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: Interested?
Of course! I'm into it too.
Are you THAT set on the boundaraies?
Not really.

: Okay, considering a return.  ( 18775 )
Hero Member
: 3047

« #15 : July 30, 2013, 09:19:16 AM »

Hi Janine. :D

I think mutual masturbation can be quite fun, it's the most fun it there's a setting and a bit of role play to it as well. Like if a teacher finds her naughty student masturbating, tells her to continue while she watches but the atmosphere makes her touch herself as well in the end.

I also believe that the limits and boundaries has to be clear and understood or there will most likely be a misunderstanding leading to something unfortunate.

Anyway finding people to that really suits one in general is probably one of the hardest parts... as irl.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #16 : July 31, 2013, 11:26:10 PM »

old_goat-"Shy" is not actually the term I think applies for me here. I know what I am after, and I am seeking it, but I am also aware of the difficulties of getting it, and of it going bad. So I am proceeding in a fashion that I hope will allow me to seek out the serious and get past those with other designs.

HB- Well okay, now that does sound interesting. My connection SUCKS at the moment (with plans to improve it in the next few weeks), so that's actually VERY interesting to me.

Covems-I'm happy you've enjoyed my contributions. That I've come back after being so long gone says something I think, and I will flat out say I am hopeful, but I will admit I must have the passion stirred, because I need to WANT to be here. This thread, and the voting results however are giving me hope.

Pafe-I've kept the link, and I've kept the memories of the times I've had here. If I can reknidle the spark none would be happier then I.

Adera-Well honey I knew you and I were similar in thoughts there. :)

And to all the "Into it too" and "Sure" message me... discussion is fine, but I will plainly say I am hoping for some to share this passion of mine with.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #17 : August 02, 2013, 04:19:53 PM »

Well, an example of it in action has started in Erotic Stories under "Independent Study" for any interested.

As a note, if you are REALLY interested you can PM to see where you should join in.
« : August 02, 2013, 04:40:44 PM Janine Dee »

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #18 : August 03, 2013, 05:47:27 AM »

Already a wonderful start, and I'm working on my next addition.

And I think Brandybee shows a wonderful point. She's as straight as I am gay, but we both have a similar taste, hobby, predeliection.

Now I should note (and I'll probably note it in my later addition) when I said "Feast of the eyes." I'm talking of the sharing, just the idea of sharing similar passion, common indulgence. Of taking something personal to shared.

If others want in, to share similar passion, just let us know. Just remember the point of that other thread, there are plenty of orgies, that is specialized in personal pleasures.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3047

« #19 : August 03, 2013, 12:11:13 PM »

Yes, there's room for others and there's many ways to join in.

When I hear "Feast of the eyes" I kinda think of the image of the other person, the emotions expressed, the situation and in turn how that affects me.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #20 : August 03, 2013, 12:24:31 PM »

I'm pretty much the same, but ultimately the hope is that people sharing in it can enjoy sharing it.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #21 : August 03, 2013, 12:27:32 PM »

I have to say that I find mutual self masturbation special, more intimate even than the act of sex itself. There has to be a special bond and trust between partners to open your inner self to share yourself in this way.

I quite like the thought of us all masturbating in our own little sensuous worlds, just imagining the erotic little sounds, of gasps, of stifled moans, of losing yourself in that moment, when primitive lust takes over your very being, and suddenly ,  suddenly there's a big smile on your face  :)

Hot, real hot ...  hehe

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #22 : August 03, 2013, 12:40:59 PM »

You're making me all the happier I broached the subject.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3047

« #23 : August 03, 2013, 05:36:39 PM »

I'm writing my next part atm. :)

I'm glad that you like it Brandy it would be fun if a handsome cowboy walked past you. ;)
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