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: The collected stories of Tightfit74  ( 35741 )
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« #15 : November 25, 2010, 07:46:31 AM »

My heart is racing, and well...that's not all, but I'll keep that to myself  *blushing*.   Well done, Tight.    :)
Hero Member
: 2415

« #16 : January 10, 2011, 08:17:50 AM »

Now available as audio-story, in mp3 format. Send me a message if you'd like it...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #17 : February 20, 2011, 03:18:31 AM »

Inspired by a story a friend sent me, unexpectedly as a surprise (thank you sweetie *kiss*) Enjoy, feedback is always welcome :)

I know she has been watching me since she discovered the peepinghole. I installed it myself, in the period two hot college girls were living next door, as a couple. As the two bedrooms are only parted by a wooden and gipsen wall, it was easy enough to poke the hole and disguise it, being out of sight. But I haven’t used it myself for a long time, not feeling completely comfortable with looking at a young girl.

Since a couple of weeks though, started hearing the familiar sound of the bed bumping against the wall as someone sits on it, the springs still with that slight squeek. I used to hear it go wild a couple of times per week, but since this new girl moved it, it has been awfuly quiet. Except for the nights I reserve for myself. Once every two weeks, I take an extra long shower and shave myself before i turn on my favorite game and masturbate extensively, laying naked on the bed. Knowing the exact spot off the peephole, and since knowing the girl next door is looking at me, I have taken such a position that she can see every detail. How my hand holds my shaft, how i circle the tip with my thumb, how I pump it when I almost ready to explose..

She must have witnessed a few earthshaking orgasms, my cum squirting 2 ft into the air, or hitting me in the face, after hours of pleasuring without release. Those nights i could hear the bed bump repeatedly against the wall, suggesting some action on the other side as well. That thought turning me on even more, making me cum even harder.

Tonight I am prepared. It is friday night, the night I usually pleasure myself after 2 weeks of non-stop working. I come home, have spotted the lights on in your bedroom, and go about my normal busines. Suspecting you are pressed against the wall, eye close to the peephole, not wanting to miss a second. Before entering my bedroom to go to the show, I take off my shirt, showing my broad chest and flat stomach. I turn on the shower and continue dressing myself at the end of the bed, my back turned to the wall, teasingly slow undressing myself. I go into the shower and return30 minutes later, a towel losely around my hips.

I start preparing my props for the night. Lubricant, anal beads, vibrator and cockrings and lay them out on the bed, all visible for a secret spy. I get my laptop and start running the game, then spread myself out on the bed, taking off my towel. Soon I am into a sexy chat and I start pleasing myself. Making my cock hard, playing with it a little. Stroking it hard, then resting it as I type. As my partner takes over, I lay back, read and start pleasuring myself with more attention. Running my hands over my body, pulling on and twitching my nipples, fondling the head of my cock, slapping it against my belly. Two hours pass, not letting myself cum, although moaning suggests I culd have cum thrice already. Screen of the laptop is turned in such a way, you can see the outline of the avatars move, suggesting the action to the one peeping in.

As I meet my last partner for the night, going through the poses, finally looking for and finding release, I have another body shaking orgasm, spreading my cum over my stomach and chest, rubbing it into my skin on purpose, listening to the bumping of the bed at the opposite side of the wall. When I hear the bed start to move irratic, rythm lost, bumps not evenly hard, I assume she’s having an orgasm. I wait until the noise of the bed subsides. Then I hold up a sign, saying: “Join on me on my side of the wall next friday, so you can see more clearly. *kiss*” I hear a loud bang, then a second and smile to myself... Either she will never look again, or she will be here next friday..

Before leaving home for work the next friday, I set up a comfy chair at the foot of the bed, a clear sign on it, stating: “Reserved for Ms BJ. Thomas”, getting her name of the sign next to her doorbell. When I come home that night, the lights are out in her bedroom. Not wanting to guess what that means, I do as usual. Taking my shirt off again before stepping into my bedroom, then turning on the shower. I left the front door open, just in case she changes her mind and shows herself. After my shower, I do as I always do, setting up my props, turning on my laptop and loading the game. I take off my towel before i sit on the bed and start chatting. Soon I am found by one of my favorite parrtners and the room around me becomes invisible to me.

After a 3 hour session, and cumming hard, I finally notice my surroundings again, the music in the background, the scent of the incents I lit before starting my session, the messed up sheet and a figure in the chair at the foot of the bed, hidden in the shadows, just her eyes visible. I am startled at first, then slowly start to clean myself up, while talking to a new partner that just came online. I glimpse the figure once more, before concentrating on my lover, but weary of what is happening at the foot of my bed. From the corner of my eyes, i can see shiny nails disappearing into dark panties as I start to play with myself again, this time inserting  the beads into myself, pulling them out fast and furious occasionally, sometimes pulling them out one by one as I stroke my cock hard.

