The sky in front of me beginning to turn a little orange as the sun sinks lower and lower into the horizon…….if not for my sunglasses I would definitely be blinded. With my left thumb I increase the volume of the CD player ….. A familiar tune which I love….. “Against the Wind” …. My minds drifts…. thinking how damn appropriate….. Because that’s what it feels like now…. Riding against the wind…… and why I am where I am right now…….. Just had to get away…..and leave it all behind me…… it wasn’t her fault…… she can only do what she has to do……. But along those same lines… I have to do what I have to do…….and see what’s out there….
I snap back to reality as the song ends…….warm air rushing by me as I notice lights on the side of the road ahead…..glancing at my fuel gage once again I realize I need to stop for fuel soon……..not to mention needing something to wash the dust from my throat….. As I approach those lights I can tell I am on the outskirts of a town……. I disengage the cruise control and throttle down a little….. Looks like a restaurant ahead…. With a gas station just beyond….. I have been on this bike for a little more than two hours . ..since my last fuel stop…..about 160 miles ago.. ..and need to stretch my legs…... As I get closer to the restaurant sign I have to squint a little to read it.. my sunglasses are now too dark to see very well as the sky begins to darken….. I also see the words “Lounge” on the restaurant sign..…… just what I need!!…. A drink!!…… I throttle all the way down…. Pull in the clutch with my left hand and begin downshift as I brake….. I turn the Ultra into the parking lot……and scan for a place to park…. There are a few cars there…..but not crowded….. I find a spot opposite the front door….. I put my feet to the ground just as the bike comes to a stop…..and “walk” it backwards into the parking space…. I reach up and hit the kill switch to turn off the engine……. And notice the black Mustang GT parked next to me….. An empty space on the other side of me….. I sit for just a minute….with the bike balanced between my legs as I look toward the front door of the lounge……. I reach back with my left foot… catching the kick stand tab…..and pull the kick stand down…..then lean the bike over on it’s stand to let it rest….. I swing my leg over….dismounting from the left side…….and take off my leather half-fingered gloves….lay them on the seat….. I then reach up and release the strap of my helmet…… take it off….and lay it on the seat on top of the gloves…. I pull off my do-rag….and tuck it under the helmet…. I reach inside my vest pocket….grab a cigarette and light it….. Walk around the bike and lean against the right side of it…. Watching people come and go as I smoke and just chill for a few minutes….
As I survey my surroundings….. I can hear the faint “pop’s” of the chrome on the bike’s exhaust as it begins to cool……then I notice a very attractive blonde come out the door of the lounge…… snug fitting short black dress …… long shapely legs atop black high heels. I raise my sunglasses and rest them atop my head…… she begins to walk towards me …… as she gets a little closer….she hits her key fob…I hear the Mustang next to me unlock….. I try not to let her see that I am watching her……now I wish I had not raised my sunglasses, so I could watch without her knowing I was watching….but as attractive as she is.. I am sure she is used to it……. she looks to be about 35 to 40.….. Very well dressed and groomed.. Her “past shoulder length” hair flips a little in the breeze….. If I was guessing…. I would say she is about 5’ 5” to 5‘ 6“….. and not quite 120 lbs……. her hour glass figure seems to be picture perfect… as she approaches the mustang I can hear the “click, click, click “ of her heels on the pavement louder and louder….. I turn away and look down as she gets closer to her car…. I finish my cigarette and thump it to the ground….. I can hear her behind me as she opens the car door…..from behind me I hear “Very nice bike”… I turn towards her….. I see her begin to sink into the low seat of the mustang as I reply… “Thank you…… very nice car too”… she smiles as she finishes seating herself…. Her skirt rises a little as she sits….… showing almost all of her thigh……. And then she closes the door……. The darkened glass of the mustang hides her as I turn away from the car …... I hear the Mustang come to life as she starts it…. I stand and contemplate going into the lounge…..thinking the conversation had ended…... I hear her put the car in gear……. But it doesn’t move…….. Then I hear the sound of an electric window…… the that voice again …. Saying…. “On a long ride?…. I turn back towards the car…….. And I see that she has lowered the window and smiling …waiting for me to respond…… “yeah…… been on the road most of the day….. Just thought I would stop for a drink and fuel”….. and with a grin I say… “but right now the drink seems to be more important”…… she laughs and says… “I can understand that, I am sure sitting on top of that for a while would make a man thirsty . “yeah” I reply….. “but seeing you , I’m not sure I am dressed appropriately for this fine establishment” making a joke out of it… “Oh, you are fine“ she says… “and besides, every watering hole has its own appeal… right?”……I nod…. “yep, but more importantly I need a drink”….. quickly trying to make small talk to such an attractive woman I say… “that really is a nice car… and you sure look good in it”….. she grins back at me….. And says…. “well, its not mine.. Its my girlfriends car……I’m just making a cigarette run for her….. Why don’t you go in and get your drink…I’m sure you could use a little rest and relaxation….. and maybe I will see you in just a little while”. I smile back at her and without thinking twice….. Reply “sounds like a plan to me”…… still smiling she rolls the car window back up as she disappears behind the tinted glass of the mustang….. She puts the car in reverse…. Backs out….. Then heads out of the parking lot…..
