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: Janine's Dungeon  ( 105540 )
Hero Member
: 3007

« #120 : June 28, 2012, 11:09:49 AM »

Well bumped Janine, with all the current interest in BDSM, your dungeon should be very busy.


I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1379

« #121 : July 03, 2012, 04:50:57 PM »


I needed to add my 2 cents if you don't mind.  If you do, to bad, lol.

There are two reasons why I don't let anyone Dom me.  First is my attraction to a certain person is so overwhelming that I want to devour them.  I want/need to make them loose control.  To see how far I can push them, how far they will push me.   Now i have wanted a certain someone to dom me, i have tried but i cant help it.  I want to push her down on the bed, watch the look on her face as i....anyway i digress.  I must say once i take control its really really hard to let go.   Second is trust.  Your giving everything to that person.  You have to have the ability to trust and let go.  I have only ever let myself be owned once in RL.  I have his symbol tat on my neck.  He is 2nd person in my life that i trust and is worth doing that for.  Its my sign of respect, love, trust(i would like to put a pretty J on my wrist but i dont think she would like that..or would she).  And only one other person in VR worth truly showing my Dom side(kiss) too.  I think  a dom can lead with a firm hand then a painful one.  Sub can follow without following blindly.  Now I'm telling you this so you guys won't lynch me for the question I am bout to put to you.  But everyone ones idea of bdsm tend to go beyond the norm and I wanted your thoughts.

Anyway I came back cause I wanted to put a questions to you all.  I was in another site. I am not allowed to copy his post.  He put a questions to owners.....It's about body modification.   He wanted to know if men thought that their pet/slave/sub's clit was distracting her so much that it interfered with their pleasure.  As owner would you remove it?  What other body modifications would you subject her to?  Do you have the right to modify her without her say so? Do you think her getting an orgasm is a service to you? 

So please feel free to tear this apart.  I will say this, if a pet wants this, if this is her/his thing and they are not following blindly, then I'm not gonna bitch.  But if it's forced upon them, or they are bullied into it til they give in...I seriously think the owner should seriously be &@$$&87)$7()(%^~#>~#%><€€^> and ^><}~#}><^>^%#%#|#~. 
I was never asked to put the tat on, it was a surprise.  My decision and he is thinking bout a design for me, for him.  It's not a symbol of ownership but of trust.  And no matter how it ends, it's a very good reminder of something beautiful.
Hero Member
: 3856

« #122 : July 03, 2012, 05:45:07 PM »

sinnnn!!!  8)

Body modifiactions are stirctly a pet's decision IMO.

In no way... absolutely NO F'******  way does any person have the right to force another human being to such extremes as castoration or other deformity against their will. That speaks totally of slavery beyond acceptable limits...a viloation of the subordinates trust in their owner/top. The Top in such case should be put away, locked up..

To me this is a form of activity falls outside acceptable limits that it is not consensual ...

Personally in my play... her orgasm is the absolute accent of her want in service to me... I am not talking of one singular.. but finding and devloping the capabiltiy of acheiving edge and riding it, slide across and within seconds be back again to that point...better still when they are voice trained to it...It's like being given the keys t o a Ferrarri

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #123 : July 03, 2012, 07:59:24 PM »

A bump to a worthy topic....
Sinnnn originally posted a Masters Creed... I had seen that several years ago... and remembered there was a corresponding Submissive Creed with it... Adding it for food for thought:

A Submissives Creed:

I will Not Try To Manipulate my Dominant.
I Will NOT Push.
I Realize That my Actions And Behavior Reflect Upon
His/Her Skills As A Teacher And A Dominant.
I Will Not Intentionally Embarrass my Dominant.
I Wear The Honor Of Being His/Her submissive
I Take Pride In Who And What I Am And Will Never
Portray myself In A Negative Way.

I Will Keep An Open Mind And Try New Things In An
Attempt To Expand my Limits.
I Will Continue To Grow as a submissive
and as a human being.
I Will Not Allow myself To Be Harmed Or Abused.
By Giving my "Gift Of submission" Only To Those
That Can Responsibly Accept It.
I Know That submissive Does Not Equal "Doormat".

I Will Continue To Educate myself Because A submissives
Safety Is Always A Concern.
I Will Be Respectful To my Fellow submissives.
I Will Help Those New To The Lifestyle Start Out
On The Correct Path.
I Will Be Responsive To my Dominant.
I will Communicate With Complete Honesty...
My needs, Desires, Limits and Experience.
"I Will Not Hide what my Mind And Body Are Feeling"
I Will Not Expect my Dominant To Know my Thoughts Or
Feelings Which I Do Not Share.