Noticing the light moans coming from the chair for the first time, my attention is now divided between the game and the girl in the chair. I dimmed the lights, letting my eyes get used to the darkness in the bedroom, then seeing the outlines of the figure across me, her chocolate skin almost invisible in the shadows. She sits there almost naked, just dark panties on, her legs spread wide, her hand frantically moving up and down her panties, her fingers obviously rubbing her clit and slit. Her eyes fixed on my member as I stroke it with my hand, my fingers clenched around it, slowly moving up and down, clenching hard when my hand reaches the base of my cock.

Her mouth half-opened, her moist tongue licking her lips, leaving droplets of saliva on her mouth, glistening in the few beams of light that reach her face. Her small breasts heaving up and down as her breathing is deep and heavy. One hand cupping her breats, squeezing her nipple between her fingers, making her moan out with more force. I turn back to the game and my partner, and loose all consciousness of my surroundings again, orgasming again after 2 hours, pulling the string of beads from my ass in a swift, sudden motion, squirting all over my thighs and stomach. But before i get a grip on reality again, i feel two soft lips touch the insides of my thighs, a swift sucking feeling and a tongue slithering over my skin, cleaning off my cream. Swiftly the lips and tongue go after all drops of cum, cleaning me quickly, leaving thin trails of saliva behind. I sink back into bliss, crossing the line between fantasy and reality without noticing.

Hands grabbing my cock, pushing back the skin and exposing my sticky, wet tip. Tongue and lips all over it, cleaning it, sucking the last drops from the crack, then closing around my shaft, starting to suck on it slowly, drawing blood into it again. My hands thoughtlessly searching, finding her hair, her head, rubbing her cheeks as my cock starts to grow in her mouth. As soon as she is aware of it, her sucking becomes more intense, bringing my cock swiftly to full erection. She starts to bob her head up and down, thrusting my cock into her mouth, grazing the tip of it against the back of her throat, then clenching around it as her lips touch the base of my cock. I cry out, painfully pleased with the hard sucks, never experienced before. My cock throbbing and twitching in her mouth. My hands pushing her head down as far as she will let me, her tongue twirling around my shaft.

Suddenly she lets go, slides my cock out of her mouth and starts to slide up my body. She straddles me at the hips, her hand between her legs, pushing her panties out of the way, exposing her shiny wet pussy lips, well opened, juices oozing from them. The insides of her thighs soaked, trails of droplets running down, glistening on her skin. She grabs my cock and moves her entrance to it, fumbling the head inside her, then sitting on it with her while body weight.

The tightness of her young slit, resisting hard against the width of my cock, then suddenly release as my cock swiftly slides inside of her. A gasp of air, her hips wriggling, the skin of her ass rubbing around on my thigs as she eases my cock even deeper inside of her. She starts squeezing her muscles inside, rippling and convulsing around my shaft, pushing the pressure in my loins up to unbearable heights. Her eyes closed, she raises her body, keeping only the tip of my cock inside of her, then slams her body down hard, finding a furious ryhtm immediatly, slapping her butt on my thighs, driving my shaft deep inside her time and time again.

Her hands finding her small breasts, cupping them and squeezing them hard, making her nipples almost pop off with the pressure put on them, she starts to scream as her young, tight pussy slams down on my cock, her slender frame starting to shake and tremble as her orgasm starts to unleash it’s overwhelming waves of pleasure. As she sits down on me, taking my whole length inside her, she starts to sway her hips, circling around my cock, massaging her insides while she contracts and twitches around me, her orgasm making its grasp on her complete. The pressure in my loins building to unstoppable heights, my balls exploding a third time, the last full load of cum rushed through my shaft and gushed deep inside her dripping pussy, my hips bucking hard against her body, making her bounce up and down.

As a second and third orgasm races through her body, she collapses on top of me, just able to shake and shiver as i slide my cock in and out of her, spreading our mixed cum over her and my innner thighs. As the last drops of cum are drawn from my cock and my body starts to settle down, I embrace her and hold her close, her body hot and sweaty, the heavy scent of our mixed cum filling the room. I lay her on her side, start a bath in the bathroom and crawl back in bed with her, kissing her neck gently, holding her slender body close to mine. When the bath is ready, I pick her up and carry her to the tub, slowly letting her slide in the warm water, resting her head on a roll of towels. I sit on the edge of the bath and start washing her. A soft  spunge run across her body, my fingers cleaning her battered sex, gently touching and cleaning her. When she is clean and relaxed, her breathing slow and easy, I pick her up and lay her on th bed, drying her off with a towel. Then I cover her with a blanket and crawl into bed with her. Her eyes already closed, sleeping within minutes after i embrace her with both my arms, resting my head against the soft skin of her shoulder...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #18 : August 30, 2011, 07:57:46 AM »

(A story that started spontaniously, derived from a night a long time ago, when I was waiting for my love to come home, a pampering prepared. As always, I'd love to hear your feedback, comments and thoughts. More parts will follow as the story develops. Feel free to incorporate it in one of your personal rp's,


