Now,Im very eclectic when it comes to music.One day,I may be listening to Barry Manilow,and the next day,Im listening to Velvet Acid Christ,or Skinny Puppy.None the less,music is what drives my soul each day that I wake from my slumber.Without music,I would probably be in some asylum,clawing the walls with my fingernails.
For those who like soothing classical pieces,you might like this.The band is [S.I.T.D.] (Shadows In The Dark),now the original piece is just the piano.A couple of years after its release,2 german girls asked the singer of the band if it was ok to add (german) lyrics and maybe a synthesizer with it,and post it on where else?
Another piece I love to listen to is Brunuhville's Moonlight Lullaby (
Enjoy!....Tomorrow,it may be Tom Jones,or it could be Nero Bellum from Psyclon Nine