I Will Gracefully Accept In The Responsibility Of
A Scene Or Relationship Gone Bad.
I Will Not Place Total Blame On my Dominant If It Is
Not Warranted Nor Will I Trash His Character"
In Front Of Others Just Because I Am Angry Or Jealous.
I Realize That Things May Not Work Out As Planned
And Shall Strive To Put It Behind me And Move On.
I Will Be Respectful To My Dominant Even In Disagreements.
I Realize my Dominant Has my Best Interests At Heart
Shall Guide me With The Best Of All Of Her/His Knowledge.
A Master's Creed
~ The Dominants Creed ~
* Above all else a Dom cherishes Their submissive, in the knowledge that the gift
the submissive gives Them is the greatest gift of all.
* A Dom is demanding and takes full advantage of the power given to Them, but knows
how to share the pleasure that comes from that precious gift.
* A Dom is in control of Themself first and foremost, so that They may control others.
* As a stern and demanding Dom, They can cause Their submissive to cry real tears.
* As the consummate lover, They will then kiss the tears away, without stepping out of character.
* In times of trouble, a Dom will leave the roles behind, to be a supportive friend and partner, never
forgetting that this is still a loving relationship between two caring individuals.
* A Dom is quick to understand the differences between fantasy and reality.
* A Dom would never ask a submissive to put Them before their career, or family,
just to satisfy Their own pleasure.
* To win a submissive's mind, body, spirit, soul, and love, a Dom knows They must
first win their trust.
* A Dom will show Their submissive humour, kindness, and warmth.
* A Dom must always show them that Their guidance and tutoring is deserving of their
attention, that this is a person they can learn from, and that they can trust Their direction.
* A Dom is romantic enough to be protective and chivalrous. When called upon, They
will fight for Their submissive's honour.
* A Dom proves to their submissive that They are someone they can lean on, and
depend on.
* When it comes time to teach Their submissive their lessons of obedience, They are a
strong and unyielding professor.
* A Dom will accept no flaw. Nothing less than perfection from Their student.
* Never does a Dom use discipline without a good reason. When they do punish Their
submissive, it is always with a knowledgeable and careful hand.
* A Dom is always open to communication and discussion; always ready to hear Their
submissive's wants and needs.
* A Dom is patient; taking time to learn Their submissive's limits, and knowing that as
their trust of Them grows, so will they.
* A Dom never has to demand ritual behavior from Their submissive. Their submissive
responds to Them out of the want of pleasing them. Compliance comes from the wanting
to please, not the fear of punishment.
* A Dom understands the fragile nature of mind and body and never violates the trust given to Them.
* A Dom is secure enough to laugh at Themself and the absurdities of life. Open minded
enough to learn new things. Strong enough to grow.
* A Dom's tools are mind, body, spirit, soul, and love.
* A Dom understands that E/each partner gains most from pleasuring the O/other.
* And B/both of T/them know that love and trust are the only bindings that truly hold.

:)   I just wanted to see them both together for easier reading  :)

Nope, can't see anything there about " Body Modification"  a term that  clearly understates, to perhaps make the unacceptable, acceptable and palatable ..... The term is  MUTILATION  - plain, simple and direct. Female circumcision is a mutilation.
No right minded person can consent to being mutilated and offenders should feel the full weight of the law for their crimes against humanity. 

Or alternatively ... the full  weight  of these house bricks I just happen to have here .... the "bang" echoing around this particular subject ....
« : July 04, 2012, 11:23:48 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #124 : July 04, 2012, 06:34:03 AM »

My objections are threefold.

The first would be practicality. I mean a tat can get removed, or covered up, or such if feelings change. Removing part of the body is something that goes so far beyond that to me that you almost can't put them in the same category.

Let alone having it something so very vital... it's the kind of forever that most could never conceive, and yet it's the kind of forever that the submissive would have to endure.

Secondly as a woman I just see the third world brutality the term "female castration" conjures up for me, and while I actively strive not the be the bitchy type that throws around the term misogyny lightly, I can't find any other term that would fit. He's literally making her nothing but a instrument for his pleasure, and that's the kind of behavior that I had hoped the majority of the male population has evolved past.