I begin to brush the road dust off my levis, shirt and vest………. I begin to walk to the door of the lounge….. The few people I have noticed going in and out of this place… were all dressed nicer than me…… but what the hell….. Like she said…. it’s a watering hole….. I open the door…….. I can hear laughing and talking as I walk in….. my eyes adjust slowly to the darkness of the lounge… even tho it was beginning to get dark outside….. It was darker in here…. Except for the bar located at the opposite end of the room from the door….. As I walk slowly to the lights of the bar….. I can “feel” people watching me as I walk past the tables…… the place seemed to be about a third full…. But hard to really tell…. With my eyes still adjusting… all I can see is silhouette’s….. I reach the bar…… and find only two other people sitting there….. I find a open spot between two stools and the bartender comes over…….. Asks me what I would like……… and I tell him a jack on the rocks……… I lean into the bar… rest my foot an the rail…… and await my drink….. I can feel the stares coming from behind me…… just that feeling you get when you feel a little out of place…… he sets my drink down in front of me…. And I flip a 20 on the counter…… I lift my drink… and turn…… my back against the bar….. Leaning against it……. I look across the room as I take my first sip……. My eyes in better adjustment now….. I scan the tables…. Seems to be a lively crowd.. With quite a few women….. At least from what I can tell……. Then my mind goes back to that blonde in the mustang…… and I wonder which of these tables she was sitting at…. I take another sip…. And let the whiskey trickle down my throat……. Letting it wash away the dust that had been collecting most of the day…… I turn back towards the bar….. Thinking to myself…… I wonder how this will play out…..
: December 16, 2010, 04:50:42 PM Harley1956
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
Re: The Highway....
#1 :
December 20, 2010, 01:11:33 PM »
Taking another sip of whiskey……… I slip into the empty barstool beside me…….. Looking down into my glass… I listen to the chatter from the tables behind me…….. The bartender comes over…… asks if I am okay….. I nod and tap the bar counter requesting a refill…….. He fills my glass…… and says….. “just passing through?”…… I look up “yeah….. Just following the road… see where it will take me”…… as he wipes the counter, he grins…..”well, being a stranger…….it looks like you are the topic of discussion”…. I look up “what do you mean?”…….. he continues to wipe the counter as he explains..”don’t look now…… but there is a couple of ladies at a table behind you…. Seems a lot of looks in your direction”….. I laugh….”I am sure they are discussing how much I don’t fit in here”….. he replies… “nah,.. I don’t think so….. These ladies come in on occasion….. After work….. Its not that they think you don’t fit in….. you are just different….. They are used to the business type…. And you definitely don’t look the business type… if you know what I mean”……. laughing again…. “ well….. Lets just say I left the business suit in the closet …. Along with a few other things”……… “so you getting away from the real world are you?” he asks……………. “yep”… I say… “as much as I can….. Too much baggage to carry on the bike…. So I just left it all back there with the suit”……. “good for you” the bartender replies as he leaves to wait on someone at the other end of the bar….
I take another sip of my whiskey……. And spin around on the barstool…. Looking out over the room of tables….. My eyes have adjusted to the room …. I can now see faces……..I think I spot the table with the two ladies the bartender was talking about…….. Both very well dressed……. And very nice looking….. I guess them to be of the corporate world…… secretaries or administrative assistance’s….. or hell…… maybe CEOs….. Who knows…… as I glance at the table…. I can see them cut their eyes away from me as they notice me looking in their direction….. Both are brunette….. One with long wavy hair…… the other with shorter .. Off the shoulder length hair……. The table is far enough away from me… that I can see both pair of legs…… the shorter haired lady…. Nice legs …… but the one with longer hair…… her legs are long…..slender…..and crossed under the table…..her dress looks like one of those form fitting sweater type dresses…… its grey and her legs fit into it very nice and snug….. Her heels are grey with black trim…. I take my eyes away from the nice scenery I see under that table….. And back to her face….. And I realize she noticed that I was checking her out……. She raises her drink to her lips…. And I catch her continuing to look my direction while she takes a drink…… she sits her glass back on the table….. She smiles …. Then looks down….. Then back to her friend…….a moment or two later.. She glances towards me again….. I smile at her…..and she returns it before turning to her friend once again….
