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: *COLLARS*  ( 173941 )
Jr. Member
: 59

« #300 : January 21, 2017, 07:48:20 AM »

Well boys got those really cool headphones months ago (rolls eyes)
How awesome was that?

Still don't see the point in useing them to be honest.
Hero Member
: 2755

« #301 : January 22, 2017, 01:48:34 PM »

So I just logged on and saw new update of collars ;) now to look them over and see if there any I like

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #302 : January 22, 2017, 04:17:22 PM »

OK, we got what we wanted but I want to keep the thread open for its PIC value

Mods feel free to move the thread, but the pics must be saved   ;D
« : January 22, 2017, 04:19:06 PM Momma_andrea »


« #303 : January 22, 2017, 07:29:32 PM »

Happy, Happy, Happy ME

Very HAPPY for my Lady Andrea and the countless "ghosts" that started it all.

Thank you ACHAT !!!

Thank you for turning someone's dream into reality.

Some 2,297 days before this recent UPDATE, here in this forum, TinaGeo asked for a collar. It started with a single voice, a simple request. And today it is REAL. So many voices echoed their support providing examples and ideas over 292 posts. Especially YOU Andrea. It was September 4th, 2016 that you picked up the torch and took this to the finish line.

Yes, 2, 297 days, 292 posts from so many forum members, many of them now ghosts.

Thank you Achat for honoring them ALL..

Now its time to SPAM for my friend Zuz and get her some exotic, elegant LATEX.

WHAT? MORE ..... Did you really think I would be satisfied? Moi? Silly BOYS

I said I was HAPPY,
BUT …. I did NOT say anything about being done or satisfied. Of course, I want more.
« : January 22, 2017, 09:25:13 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #304 : January 23, 2017, 12:33:27 AM »

I really hope you all are glad the Collars have arrived, cause fuck i was almost going to send you all Collars just to stop hearing about it!!!!

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #305 : January 23, 2017, 03:35:29 AM »

Yeah, i'm rather pleased with them  ;D

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #306 : January 23, 2017, 05:11:43 AM »

Well me to, cause i just went and bought me a Leash..............

If i see you walking around without a Leash i'm going to Leash you!!!


« #307 : January 23, 2017, 10:28:04 AM »

Have to CATCH me First

And I am quite FAST with NO clothes on.
Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #308 : January 23, 2017, 11:04:26 AM »

OK, we got what we wanted but I want to keep the thread open for its PIC value

Mods feel free to move the thread, but the pics must be saved   ;D

I move nothing and I leave the topic pinned as an example for the continuation of our claims ;D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #309 : January 23, 2017, 01:21:54 PM »

Kait and I re-did our Collaring Ceremony now that we have actual collars for her to wear.
We would like to post it for all to see as perhaps a template for others deciding to be bound.
I don't know where to post it. I'm not sure who wants to see it. It was a private thing with just 2 witnesses, just like the first time...

Peaches has purchased an Achat collar. Kneeling down before me with eyes cast to the floor and both hands holding up her offering. She presents the collar to me, never looking up, waiting patiently for me to accept it.

“This shall be mine?” I question her, looking down on my scantily clad love.

“Yes, my Lady. Only for YOU. I offer my submission, my trust in you is earned. You are worthy.” Kait intones.

Taking the collar from her hands, I then instruct. “Turn where you are, and then stand.”

My precious obeys. Without a word, pivoting on her knees until her back is to me and then she comes slowly to her feet. Eyes always to the floor, she waits patiently. Silently. I smile at her gift and my heart soars from her trust. I step to her and press to her back before reaching around and placing the black leather at her throat, but not yet around.

My mouth at her ear, “You have given your submission freely. I accept it  and in return place upon you this collar. It is yours to wear, but it is MINE and all that it holds is MINE, until one of us takes it off…” I pause to let the next line truly sink in, “And then you will be mine nevermore. Is this understood?”