"One morning the doorbell rings and as you open the door, a man in a black suit, black driver's hat, gloves and shiny shoes stands waiting patiently. "Are you mrs Wings? Angel Wings?" As you answer you are, he hands you a black velvet envelop, tied with a silver silk string, bows and walks away. Surprised you look at the envelope and in wonder you close the door thoughtlessly, walking into the kitchen.
In the bright morning sun, you open the envelope and find a sheeth of paper, black, thick like parchment, the text hand written in silver letters:
expect a limosine tonight at 8 pm. It will take you to a location where a surprise is waiting for you.
P.S. High heels, black stockings and a little black dress would be the right attire."
You look at the letter several times, turn it around and read it over and over again. 'A location where a surprise is waiting.. A limo? Hmm, maybe I should get dressed.. Quickly you hop into the shower and then go into your bedroom to choose the right dress and shoes. Opening your drawer with lingerie, you decide on a black string, heavily laced with little pink flowers and a matching bra. As you finish your make up and apply some perfume, the doorbell rings. You look at the clock: 8 pm sharp.
With a flutter in your stomach you walk down to the door and open it, the same man that delivered the envelope is waiting again, bowing and inviting you to the limo where the door is left open. Quickly you grab your purse and click towards the limo on your high heels. The driver walks just in front of you and offers you his arm to help you inside. As you find a comfortable spot on the luscious leather couch, the door closes and a soft humm betrays the engine's started. Slowly the car drives away and as you look around, you see a small bar with a glass and an open bottle of champagne. A small card is left underneath the glass and curiously you open it.
"Sweet Angel,
please enjoy the trip. It won't be long before you arrive. A toast to the surprise. Enjoy the champagne
You pour yourself a glass and start sipping as soft music is played in the back ground. The smooth ride of the car makes you loose all direction and soon you give up trying to determine where you are. When your glass is half empty, suddenly the car slows down, coming almost to a halt and drives up a small slope before leveling off and stopping. The door is opened and a faint light falls through the door. "Mrs Wings, you have arrived at your destination. Please, just go through the door." As you get out of the car, your skirt sliding up, showing your gorgeous thighs, you see a long dark corridor with a rectangular shape at the end, unable to see what is behind it. You slowly start walking towards it when you find out after a few steps the car is moving and driving away. You turn and hesitate, then decide to go on.
As you near the door, your cheeks blush and you shiver, your stomach fluttering with nerves and tention. As you come closer, a faint light is seen, the minimalistic interior of a large hall is shown. As you peek in, your hand resting on the frame of the door, you see a dark marble peddestal, lighted with just a single spot. Something black lays on top of it, but the shape is too distorted to see what it is. Hesitantly you step inside, seeing marble pillars to the side, a few small steps leading down in what looks vaguely like an arena. As you come closer to the pedestal, you recognize the black shape as a blindfold, silk with velvet ties, thick and padded. Again a little card is there and as you open it, you recognize the hand writing is silver.

“Sweet Angel,

you have come this far, I dare you to take the next step. Put on the blindfold and let happen what will happen. I assure you, you are in safe ‘hands’


You stare at the card for a moent or two, then lay it back on the peddestall. Your fingers caress the soft fabric of the blindfold, the bands entangling in them as you hesitantly pick it up in your hands. With trembling fingers you lay the pads over your eyes and bring the bands to the back of your head. Fumbling them around, you manage to tie them in the second try, your breathing fast as the tention inside you rises. A click sounds and the spot is turned off, the heat of it on your skin suddenly disappearing.
A rustle is heard, coming from all sides. Soft feet moving slowly and carefully closer, the soft whisper of bodies through the air, the scent of men suddenly titulating your nostrils. A hand is placed on your right upper arm, warm and gentle, coverd by a glove, soft as silk. After an intital shock, you relax as the hand doesn’t move, just lays there idle. As you catch your breath, a second hand is placed on you, this time on your left forearm. Then one touches your shoulder, one on your hip, one on your thigh, then the other side until you can’t decide how many gloved hands are touching your skin. As fingers surround every inch of your sides, you are tilted backwards, lifted and held floating in the air.
A soft rush of cooler air washes through the room as you feel yourself start to move. Enclosed by all  these hands and fingers, without vision you feel capsuled, struggling with the happening events, the tention and anticipation keeping you from relaxing. You feel a change in temperature and you stop moving. The room becomes silent and slowly you feel yourself lowered down and carefull laid onto a soft bed. As your fingers start to search for the edge, you find out quickly it is very narrow. Laying still, not knowing how high you are, your stretch your legs and close them tightly.
The hands laying idly on your body now start to move. First just the fingertips of one hand start caressing your skin, then another hand follows, and another and another, all following the same rythm, all following the same movements at exactly the same time. Slowly your body starts vibrating with the rythm of the fingers, your breath getting slow and regular, in sync with the fingers.
Then one hand slides over your stomach in slow gentle circles. You squint for a second and the hand lays still. As you relax again, the hand starts moving, easing the fingers into your body, gently drawing small circles over your stomach. A second hand starts sliding, over your neck to your shoulders and back, and another slides up and down your calfs, fingers only barely touching you skin. Soon all hands follow and your body is covered with crawling, circling and caressing hands. Your breasts are massaged, your legs and inner thighs, your stomach and neck, your face and your fingers.
Then a few hands stop, sliding underneath your body and slowly lifting you up, other hands slide under your body and find the zipper of your dress, pulling it down as more hands take off your shoes. Hands move away and return on your skin as the dress is taken off your body, exposing your shoulders first, the cloth collecting at your breasts, before hands slide it over them and down to your waist. Immediately each inch of your skin is covered with fingers as the dress moves down your body, no place untouched for more than a second. Swiftly the dress is taken off your body and disappears, then your are turned in mid air, and placed back on the narrow bed on your stomach.
All hands cover your body again, swift and nimble hands unhook your bra and remove it from your body in seconds, your string slides off quickly and your stockings rolled off your legs expertly, leaving you naked on the table. After moving swiftly and soft, the hands settle down as on commando, going back to the soft, gentle caress of fingers, staying in their place. As fingers retreat and gloves are taken off, a warm thick fluid is drizzled on your skin, scooped up and rubbed in by bare hands, rubbing and kneeding your skin and the muscles underneath. As the oil is worked into you, poured all over your body, nimble fingers massage it deep into your skin, the oil warming and soothing it, the soft smell of roses filling the room...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #19 : September 07, 2011, 01:35:56 PM »

