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: Father's Day  ( 31028 )
Hero Member
: 1597

« #45 : June 19, 2011, 05:05:47 PM »

lol eyes wide open Bear skinny dipping  ;) giggling hiding in the bushes !

No beer for me !Canadian beer is very stronge ,  I get drunk easy on beer ! ;D and get silly , and want to dance on the picnis table !

Ill brin potatoe salade , pasta salade and the pies how sbout home made banana cream pie ! rich and moist .

I hear Germany has big juicy sausages , I ll bring the buns ! ;D :D

Happy Fathers Day ! too all those loving and caring Fathers !    xxx Sunny :-* And Canadian slurp`s to all !
Hero Member
: 3856

« #46 : June 20, 2011, 09:40:43 AM »

When are you going to stop peaking from the bushes and join me in the cool touch of the water?  ;) Hmm,...watching you peel those daisy dukes off...kick your cowgirl boots off and toss that hat off to the side...(mind wanders along that image) ::)

You would have been dancing on the tables all day on the concert on the mountain I spoke of  8)...probably much to the delight of all the cowboys about...hmm... probably would have  had to walk up and throw you over my shoulder... take you into a teepee and found a way to settle u down :P

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