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: Dear Development Team...  ( 76959 )
Hero Member
: 3047

« #150 : November 10, 2010, 04:58:32 PM »

New years usually involves alot of partying :P
Hero Member
: 2415

« #151 : November 11, 2010, 06:20:23 AM »

This year will probably be a special St Nicholaus (my daughter is almost 4 and believes in him). New year's will be a regular evening. Lot's to eat and snack, champagne at midnight and after that Fireworks (the kind you light...lol). Not a night to stay sober :D

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 3047

« #152 : November 11, 2010, 07:46:28 AM »

Young children who believe in santa are the best to have around at christmas and they get so happy when they get their presents.
Hero Member
: 2415

« #153 : November 11, 2010, 08:20:54 AM »

I agree :) So I'll be an unhappy daddy this christmas, since my little one won't be with me.

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 1379

« #154 : November 11, 2010, 08:46:06 AM »

my kids still believe.  I think that they think( ::)) if they don't believe then like the tooth fairy no more loot under the tree.  So their acting is Oscar winning.
: 1

« #155 : November 11, 2010, 10:04:43 AM »

I'm fairly new here bit i do agree with what Janine says. I want to be able to finger my girl friend in a number of poses and possibly fist her too. I do want see more poses as well - up against the wall, double penetration with me in the sandwich and two girsl back and front. We girls want more. Stop catering to the boys and give us what we need and pay for


I must admit I've been on a bit of a slow burn ever since the MF positions bar got redesigned. When I go into a room my positions bar (FF)  is half full, while today when I invited RobotBoy into a room to do a count the NEW MF positions bar is already full and will need yet ANOTHER redesign.

I kept telling myself "Wait till the next position. If it's not FF then you'll post something to the Development Team." That was three positions ago.

As of today's new position MF is 36 at a four across nine down grid while FF is 14 at a three across nine down.

Gentlemen... I WANT to spend my A$, I WANT to give you more real $ to get A$ to spend them on the game, and I know full well I am not alone.

The message you are sending is that you don't want my money, nor do you want the money of all those women who are aching for more FF positions.

Instead you seem more focused on flooding the "marketplace" with MF positions that the polls seem to be showing are receiving receptions that seem more lukewarm, from people who seem to be reaching a point they aren't sure they WANT to continue purchasing.

I would like to suggest that perhaps the market that seems to be straining with your product can be left alone for a time while the market that is in need of your products be focused on?

While I am fully willing to admit my interests are self-serving I truly believe it is to your benefit as well.
Hero Member
: 3856

« #156 : November 11, 2010, 10:47:57 AM »

Amy glad to see you voice this,...Janine needs a more core base of females calling for this. She has led this campaign admirably, but she needs recurring support stating the need and desire for these poses. Keep it up. Find friends and others who if nothing else will jump in and post these wants.

Although the FF received a pose here in the new 69,..I suspect it lacks the appropriate physical contact the girls want
« : November 11, 2010, 12:01:48 PM Bear »

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #157 : November 11, 2010, 11:01:53 AM »

Welcome Amy, I must admit it's nice to have another female here to speak up with me. While I truly appreciate everyone's support having another person who uses FF call for FF is a wonderful thing.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

« #158 : November 12, 2010, 03:44:13 AM »

Welcome Amy :D
"Go out and come back with more girls supporting you!"
As long as Janine is the only girl asking for FF she can't change a lot. We support her but I don't believe this is the help she needs.

Hero Member
: 2415

« #159 : November 12, 2010, 10:06:36 AM »

HI Amy, welcome. Glad you're supporting the request for more (usefull) FF poses. We've been supporting Janine for a long time now, but maybe because there are not enough women supporting the request, the A-team thinks they need to add 'cock' to the ff poses they are launching. Not what is asked for! There have been plenty of suggestions for FF poses that are a lot more attractive as the last one launched.

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 1379

« #160 : November 13, 2010, 03:25:16 AM »

Welcome Amy.  Finally, let the revolution began. ;D ;D ;D
Hero Member
: 3047

« #161 : November 13, 2010, 07:24:10 AM »

Hi Amy and another welcome. :P

A fingering pose would be awsome, especially if its one fingering the other cause then it might work for FS too.
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