2 votes so far.. Will keep the poll open for another week before either posting part II (and maybe III) or removing the story... Shouldn't be too hard to click one of the options in the poll, should it? ;D

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #20 : September 12, 2011, 09:33:40 AM »

(decided to post part II a couple of days early.. Again, it would be great if you rated the story. Leaving behind a note with your feedback is appreciated even more.. Thanks and enjoy the story! Part III will be coming soon if the poll shows I should publish...)
All this time there hasn’t been a sound other than the moving hands. As your body relaxes, the held-in moans now slowly start to glide from your mouth and into the room. The hands start slowing down even more after the oil is taken in by your skin and hands slide under your body again, lifting and turning you in mid air and placing you back. Again every inch of your skin is covered with hands and oil is drizzled all over you. Your breasts are cupped and kneeded, the oil rubbed into your skin and nipples, making them hard like pebbles. As the oil hits your thighs, your legs are lifted and spread wide, exposing your sex as hands slide up and down your legs, surrounding them with long fingers, easing the oil into your skin. Hands come close, but never touch you, carefully making sure the oil doesnt touch your scenting cave.

As your body starts moving underneath the hands that cover it, your hips wriggling on the bed, trying to catch a finger or a hand against your sex, your chest pushed upwards as hands kneed and massage your breasts, fingers rolling your nipples around, a light is turned on suddenly and all hands stop. The warmth of the light hits your body as the hands start retreating one by one, trailing down your body before disappearing in thin air, soon leaving you alone, your body shivering and shaking, moving in desire.

Footsteps are heard, coming closer in a teasingly slow pace. A finger touches you, trails down your chin to your neck, down over your chest and between your breasts. Halting for a moment as it circles your belly button, then down your pelvis and along your lips. Along the insides of your thighs and knees, then down your calves and ending at your toes. Still not a sound is hear, just the light breathing of the person next to you. Judging by the fingers, it must be a man. Like all the other hands belonged to men. Not able to count, their touch is still burning on your skin and you remember and feel each of them on you still

A little click sounds and as two hands grab your ankles, the lower part of the bed folds open like jaws, your legs spread wide as both sides are pushed away. A body slides between your legs, your skin is touched by smooth, silky cloth when suddenly you feel hot breath on your sex. Your ankles are let go and the hands slide up your legs, fingertips just brushing your skin, higher and higher until they almost touch your lips. Your sex, slightly opened, glistens in the single light, your juices started collecting just behind your lips as desire caught you under the slithering cover of hands and skin. Fingers are placed next to your lips and they start opening you. Pulling on the delicate skin of your pelvis, your cunt is opened gently and slowy until you’re wide open. Then the warm tip of a tongue is pushed between your lips, sliding up and down very slowly, licking the first droplets of your nectar from you. Your hips push forward, the movement automated, out of control and you feel full lips press against your sex, leaving a long passionate kiss behind.

The tongue appears again, touching your sex, slowly licking up and down, over and along your sex, finding your clit as it travels upwards, wriggling over your ass as it slides all the way down. Minutes pass as you drown in pleasure, seemingly time stands still and these caresses will go on for ever. Slowly, as time progresses, the licking becomes intenser, deeper and faster. The tongue probes your sex, pushing in between your lips, rolling through your sex, licking and lapping the juices from your insides. The slithering continues over your lips and clit, along your stomach and through your belly button before going back down. Lips kiss your lips, leaving little pecks at first, then longer and tighter, more passionate kisses follow, exploring your sex and ass, tongue sliding out and over you continously. Lips are folded around your clit and your button is sucked into a warm mouth. The vacuum makes your clit grow and get hard, the tongue slides and slithers over it as the vacuum is turned into a sucking action, almost pulling your clit from your sex at the height of the action.