Finally as a Domme taking away a submissives ability to feel pleasure is disgusting to me. To make it only about your enjoyment is to profane at least my definition of what a Dominant should be.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 1379

« #125 : July 04, 2012, 11:21:31 AM »

Oh sweety you should have seen his reply to some of the comments to his questions.   He calls himself a sadist.  He likes making his pet suffer. I have friends that are sadist, they enjoy giving pain, but they enjoy their pets getting pleasure from the pain.  It never crossed their mines to remove anything from their sub.   They want their subs to feel pleasure, the only time they keep pleasure from them is in form of punishment or play. (I have friends in different levels of kink, I don't down anyone for their fetishes.  As long as they respect the line that I drew in the dirt we good).

Like I said to each his own if they truly consent.  This topic he had posted was about a bunch of selfish ass mutherfuckers that are insecure about their manhood that they got to take away her womanhood to make them feel like a man. 
I love giving pleasure, seducing the mind, body and if I can soul.  To deny anyone joy permantly in any kind of form is some sick shit. 
What really got me is the replies the females made when the question was put to them.  Again if it's something you consent to then whatever.  But I can't help to think do they really undertand what they are agreeing to.  I wont tell you some off the modifications he suggested, made me want to vomit, but but the dumb bitches actually had no problem with it.  You have women fleeing their countries just to get away from this tradition. It  hurts that they actually want to do this.  If it was something they did for themselves, for their own pleasure, then fine.  But they are doing it for another persons sick need to feel better bout themselves.  Like Janine said, no one really understands what loosing a part of yourself really means. 
This is something that you can't grow back, cover up, or fix without going bankrupt.  It's permanent.  As far as I am concern, I don't consider this bdsm, kink, or a fetish. 
Hero Member
: 3007

« #126 : July 04, 2012, 02:39:27 PM »

I want to cry at the thought of it.....

How can these poor girls have any idea what they are giving away just to "please" their master........ and these in a "civilised" society.....

It's just unthinkable, but if we close our eyes will it go away?

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3047

« #127 : July 04, 2012, 03:37:53 PM »

That's just sick... asking for someone to do that I mean. I guess one contributing problem that makes some girls accept that is that there are those that seek acknowledgement however they can, even in bad ways.

I would definitely not want to come across people like that, feels like the kind that might react violently.

Blue, afraid they wont go away, but at least we will stop thinking about it... well until we're reminded about the really dark corners of humanity again.
Hero Member
: 3856

« #128 : July 04, 2012, 09:23:57 PM »

Sicko are all over at every level... this was a rather shocking one to me. I chatted with a friend heavily into bdsm as a submissive... and they were mortified...

Some individual have a strong ability to coeherce behavior beyond acceptable means.  Hope whoever he is playing with recognizes the issues here and shuts this one out of her life.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #129 : July 05, 2012, 01:09:19 AM »

Adera.... I guess I must have sounded a little more sweet & naive than I actually am, I was asking the question to everyone everywhere.

"If we close our eyes, will it go away?"

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 10350

« #130 : July 05, 2012, 01:22:19 AM »

I don't even wanna talk about... nor think about...

Just want to welcome sinnnn :-* :-* :-*

Hero Member
: 2415

« #131 : July 05, 2012, 03:13:19 AM »

The thought alone is stomach churning... dispicable in my eyes. If someone actually consiered going there, I'd advice to seek for professional help. The one suggesting seems to be beyond help..

welcome back Sinnnn :)

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Full Member
: 142

« #132 : July 05, 2012, 06:37:37 AM »

I think the entire idea of requiring a sub to make a permanent alteration to their body as some kind of "show of faith" to their Master is appalling.  I have no problems taking a magic marker and writing things on them, but to tattoo someone, that's pretty much forever.  Even the removal process leaves scars.  And going further to even suggest female castration, OMFG!  Any Dominant who would ask that of their sub isn't playing BDSM games anymore.  At that point it has become manipulative abuse.  The entire idea of it makes me physically ill. 

My advise to any sub in that kind of situation would be to get as far away from that person as possible.   >:( >:( >:(

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #133 : July 05, 2012, 06:48:29 AM »

Well, if i can say two words....till is a tattoo, it's not so wrong. Yes, it's something you gonna have forever on your skin, but it can be proof of a strong bond and maybe of something more.....

my 1 cent!  ;)

Full Member
: 142

« #134 : July 05, 2012, 06:51:33 AM »

If both parties want to get a tattoo to display a bond, that's one thing.  I was referring to pushing someone into doing it who does not want a tattoo.  Or any kind of body modification for that matter.  Being a Dominant does not give you license to be a bully.

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
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