I hear the bartender behind me……. “you okay?” he asks….. “I’m good“ as I spin in my stool back towards the bar…... “Ummm do me a favor…. What ever those ladies are drinking over there….. A round on me?”………. “sure” the bartender replies…… “so you found the ones I was talking about”………… “I wasn’t sure” I said “but just in case I am causing a problem.. I want to buy them a drink”…… “not a problem” he said as he leaves to make their drink…. I take another sip….. And turn slightly as I follow the bartender on his trek to deliver the drinks…. Just as he get to their table…… I see that blonde ….. The one in the mustang….. Walk up to that same table…. Toss the car keys on the table.. Followed by a pack of cigarettes……. I watch the bartender set the drinks on the table…. And point towards me…. They both acknowledge me with a smile……. The blonde….. Still standing…… glances towards me at the same time the others did……. She looks at her friends… says something to them……. Then turns back towards me… and walks towards me…… I think to myself…. “damn she is good looking”….. her hips sway just right as she approaches me….. Her lips smiling every so slightly…… she comes right up to me….. And with a smile…… says….. “So, where is my drink?”……… I stand……… and with a slight grin…..pointing to the empty barstool next to me ask her…… “what can I get for you?”……. she slowly sits on the barstool next to mine…… and with a very sheepish grin…. Her brown eyes all lit up….. “A screwdriver would be nice”…… by now ….. The bartender is back behind the bar….. I look to him… and he nods…….. I sink into my seat at the bar….. I look at her “its on its way”…… she asks me “ got that drink you needed so badly”?………. “yeah” I reply…. As I breathe in….. with her sitting next to me….. I can smell her perfume…. Not over bearing…… just very pleasant aroma…… she crosses her legs…. And looks at me as I finish my statement…. “I had been thinking about that drink for the past 100 miles”……. she smiles……… I notice her face…. Very smooth complexion…. Just enough sun…… her hair…. Shining in the light from the overhead of the bar…… her scent like a floral garden..…… I find my mind now playing tricks on me…… wondering how awesome she must look without clothes…… I snap out of my mini daydream as she says….. “I was hoping to get back while you were here….. I don’t see many bikers around here”…….. I chuckle a bit…. And ask “No one around here has a motorcycle?”…….. “not like yours she says….. Those things the kids ride maybe…. Or dirt bikes…. Small town you know”………. I take a second to respond….. I’m still in awe of how gorgeous she is…… her lips are full… pale pink lip gloss…… with matching eye shadow…..long, full eyelashes…… the kind that look like little brushes.. Very soft looking..…. While soaking in her beauty I stumble on my words to respond to her……. “I guess this is more of a family oriented town” I reply…… “yes” she says…….. And she leans over to me a little….. And whispers, “ and soo fucking boring”…. her statement throws me back a little…. I didn’t expect that to come across those perfect lips… …. The bartender sets her screwdriver down in front of her….. She turns…… takes a sip…… then glances back towards me….. And with an almost devilish grin…… says….. “so what are your plans for this evening”?
: December 20, 2010, 01:16:36 PM Harley1956
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
Re: The Highway....