With a loud pop and a slurpy sound, your clit is released, soon followed by the tongue plunged into your wet pussy. Deeper and deeper it slides inside you as it wriggles around like a snake, until your full lips are pushed hard against his face, a nose rubbing over your clit. Again and again the tongue is pushed hard between your lips, entering you deep as you are fucked, hands grab your hips and pull you into the face of the stranger. Hot gushes of breath are sliding over your body, upwards, caressing your chest and neck. The passion takes over and a feeling erupting from your core shakes your body, loud moans and shreaks start leaving your throat as you surrender to your orgasm and let it rip through your body.
Trembling and shaking you fall back on the bed, after grabbing on to the head of the man eating your sex as your orgasm took control over your body. Your breath is fast, your chest is heaving as the licking continues, lips sucked to your sex, drinking the flow of nectar oozing from your lips.

His body leaves the warm embrace of your legs, lips never leaving your skin as the mouth moves up your body. Kisses and licks are left everywhere, tongue and fingers sliding over your chest, grabbing your tits and squeezing, the nipples hard and erect, pronounced by the tight grip. Kisses are placed all over your mounds, from the bottom to your neck, never touching your nipples. But your aureola’s are left wet with saliva, as the tongue and lips travel over them, carefully avoiding your hard buttons. Then the mouth lets go, the warm breath washing over your breasts as you feel his face hovering over your body. Then the tip of the tongue touches your nipple. Just a brush, wet and warm, making you shiver all over. Your nipple is touched, then licked gently, kissed and licked again before your other nipple undergoes the same treatment. Moving from nipple to nipple, the mouth and tongue play with your chest, leaving it covered with saliva, sucking your nipples in hard, teeth sinking in until you shreak out.

Hands sliding down your body as a nipple is sucked in longer, the tongue twirling around it and fluttering over it, a pumping action pulling on it hard. Fingers reach your sex and start pushing inside, two moving inside you and spreading, opening your sex to allow a third one in. As the sucking starts to become more rythmic, the fingers follow, fingering you in the same pace, variating depth. From just a few inches in, moving fast, to deep thrusts up to the last knuckles, slow and hard.You pull your knees to your chest, your feet dangling in the air as you offer your body to the unknown man, though signs of his identity start seeping through. The technique of his mouth and tongue, the choice of 3 fingers in your sex, a fourth rubbing your juices into your ass, the single moan that left his throat as you opened your legs wider, can only come from one man. But you can’t speak, your throat is dry with the constant moans, your teeth clenched, as you fight to endure the pleasure. And before you can make yourself scream out his name, a new wave of unbearable lust washes over your body, claiming it as your second orgasm is released.

Fingers are pushed deep inside you and kept there as your sex clenches down on them in your eruption, teeth are biting your nipple and grazing your skin as you shake on the bed, your legs falling open in your exhaustion when the orgasmic waves turn to ripples and then fade off. You are released, fingers sliding out, your nipple let go with a soft slurp, the warm breath caressing your skin fading away, the man still present, watching you as your body settles down and your eyes closed, your mind drifting in the afterglow. Your hardly notice you are picked up and brought to a different room, sounding hollow and empty. You are placed in what feels like a stone sofa, sculpted and smooth, warm, almost hugging your body as you lean back relaxed. Footsteps leave the room and suddenly water starts running, washing over your body warm and soothing.

Again a rustle is heard and moments later the overwhelming number of hands are back, rubbing and sliding over your skin, washing away your sweat and nectar, this time your sex is touched as well. Gentle fingers slide inside you, washing you clean of your sticky juices, your lips caressed carefull and fingers even probing your ass gently, washing water over it. Suddenly the scent of lilacs fills what is appareantly a bathroom and soft cream is drizzled on your body as the water stops flowing. Hands start moving the cream over your skin and soon a thick layer of fine foam covers you everywhere. Handss grab your tits and let them slide between fingers, slippery and smooth, the cream and bubbles acting as a lubricant.
Soft, strong fingers wash your hair and masage the skin of your scalp and all you can do is lean back and sigh, your body glistening with water and foam, hands entangling in a never ending circling movement over your body. All hands touch you everywhere, your face, your chest, your legs, your feet, all fingers slip shorty inside you, just probing you once before moving on and soon you are dripping again. As your sex is touched and the wetness felt, the hands suddenly retreat again and the water is turned on, leaving you alone as you are washed clean. The single footstpes return, splashing in the water on the tiled floor, the stranger coming closer and closer as you feel his look burn on your skin.

You feel his eyes glide over every inch of your body, lingering at the sight of your sex, your legs half opened, then gliding upwards and hovering at your tits. Closer and closer the man comes and you feel his breath slide upwards over your wet skin. His breath now touching your face, caressing your cheeks as you feel his face come closer. In anticipation you pout your lips, expecting a passionate kiss, but instead the lips only touch you very lightly then retreat again. They travel down, touching you barely, moving down your neck and shoulder, your arm and to your hand. The man retreats and snaps his fingers. Instantly a fan is heard and a warm, strong wind starts blowing over your body and another jet of warm air start blowing through your hair. The warmth perfectly set, drying you quickly without being too hot, the jet of air drying your hair, tilting and moving up and down, drying every strand in seconds. As you wrap your arms around yourself, your skin soft and dry, the fans are turned off and the figure returns. Hands slide under your body and you are lifted up again. As you slide your arms around his neck, balancing yourself a little, you feel soft lips kiss your neck as once again you are carried to another room.
« : September 12, 2011, 09:36:23 AM TightFit74 »

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #21 : September 12, 2011, 06:24:10 PM »

Keep writing the story, Tight. I love the mystery. It's such a great original idea. I have never read anything like this before.

Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #22 : September 12, 2011, 06:28:36 PM »

Absolutely loving it! Hmm, who is this man and why does he seem so familiar? Are there clues hidden throughout the story? Do the black notes written in silver ink have any specific connection? This is quite intriguing, keep going!

Hero Member
: 2415

« #23 : September 20, 2011, 06:44:23 PM »

No votes, so I guess no part III... :(

*didn't vote myself, so couldn't see the results.. 1 vote.. hmmmm*
« : September 21, 2011, 04:06:58 AM TightFit74 »

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
: 38

« #24 : September 21, 2011, 05:57:53 PM »

I would have voted sooner had I been here to see you'd continued! ;D Saving my 5 for the climax. No, not that climax, I meant the end of the story. Mind out of the gutters people, geez.  :D

The universe tends to unfold as it should.
Hero Member
: 2415

« #25 : September 22, 2011, 02:16:50 PM »

(Ok, here is part III. Not sure if I will expand it to a part IV, there might be an opening for it. But as always, feedback, praise and criticism are very welcome. Please, rate the story!)

As your body is layed onto a smooth sheet, a soft matress underneath, you feel a pillow supporting your head,, inscents filling the room and soft classical music playing in the background. As your hand slide over the bed, they feel soft petals, roses you smell as you bring them to your nose. Naked and relax you settle your body down and wait. A body kneels on the bed, next to your body and strong hands are placed on your shoulders, pulling you to a sitting position. Then the tingle of a glass and a cold, sparkling fluid is offered to you as the glass is brought to you lips. Slowly you drink, the fizz of the champagne making you light-headed, the coars feeling in your throat diappearing. The glass is taken away and you are layed back on the bed, hands sliding over your breasts down to your hips, pulling on them, slowly turning you over on your stomach. Hands slide over your neck, shoulders and back, cup your buttocks and spread them for a second. Fingertips brush the skin of your thighs and calfs as they trace down your legs.

Slowly moving up, the hands slide between your legs and start to spread them slowly and gently. Each inch they move up, you are opened a little more, until they touch your wet sex while your legs are opened wide. The hands slide over your buttocks to your hips and as you feel the man kneel between your legs, the hands grab you and lift you by your middle. Automatically you slide your knees under your body for support, and gently you are set down, your chest pressed to the matress as he places his hand between your shoulders. The other hands explores your ass and thighs, slides over your sex and probes your entrance. Your lips are opened and your pink insides are shown, glistening with your juices. As you push your hips up in the air, you feel the man come closer, his pelvis almost touching your ass as suddenly you gasp, the tip of a thick cock pushed between your lips, entering your wet sex only just.

You freeze, keeping your ass high up, waiting and wanting that cock to slide inside, pushed deep into your wet sex to meet your burning lust. The hands grasp your hips, holding you in place as the tip penetrates you a little deeper, teasingly slow sliding inside you. Involuntary moans escape your lips as you wriggle your upper body on the matress, your hips held strongly in tow hands, immobilising your lower body. Slowly the cock retreats, sliding out of your barely filled sex, the tip sliding over your lips and spreading your juices over you before prodding your entrance again. Over and over the tip is slid in, kept there a few moments, before taken back out, bumped back in and taken out, spreading your lips wider and wider. As you relax while waves of pleasure wash through your body, clenching your hands into the sil sheets, suddenly your sex is filled with a hard, sudden thrust, the shaft pushed in deep in a fluent, hard thrust. You scream as you are finaly taken, breathing into the pillow as the hands pull your body on top of the thick cock inside you, pushing in deep as the man locks you in his tight grip. His hips buck at you, the tip bumping against the entrance of your womb while his long shaft stays burried deep inside you.

A first moan escaping from the man, the first sound you have heard so far besides your soaking sex and the moans released from your throat. Now you know, now you know who the man is that just took your body, fused together with you and is holding you tight. Finally you moan out his name as he retreats, only to push his shaft deep and hard inside you again, keeping you pinned on his cock with his tight hold. His hand slides up your back and loosens the ties of the blindfold, but as he slowly starts to take you, pushing his shaft in and out of your sex slowly, you cn’t get yourself to take the blindfold away, hyponotised by the feeling of his member inside you.

