DAM Martin , where didt you found my confession ?
ROFL YEP 70,80 and some of 90s was the best
The webpage you are reading was created using HTML, the standard markup language used to create web pages.
However, 11% of people surveyed believe HTML was a sexually transmitted disease.
The study was conducted by Vouchercloud.net, a coupon website, as a way to determine how knowledgeable users are when it comes to tech terms.
Besides HTML,
27% identified "gigabyte" as an insect commonly found in South America,
23% thought an "MP3" was a "Star Wars" robot, and
18% identified "Blu-ray" as a marine animal.

(Source: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-1-10-americans-html-std-study-finds-20140304-story.html )