#2 :
December 21, 2010, 01:09:51 PM »
I grin a little…… take another sip of my whiskey…..almost choking on it as my mind scrambles for an answer ……..I turn towards her….. “I’m not sure yet” I reply…. “but things are definitely looking up”….. my eyes drift from her beautiful soft brown eyes… her long neck……. the black dress has a V cut neckline which plunges well into her cleavage….. Her breasts are full and pronounced….. Even tho her dress is a low V cut… it covers her black bra well…. I can barely see the lacey trim of the cups just under the edge of the neckline…… her breast rise and fall as she breathes…… she must be a 38 … and at the very least a C….. I remember watching her walk towards me in the parking lot…… and I thought her to be perfect then….. But now I see how relevant my thoughts truly were at the time….. What seemed to be forever as I rest my eyes on her curves in the soft light of the bar….. Could only have been a second or two….. But my mind was racing as my eyes took in the portrait painted in front of me….. I look up to her eyes once again…… the dim light dancing in them……. With a soft smile….. I ask, “what are you and your friends doing this evening”……. her eyes lock on mine…… and she says, “not much to do around here…. My friends were talking about going to a club on the other side of town”….. she lowers her voice to almost a whisper… “but I think I am going to stay right here”…. I watch her eyes move from mine….to my chest…… then to my arms…… she reaches out with her hand…… and her finger glides over the bare skin of my exposed upper arm… all the way up my bicep to the top of my shoulder. ….at edge of my sleeveless shirt…… as she speaks softly again.. “you wouldn’t mind if I stayed here if they go would you?”…. my mind racing so fast now….. “I wouldn’t mind one damn bit” I say with a smile…… her finger leaves my shoulder as she retracts her hand…. She looks at me with that devilish grin again as she turns her barstool and stands…. Walks back over to her friend’s table….. I watch her walk away from me…. Her hips moving just right…. She gets to the table…. Leans over to talk to her two girlfriends …. As she leans over the table the rear of her dress rises a little as it tightens around her fully curved ass…… “DAMN” I think to myself….. I take another sip of my whiskey…. And watch her take the car keys back…. Her friends rise from the table …giggling and looking my direction…then walk towards the door as she turns and walks towards me again……. This time…. Looking me up and down with a very big smile on her face…… she sits down at the stool again….. Twirling the keys to the mustang around her finger…….. “where are your friends going?” I ask……. “They are going to take Monica’s car to that club… Cindy gave me the keys to her mustang”….she turns to take her drink in hand …. Takes a sip…. Then looks to me again….. And sheepishly asks me…. “I know you have been riding all day…..but, do you think you can ride a little more before the night is over?”
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
Re: The Highway....
#3 :
December 22, 2010, 02:59:50 PM »
I lean back just a little…. Not believing what I just heard…. And not real sure I understand what she meant by that… I know what I am HOPING she meant… but before I can utter a word……. She leans towards me…… her cleavage in full view now…. As she rests her hand on my thigh…… looks at me with those brown eyes……and asks again… “well, do you think you can ride some more?” ….. a very sexy smile comes across her face….. Her eyes sparkling in the dim light….. I know for certain now what she is contemplating….. Her hand still at my thigh….. I can feel her index finger lightly stroking the denim… I take another sip of whiskey….. And with a slight chuckle I reply… “I think I have a few more miles left in me”….. my voice gets a little more serious…”what did you have in mind?”……. she slowly rises from the barstool….. Parting my legs as I sit on the barstool…… she leans into me….. Her hands resting at my shoulders…….. Her face moves soo close to me……. Her lips so close to mine I can almost feel them…. Her eyes with a very sexy gaze…… as she whispers softly…….. “I have you in mind”…… she then presses her lips into mine….. Her silky softness against my lips are almost intoxicating….. She slips her tongue between my lips……. Her hands tighten at my shoulders….. Then slips down my arms….. My lips cant help but to part….. To allow her soft sensual tongue access to mine……. The tips lightly touch…. Little flicks between us…… she presses her lips a little harder onto mine……. My hands reach for her….. And rest at her slender waist…she then pulls back… and as she does … her lips gently tug at my bottom lip… she looks to me … and this time… smile…..but a very serious look….. And softly speaks… “..and I hope you have me in mind”……I give her a quick wink……. And pulling her to me a little closer… enough that she can feel my crotch at her waist….. And with a very low voice.. I tell her.. “right now baby, you are the only thing on my mind”…… a cute smile covers her face…... She leans to me….. And whispers soo delicately in my ear….. “I‘m going to the car….. Follow me to my house” ….. she flips her blonde hair as she turns…. And begins to head for the door…... I stand…. Reach in my pocket for money to pay the bar tab….. Bartender….tells me $15.00 more…. I flip another $20 on the counter and turn….. I hear the bartender as I start to walk away…. “looks like your lucky night”
I head for the door and see her standing there waiting….. Her hand resting on the doorknob…. Her long silky legs exiting her dress with one cocked a little… she has a very gentle smile on her face as I approach her….. She lifts her hand from the doorknob to allow me to open it for her….. She walks out with me in tow….. I look across the parking lot….. And see the black mustang parked in its original spot next to my motorcycle.