With each thrust your body is moved wildly, his hips bucking into you hard, skin on skin making soft slapping noises, the wetness of your sex converging around his shaft making juicy sounds, accompanied by your loud moans. You start chanting, with each fast breath you tell him to take you, fill you and make you cum. With each thrust you push your hips back and meet him with force, feeling his cock penetrate you fully, his pelvis spreading your lips wide open at the base of his cock. His moans become louder, melting together with yours as your bodies start to move in syc, slowly building to a faster rythm. Faster and harder your bodies move, all forgotten and oblivious to anything but the sense of two people merging together in frantic lust. His fingers burried deep into the soft flesh of your middle, bouncing you up and down his cock, his moans turn to grunts, his grunts turn to screams and then a loud cry as he orgasm.

Moving irratically in and out of you, his cock almost sipping from your sex in a strange jolt, he shoots his thick semen into your sex, as it clenches around his shaft instantly. As the first gush of his semen hits your inner walls, your lust reaches a peak and again surges of lightning shoot through your body and make you spasm on the bed. Shaking and trembliong you feel your orgasm rip through your body, both emersed in the heat of bliss, filling every nerve end and feeding every urge and desire. He pushes in a last time, entering you with the full length of his shaft, feeling your sex tremble around his cock before he collapses on top of you and covers your body with his, droplets of sweat beading on his forehead, inner thighs and groin of both covered with nectar and cream. His mouth comes closer to your ear, his words wispered in your ear. “I love you Angel...”

As you both roll over on your side, the blindfold falling from your eyes, spooning as soon as he touches the bed, his arms around your waist, hands holding your shoulders, his member slides out of you, a drizzle of mixed juices following, covering your lips and inner thigh, his member resting in it. His hand slides down your body and between your legs as he cups your sex, catching the mixed juices in his palm. Your sex squeezes the juices out and when it finally relaxes, he brings his hand to his mouth and start licking clean his palm. He turns your face towards him, scoops the last of the cum from his hand and kisses you, sharing the liquids of lust, roling his tongue through your mouth, his eyes piercing in yours, filled with warmth and affection.

You roll on your back, slide your arms around his neck and pull him against your body. Your breasts pushing into his chest as you look back, deep into his eyes. You smile and kiss him quickly, licking his lips and probing his mouth teasingly. He smiles back and pushes his body into you, his semi hard erecion sliding on your leg. Slowly he moves his mouth closer again and quickly you are drifting away in a warm, sensual passionate kiss. Your hands start sliding up and down his back, your nails scratching lightly in intricate patters on his shoulders and neck. You twist your hips a little and grab his leg with yours. As he slides it between them, your tilt your hips and push your sex against his strong thigh. Slowly you start moving your hips, rubbing your sex gently up and down as your tongues dance and slide from mouth to mouth.

Your excitement stirred again as he flexes the muscles in his thigh, his erection growing harder against your leg and your sex starts to flow again. Soon a wet trail is left on his skin where your lips were opened against his legs, a similar trail on your thigh as the head of his cock starts to drizzle with precum. The kiss becomes more intimate, slower, pleasuring eachother slowly with lips and tongue. Your hand grabs his shoulder and you pull, turning him as he gives in to your continuous nudges. Slowly he turns on his side, his hard cock now laying on his thigh. You turn towards him and grab his erection with your hand. A kiss, then you whisper his name in his ear as your fingers strangle his shaft. Slowly you pull the foreskin down, exposing the large ridge that seperates the tip from his shaft as your thumb glides over the wet head. Circling your thumb down, it reaches the ridge and you nudge your thumb up and down around it. He jolts, the mixture of pleasure and pain making him sharply suck in his breath. A deep, trembling moan leaves his lips as he exhales, his fingers clenching your shoulder as he clenches his other hand to a fist.

Slowly you start to move your hand up and down, your fingers tight but not clenching around the shaft. You look at him as he half closes his eyes, licking his lips in pleasure. His breath is deep and low, relaxed as he submits to your pleasuring. You start to kiss his neck, your tongue sliding up to his earlobe, then circling his shell and hearing canal. You bite on his earlobe before your kisses travel down. Along his neck and over his hairy chest, licking his nipples before sucking on them hard, the sudden, sharp jolt of pain making him bite his lips as a high pitched moan leaves his lips. You look up, a twinkle of pleasure in your eyes before your tongue slides out and trails your saliva through his belly button and along his lower stomach, his cock caressed by your cheek. As your lips touch his ball, his legs spread, letting your body slide between, you look up again as your lips fold around one of his balls and lets it slip inside your mouth. His eyes wide open, desire sparkling from his pupils as he watches you slowly sucking his ball into your mouth. You run your tongue over and around it before letting it slide from your lips. You gently slip the other ball into your mouth and roll it around, sucking in your cheeks to capture it with your tongue.

His hand moves down and caresses your hair, fingers sliding through the soft strands, pushing them out of your face. His eyes still locked with your eyes as you take both his balls in your mouth and roll them around, your tongue pushing them from side to side. You let his wet balls slip from your mouth and kiss the base of his cock, then kiss slowly up the shaft until you reach the tip. You take his cock in your hand and keep the tip just between your lips, applying suction on it in small steps, letting it slide in your mouth. As the ridge is just behind your lips you stop, looking at him as your hand slides down and squeezes around the base, stopping the bloodflow. Instantly his veins start to pop up from under his skin, pulsating as blood is still pushed in. With your eyes interlocked with his, you start to push your head down, pressing your lips tight arund his shaft as you slide it teasingly slowly inside.