Kait pauses before answering, unlike the first time when she was being playful, impetuous and naive. She now had a much deeper understanding for the gravity of those words and the commitment they deserved.  Slowly her Peaches begins ….. “My Lady, you have taught me so much. That which i once regarded as a symbol of enslavement by one and exploitation by the other…. now i hold sacred as a symbol of trust and love between two. So much more powerful than words alone, this symbol acquires its magic through  trust, actions and commitment for the other. A symbol NOT of ownership but of freedom,”  “YES , I understand my Lady Andrea.”   

“Hair” I simply command, and my pet pulls up her tresses revealing her bare neck. Finally I wrap the leather around, tight to her throat and clasp it in place. Then holding the “D’ ring in a finger I kiss the base of her neck just under the new collar.  “You are now mine.”

The touch of her lips, the tug on my new collar both planting me firmly in the moment. Filling me with an overall feeling of calm, comfort and safety. Free from thought, distractions or decisions. Free to experience me.
Eyes still lowered, raising to the balls of my feet I pivot to face my “everything”. Lowering my head onto her shoulder, wrapping my arms around n pulling me closer to her warmth. I embrace her fully kissing her soft flesh. slowly sliding down the length of her body hugging it closely and kissing each pore along my descent until my knees come to a rest on the floor and i can lower myself no more. With arms wrapped around your thighs, my face in your warm bushy garden inhaling your fragrance and kissing your petals. It is only then, i raise my eyes in search of yours. Gazing upon your curvaceous landscape as they slowly work their way up.

“Yes, My Lady.” I reply with a wink and a devious smile.

Jr. Member
: 84

« #310 : January 23, 2017, 07:35:15 PM »

Congratulations to both Andrea and Kait to achive their desire dream of having real collars. And for the Callaring Ceremony. :)
I am happy for you both and this seems to show that at least SOMETIMES the AChat gods listen to us... even if it took years...
And this event has given me the little push that I was needing... little push for what? Well...

Collars are great... more leather would be nice too... but I NEED SOMETHING MORE.
We all do...
After all the only new thing we homo girls got are clothes and accesories...

I want to sit and talk...
I want to drink a cup of wine...
I want to have a nice massage...
I want to lay down and cuddle with my partner.
And please, no strapon in that poses. If I want a cock I'd look for a male partner not a female. I don't see the need of strapon in some of the poses we have.
So, from now on, I am going to revive a dead thread, to take again a flag that I took when I first came here.
And it is not a flag just for me, just for lesbians, because what I ask, I ask for FF, SF, SM, SS and MM.

The topics are still there, and they were suposed to have 1 post per user... so, I ask moderators, we have seen in this one that SPAM get us what we want... so should I revive them allowing multiple post per user or should I create a new one?

Sorry about the off-topic, but I needed to say it somewhere and I thought this could be a good place.

Kisses and hugs

The Girls who walks between worlds.
« : January 23, 2017, 07:42:02 PM Eidamir »

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #311 : January 24, 2017, 01:52:53 PM »

Andrea ♥ kaitlyn

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #312 : January 24, 2017, 05:18:56 PM »

Zoe *hugs* *squeezes* *kisses* my dear friend, so happy to see you. I have missed you....   :-*

Thank you for your kind words and blessings, I know you are very happy for me and Andrea.

YOU owe NO apologies for your comments, I could not agree with you more.  I too want the same things for ALL orientations. There is no reason NOT to have equality in poses across all orientations. I am ready to SPAM with you ZOE, side by side my friend. Just show me your thread and let me do my work.  ;D

Vaughan and Sarah *hug n kisses* to you both.  Diolch & Danke, my friends. Always so kind and generous to US, your congratulations are especially important. I have always admired your relationship, you set an example for us all. And Sarah you know how I feel about your amazing talents and generosity.

Luctor, *hugs* It's OK, you do not need to see the "point" in EVERYTHING. Just like in our "REAL" world, we like somethings and not others. I am not aware of anyone who likes everything, but there could be exceptions. Why should this world be any different? After all WE are the common denominator between all worlds.
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #313 : January 24, 2017, 05:36:14 PM »


« #314 : January 25, 2017, 12:34:44 AM »

For the one I call MY Lady Andrea
My best friend and "Wifey" too
My Domme and Home as well.

Thank you for setting me FREE
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