…. She clicks the key fob and the mustang unlocks again…… as she walks to the car…. I watch her hips move back and forth….. And I think to myself….. “nothing like this has ever happened to me before… damn she is hott”… she reaches the car…..and turns to me…… just as I arrive at my bike.. I move between her and the car…. And open the car door for her….. She sits down into the mustang.. Her dress rises … and exposes those damn legs even more to me…… “she knows she is killing me” I think to myself….. I close the door for her as she rolls the window down….. And then rests her hands on the steering wheel…… “you don’t have a problem following me do you?” she asks….. “not at all” I reply…… I quickly take my sunglasses off the top of my head…. Put them in the leather pouch just below my windshield… I can sense her watching me as I get the bike… and myself situated… I lift my helmet.. Grab the leather fingerless gloves and put then on…… I pick up the do-rag and shove it in my pocket….. Then place the helmet on my head….. And turn to her as I fasten the strap…….. I see her watching me as she runs her finger across her lip…… I throw my leg over the bike…… lean it up off the kickstand… sit in the seat and with my left foot……. Pull the kickstand up….. I reach to the dash….. And turn the ignition switch to “on”…… look to her as she starts the mustang….. And backs out of the parking spot…….. As she does…. I hit the start button ….. And the V-twin wakes up… I pull in the clutch… shift to first gear….. She puts the car in drive…... And begins to pull away……. I let out on the clutch……. Twist the throttle…... And follow the mustang……
After about 10 minutes of following the distinctive glow of mustang tail lights….. We pull into a little neighborhood….. I see her brake lights come on and she pulls into the driveway of a very well kept home…… not very big but very warm looking… I pull in the driveway behind her…… her headlights still on I see a very nice blue Lexus in front of the Mustang…… I stop the bike behind the mustang….. Turn off the engine and pull the kickstand down….. And lean the bike over on it…… I get off the bike just as she opens the car door….. She swings those sexy legs out of the car …. And rises ….. I look to her as I take off my helmet… “nice place”……. she closes the car door…. And walks towards me…. I take off my gloves and place them along with the helmet on the seat….. “thank you” she says……. I ask her about the Lexus…. She explains that is her car… and her friend Cindy picked her up earlier….. I then ask her if I need to lock the bike…. She smiles and says…. “that’s up to you…. But if you are going to be here until morning… then I suggest you lock it”…… I think to myself…”till morning…. Damn….. Its only about 9 oclock or so “….. I can feel my cock getting hard already….. I surely didn’t expect anything like this to happen….. And with such a beautiful woman”……. just as she begins to turn to walk to her front door……. I grab her arm…. And spin her around…… pull her towards me……. I lean into her and gently kiss her ….. Returning the kiss she gave me in the lounge….. I can feel the breeze blowing her hair softly across my face….. Her tongue taps lightly at mine as we kiss…… she slips her hand over my shoulder as my arm moves around her waist… I can feel her grind into me a little as we let the kiss get more intense….. I can feel her chest press against mine as our kiss continues….. My lips slide soo delicately over hers… the lip gloss she is wearing is soo slick…… as I pull away I gently nip at her bottom lip…. Just like she did to me earlier……. I look to her eyes ….. And they slowly open as our kiss ends… her hand still at my shoulder…… her breasts still lightly pressing at my chest….. She softly says…. “shall we go in”?… I nod….. And release her from my hold…. She reaches up with her finger and rubs her lip as tho she hasn’t been kissed like that in a while….. I lock the bike’s ignition and front fork….. Grab my helmet and gloves……. She turns….. And walks toward the door……. She reaches inside her purse…. And grabs her house key……. We walk up the 3 steps of her porch…. She fumbles with the key at the doorknob….. I take it from her.. “let me do that” ….. and I unlock the door….. Open it….. And step back to allow her to lead me inside.
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
Re: The Highway....
#4 :
December 23, 2010, 03:09:50 PM »
She moves towards the door and takes my hand as she walks past me……. Her hand is so soft but she grips my hand firm and beckons me to follow with a tug….. She flips on the light switch as we pass through the doorway….. Only one lamp comes on….. And its at the other side of the room…… the living room is very well decorated …. Classy looking…….. Her hand slips from mine as I turn to close the door behind me……. When I turn back towards her….. She is right in front of me……… she moves closer and slips her arms around my neck…… her body begins to press into mine as she tilts her head back and her eyes slowly close…… her lips meet mine…….. And her tongue gently glides past my lips…… my arms immediately encompass her small waist….. As I pull her tight against me….. Her hand moves up along the back of my neck… her fingers toying with my hair as the kiss intensifies……. My hands move slowly over her hips….. Reaching down to the gentle curve of her ass…… I feel her grind into me more…. As my hands cup her tight bottom…… and gently squeeze…… pulling her even tighter……. I know she must feel that bulge in my jeans ….. Her tongue finds mine….and the tips of out tongues lightly tap and play with one another… swirling and teasing ….. Her body seems to be becoming more and more a part of mine…… almost melting into me…… my hands cup her ass tightly……. She begins to grind harder and harder into my groin…. Her mouth hungrily and passionately kissing me…. Her tongue wildly teasing mine…. While holding and kissing her…. I begin to wonder how long its been since she has had a man…… one of my hands move up from her ass….. And gently moves up along the small of her back…. Spreading my fingers……I gently caress her back… her kiss deepens even more…… her breasts pressing hard into my chest…… her hand slips from the back of my head as she release my hair…. And glides down my neck…. She pulls away slightly as her hand roams over the front of my shoulder to my chest…. As she begins to unsnap my leather vest…….. She looks to my eyes….. And lightly kisses me each time she unsnaps a snap…. My hand continues to caress her back…… then I reach up just a little….. And let my fingers comb through that beautiful blonde hair……. Just as she reaches the last snap of my vest…. I close my fist….. Capturing some of her hair…… and gently tug it…. Forcing her head to tilt back just a little….. I lean down….. And let my lips fall upon hers once again……. I hold her tight as my lips press harder and harder into hers…. I can feel her heartbeat quicken as we kiss….. I know she has to feel how fucking hard my cock is….. There is no way that she can’t feel it…. She has me so turned on right now….. she has to know how badly I want her…..