Your warm, wet cheeks are sucked in and grab his shaft, tag teaming with your tongue. As you increase the vacuum around his cock, he throws his head back and lets out a long stretched moan. When he stops, you lift your head and let his cock escape with a pop before pushing it thrugh your closed lips again, applying suction on him as soon as the head slides through your lips. Feeling every vein on his cock pass through your lips, you slowly push your head down until your lips touch his pelvis, the head grazing against palate before you close it in with your throat. Quickly swallowing a few times, you stroke the swollen head, making him grunt with the sensation. You quickly retreat your head and let his cock pop out, falling onto his stomach, wet with your saliva. As you watch, you see it twitch on his stomach, the head almost reaching his belly button, red and swollen. Your hand is still locked tight around the base of his cock and suddenly you let go. As the bloodflow returns, the veins pulsate less but remain just underneath the skin. The tip turns from deep purple back to red.

You lean in and slide out your tongue, following the core of his cock upwards in a slow, single lick until you reach the tip. You take his cock in his hand and lick the tip like an icecream, looking deep into his eyes. His wish clearly visible in his burning eyes as he gently tugs on your head, his fingers stretched over it, burried in your hair. Again you close your lips tightly, clench your fingers around the base and start to push the swollen, darkening head through your lips and into your mouth. In a single push you lodge the head of his cock in your throat and flutter it over it, swallowing swiftly, holding it until you start to gag.

You let his cock slide out from your mouth, sucking hard at the little circle, sucking his precum from his shaft. You look at him again with lustful eyesas you straddle his legs, pushing them closer together with your thighs. Slowly crawling upwards, you let your hard nipples slide over his chest, pushing his face into the cravess between your breasts before your sex touches his cock. You lower your hips and catch his member with your lips, rubbing it up and down slowly, opening your lips as they envelope his shaft, your juices running freely over the skin of his cock. You put your hands on his shoulders and keep your body up, your breasts swaying lightly as you nudge the head of his cock against your clit. The heat and wetness of his tip rubbing over your clit sends a sudden rush of desire through your body, making your nerve ends tingle and your heart race. Without being able to hold back, you push up and catch the tip of his cock between your lips, as you squeeze on it, you push your hips and and slip the head inside you, pushing his shaft all the way with a rolling movement of your hips. As you push down on him hard, your full strength applied on the base of his cock, you feel his hands grab your hips and hold you pinned down. He arhes his back and rolls his hips against you, flesing his muscles and making his cock twitch violently inside you. Then he falls back onto the matress as feels you covering his pelvis.

You start riding him, sliding his cock in short, swift jerks in and out of your body, keeping it deep inside you at all times. As he reacts, one hand grabbing a breast, the other pushing down on your hips as you take him, you start to increase the amplitude. Lifting your body higher and higher, his cock slides out further and back in deeper, your juices now covering the whole length of his shaft. You look at him as you find a fast rythm, bouncing your body up and down on his shaft as he chants your name. Breathing becomes short and shallow, tingles start to run through your spine as you feel his leg muscles tense up. Without saying a word, you feel his lust macth your and together you start moving in sync. As you thrust down, he pushes up, meeting you half way in a hard push, bodies colliding together. Tingles become tremors, tremors become vibrations and vibrations become shock waves as your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave. All the sexual energy collected duirng the past few hours are now suddenly released. And as you let your orgasm rip through your body, you feel him explode inside you, gushing wave after wave into your sex, covering your inner walls and pushing it out with each thrust inside you

As on queue you both scream out eachother’s name in a lustfilled cry before both of you freeze, squenching every muscle in your bodies as the intensity is almost overwhelming. With a last jerk of your body, all the tention collected in that moment of bliss is released and you collapse like a puppet on a string on top of him. His eyes closed, his mouth wide open, transpiring as he tries to catch his breath. His hands mindlessly wander over your body, never lingering  before he regains full grasp of reality again. He slides his arms around you and puls you against his chest, holdig tight as he kisses your hair. His hands caressing you as you bask in the afterglow. Still connected, united in sexuality, you rest your head on his chest, slowly drifting off in a deep sleep, undisturbed by dreams...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2755

« #26 : December 01, 2011, 09:19:57 AM »

You always do such a good job on your stories Tight  :-*

Full Member
: 123

« #27 : December 01, 2011, 11:13:06 AM »

Well done, and very descriptive. 8) :) Sadly, the guy lasted a helluva lot longer than I could of. :-X :-[ ;D
Hero Member
: 2415

« #28 : December 01, 2011, 04:09:09 PM »

@ sexilicious You have read quite a few.. Very happy to see you on forum sweetie *KISS* and welcome back..

@ West thanks.. and remember.. everything is possible in a fantasy...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2755

« #29 : December 01, 2011, 07:43:46 PM »

Yep I have read quite a few and hope to read many more :-* and thanks just joined forum today :)

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