Our passion drowns in that kiss….. I turn her slightly and push her backwards about a half a step… the wall behind her stops our movement….. I have her pinned between me and the wall…. My arm slips from behind her as I prop it against the wall just next to her head…. Her arms wrap around my neck tightly as my chest bears down into hers…. I pull back from the kiss just enough to allow my lips to gently suck her bottom lip into my mouth…… I hear her soft breath quiver just a little as I tenderly bite her lip…… rolling it down just a little as my lips capture it yet again and tug it softly as my mouth pulls farther and farther away……her lip rolls farther out as I let is slowly slip from my hold….. That single strand of moisture between us… stretches…. Then finally breaks as her eyes softly open….. I gently gaze into those soft brown pools… I can feel her heart beating hard against my chest… as I am sure she can feel my rapid pulses within my own chest…….. She leans into me…… her lips at the base of my neck….. I feel her lips barely brush over my skin as she softly whispers….. “Fuck me baby….. Take me on a wild ride”
That was all I needed to hear…… I slip my hand to the front of her dress……. And slowly begin to unbutton it…… after the first two buttons are undone….. I see that her eyes have become more intense…. More wanting……. And at that point my instincts completely take over…… I quickly jerk the front of the dress… and the remaining 5 buttons pop off….. I heat them hit the floor….. Surprised by my actions… she shutters just a bit… my hand slips inside her open dress…. And my hand quickly begins to knead her breast……. Her bra is black and very lacy.. Her nipple is so fucking hard….. I can feel it protruding under the material….. My hand squeezes and then my fingers gently pinch the part of her bra that her nipple is hidden under……. I lean down…… and kiss her neck….. She tilts her head back as far as she can before the wall stops her….. My lips settle at the base of her neck where it meets her shoulder…… I gently slip my hand up and begin to tug her dress downward……. She leans forward just enough to allow the back of her dress to begin to fall……I pull away just enough to let her arms slip out of the dress….. as it hit’s the floor…….. I can see she is wearing black thong panties… and a black garter belt holding up those silky tan stockings……… her bra is a deep plunge…. and frames her breasts very nicely……. She immediately slips her arms around my neck again….. But before she can complete her embrace… I grab her arms…… slip my hands into hers…… and pin her hands against the wall …. I lean down……. And tenderly kiss her chin… my lips move slowly down her throat…… I hear soft whimpers emitting from her lips as my mouth moves closer and closer to her cleavage….. My tongue lightly licks its way in that soft valley between her mounds… her bra keeping the hills close together…... My mouth then turns….. As my tongue leaves a little wett trail across her breast…… my lips reach the edge of her bra…… and kisses its way along the edge…… teasing her breasts….. And making her nipple anticipate me……. I quickly move to the other breast……. And do the same….. Kissing her skin at the very edge of the bra…. Taking my time……. Keeping her pinned against the wall… her breathing gets deeper and her breasts begin to heave just a little in time with her breath…… she arches her back as much as she can ….. I slip my hand behind her as she arches……. I quickly find the clasp of her bra…… and within a second or two…… have it unfastened….. She lets out a softer breath as she feels the release of her breasts from the confines of the bra. … my lips still kissing the her… my teeth make their way to the edge of the bra….. And I gently bite the material….. I lift and pull it….. Uncovering her hardening nipple…… with one breast almost fully exposed…… my mouth quickly surrounds the erect nipple….. And sucks it tenderly into my mouth…….. My tongue swirls around it….. Her moans tell me she needed to feel that…….. I can feel her nipple swelling even more as my mouth covers it…… I let my tongue stop……. And let it wrap itself around the nipple… feeling each beat of her heart……. Throbbing inside her nipple……. Then I gently…… let my teeth bare down on it… just enough to let her know I am holding it with my teeth……. Then the tip of my tongue….. Begins to dig lightly at the little hole in the tip of her nipple……… she moans again… arches more……. And my hand moves up…… and slips off the other bra cup …… my hand grabbing her other breast…… massaging it and kneading it roughly in my hand as the bra is now just hanging from her arm….. My hand squeezes her breast harder and harder…. As my mouth continues to manipulate the other breast…… sucking and biting the blood engorged nipple….. She begins to shake her head from side to side…….
She pushes me back just a little….. My mouth slips off her breast…… as does my hand from the other …… still against the wall.. She pushes me back enough that she slips my vest off of me…she then drops her arms enough to let her bra fall completely off her…. … and then rips open my sleeveless shirt…….. She opens it…… grabs me…… and pulls me back to her tightly……. Her bare breasts now grinding hard into my bare chest…. I can feel her hard nipples digging into me….. She kisses the base of my neck….. Her breathing almost like a pant…….. Her lips move closer and closer to my ears…… and she whispers…..a little more forcefully this time….. “I….. want….. You….. To…. Fuck….. Me……. “
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: The Highway....
#5 :
December 23, 2010, 05:55:38 PM »
great story Harley...keep it coming...
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: The Highway....
#6 :
December 23, 2010, 06:50:44 PM »
Yes its good reading.
: 42
Ride it like you stole it
Re: The Highway....
#7 :
December 29, 2010, 11:48:33 AM »
Hearing her say that….and the way she said it… sends a wanting chill down my spine….. as I lean into her again…….. She lifts one leg….. And wraps it around my thigh…… my hand slips down…… and cradles it……. Helping to hold her leg in place around me…… my lips…..fall upon hers again…….. Her mouth opens and our kiss becomes the deepest we have yet to experience…… my mind going ape shit at this point….. My testosterone now guiding me as I feel her leg tighten to pull me even closer to her…… my groin instinctively begins to pump against hers…. Our kiss becomes a contest of tongues as they swirl and flick and dance wildly………. I teasingly begin to pull my tongue into my own mouth….. Coaxing hers to follow…….. And once her tongue is inside my mouth…… I slowly close and begin to suck her tongue……I suck it so deep…… almost like the way I hope she will soon suck my cock…… she pulls back a little….. And my lips surround her tongue and I feel it glide out of my mouth as it exits….. Her arms slip from around my neck… and glide over my chest as she flattens herself against the wall… her leg unwinds from around me as she places her foot back on the floor…. Her brown eyes glowing…… she slowly begins to slide down …. Her hands moving slowly ….. Reaching my stomach….. Her legs bend as she crouches….. Her knees spread and at either side of my legs as she lowers herself as she glides slowly down the wall and comes to a squat before me….. As her hands reach the waistline of my jeans…...
Her finger slips inside just enough to stroke my skin just under the denim… her eyes look up to mine as I watch her gently begin to unfasten my belt buckle…… as she looks up at me… her tongue lightly licks her own lips…… she then looks down to her work……. As she finishes undoing my belt…… she releases the button of my levis ……. Then turns her eyes back up towards mine……. I cannot believe this gorgeous creature is doing this to me…… and my heart is beating so hard in anticipation of what she is about to do……. Her hand gently roams over the front of my jeans as she feels that bulge pulsing under the denim….. Her fingers reach for the zipper and she slowly begins to pull it down…… still looking at me…. She begins to grin ever so seductively …. And I feel the upper part of my jeans loosen as she pulls the zipper lower and lower…….. As the zipper reaches its final resting place….. She glances back to my groin…… her hand reaches into the opening of my levis …… and with a single finger……. Gently strokes my bulge… my cock is so hard and erect… I can feel the head trying to rise up and poke itself through the elastic waistband of my black briefs ….. And it finally succeeds as her finger continues to lightly stroke that bulge…. “My God” I think to myself…… I cant believe how fucking hard my cock is…. She sees the head protruding from my briefs …..her finger immediately reaches up….. And lightly glides over the silky swollen head….. Looking up to my eyes she smiles even bigger….. As I hear a very content “mmmmm” come from her….. Her finger then moves from the head….. And glides over that bulge again…… all the way to the base…… she then takes her hands…. Reaches to either side of the waistline of my levis…… and pulls them down just a little….. Just enough that the waistline of my jeans….. Is now just below the cheeks of my ass…… her hands then move to the waistband of my briefs and pulls them lower and lower…… I watch her eyes widen as each inch of my fully engorged …almost 8 inch cock …is slowly exposed….. I can feel my cock begin to pulse as I anticipate her next move…... I watch her as she slowly moves her eyes back to my cock…… and gently reaches ….and wraps her slender fingers around my thick cock…… her grip is delicate as her fingers barely meet her thumb with her hold….. I know she must be able to feel the contour of my swollen veins as she slowly begins to move her hand back and forth along my shaft..…
Looking down and watching…. I see her mouth move closer and closer to the head of my cock as she continues to slowly pump her hand …… she parts her lips and the tip of her tongue flicks the very tip of me….. Her tongue moves soo slowly as she lets her tongue slip under the head….. And softly curls her tongue to stroke the underside of the head…… she then moves her tongue in a swirling motion around the head….. Her grip around my cock tightens as her hand quickens the pumping motion…. My eyes close as I feel her tongue continue to swirl and moisten the head of my cock….. My ass muscles tighten a little as I place my left hand on the wall to lean on…. As she raises my cock and her tongue begins to work the length of the underside of my cock…….. She moves soo fucking slowly….. Driving me mad in the process….. Her hand now holding me just under the head…… as he tongue moves lower and lower along my shaft……. As she reaches the base…… she begins to move her tongue upwards again…… her thumb gently kneading that little spot just on the underside of the base of the head………. My breathing gets deeper as she slips her hand along my shaft towards the base…. As her tongue gets closer to the head….. She lowers my cock as her mouth opens…… and I feel her soft velvet lips gently kiss the head…… she stokes my shaft one more time……. Then her lips open wide….. As I feel her take my cock head slowly into her warm moist mouth….. I reach down with my free hand and gently let my finger stroke the side of her face as she tenderly sucks the head of my cock….. The rim passes just inside her lips as she swirls her tongue around it…… her hand still slowly pumping along my shaft as her tongue tip digs at that little hole at the tip of my cock…… my hand slides up from her face…. My fingers begin to stroke and comb through her hair as her mouth widens……. I feel her throat open as she descends deeper onto my cock….. Her tongue gliding along my underside ….she goes about halfway down my shaft ….. Then stops and moves back towards the head….. She again takes my cock to about midpoint…… then slowly pulls herself off again……. I can feel the grip of her hand tighten yet again near the base of my cock….. Her mouth slips over my shaft and dives hard onto it…. Her hott mouth moving past the midpoint…… and I hear soft ‘gags’ as she takes more and more of me….. Her mouth feels so fucking good…. My hips cant help but to move towards her sexy mouth…. All I can think of . Is to FUCK IT….. My head is soo tight inside her….. My shaft completely covered as her soft gags continue….. I can feel my cock swell even more as her hand moves from the base of my cock….. To fondle my balls…….. She begins to move faster and faster along my shaft….. And with each approach she makes on me….. I can feel her mouth suck harder and harder …. Her little gags get louder and louder… with a hint of sounds of moisture as her saliva covers my hard shaft as he lips create a seal between her mouth and my cock flesh…. Her breathing gets deeper as she goes down on me and is forced to breath through her nose as she sucks me….. Her mouth pumps get deeper and farther along my shaft…. I can feel the head of my cock soo deep in her throat….. Her gags become choking sounds as my hips thrust to meet her mouth each time she pumps me….. Her breasts swing lightly into my lower thighs as she quickens her pace…. I can tell she is as hungry for this as I am…… her mouth feels soo fucking good….. I start to feel my balls tighten and rise….. She is doing such a number on me…… I know if this continues much longer….. She will have me cumming way too soon… my mind is in such a fog right now……. This beautiful woman working on my cock so hard……my fingers stop combing through her hair and grab a handful of it…… holding her in place as my thrusts push harder into her mouth…….so hard that she gags and chokes more…… she tries to pull back…. Only for the wall to stop her retreat … I lean harder into her….. pumping my meat deeper into that hot fuck -a-ble mouth….. her body writhing as I feel the tip of her nose touching my skin just above my cock as she takes all of me….. My ass muscles tighten even more as I feel her hand squeezing it hard…. Like she cant get enough … I feel my cum wanting to rise and explode…… suddenly…. without hesitation… I stop pumping……. My cock buried all the way in her mouth….I look down……and watch my glistening cock slip from her lips as I slowly pull myself out… she glances up to me…. Her lips swollen from her work…… somewhat panting… she softly speaks.. “My God I love your cock”…. she blinks slowly as I reply… “that was awesome gorgeous“..……still holding my cock with her right hand….. Her left hand moves from my ass…..she slips it inside her panties and begins to rub herself ….. Still squatting… and with a slight grin on her face….she impatiently says….. “I want you to take my pussy ….it’s aching for you”……
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