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: Janine's Soap Box: Juan Willam's Whining  ( 21799 )
Hero Member
: 3047

« #30 : July 29, 2011, 05:48:02 PM »

Kinda hard to put any hard evidence for or against the idea of a god since you can't experiment to see if your right. The people claiming to have seen heaven in near death experiences can also be our brain releasing endorphins so we'll see what we want to see.

Btw... I wonder how the notions that god created us in his image, his glory and that we're the chosen ones would be affected if we encountered an alien race more advanced than us and that didn't look like us. There are a few things like that which would make for quite interesting theological consequences. :D
Hero Member
: 3856

« #31 : July 29, 2011, 06:41:47 PM »

"Image" is something actually misinterpreted.  The Hebrew word I believe was "Bara"  which is "to fill...or filled" or ... "formed" .Miscommonly interpreted as physical image from Hebrew to Greek to into to English . Hopefully whatever species is out there has that figured out and see us as something worthy to straighten out on that. The correct interpretation is to be "filled with his essence".

Dawkins is a tool...a forefront scientist who equate that knowledge is wisdom..incapable of bridging that in their roots they are totally  different concepts. Knowledge impart is different from understanding... which is different from wisdom.

All science does is unravel the physical side of the universe.

As I mathematician I now you have to define something to disprove it.  I was not aware "god " had been defined in absolutes. All which has happen is that there is a failure of the definition.
« : July 29, 2011, 06:47:07 PM Bear »

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #32 : July 30, 2011, 09:50:17 AM »

Actually for me that "image" is more akin to what Bear just said. For me I short handed it to the capacity for reason.

The funny thing for me with Dawkins is that he talked about a preponderance of evidence, like in a court case, but right now we have cases that were tried before DNA was discovered being re-tried.

So the principle that near death experiences are just the brain's biochemical responses could eventually wind up with spontaneous generation that saw maggots on meat and assumed they just formed there since at that point microscopic things hadn't been discovered.

It is the need to insist that since they can not find their proof they must be right. From my understanding it's the same principle that once had people believing the Earth is flat. "Look that way as far as you can see...flat. Look the other way as far as you can see... flat. Look in any direction you can travel and you see the world is flat! Therefore this fanciful notion of a round world is ridiculous and without any supporting evidence!"

The irony as I see it is belief without proof is almost a text book definition of faith. Even if that faith is in the idea that faith is a fallacy.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 33

« #33 : August 02, 2011, 04:01:45 PM »

I need to clarify some things here...these are not my original ideas, they are things Ive learned....in his book "The End of Racism" Dinesh D'Souza presents this...a young black man, dressed in ''gangsta attire"(abridged to get to the point) waves down a taxicab at 3 am...just past this young man is another black man of approximately the same age dressed ''very nicely''.  The cab driver passes by the first and picks up the second man.  When questioned about it...the cab driver says...look at him...look at who I picked up....which would you pick up?  The term escapes me...yes its a prejudice but not based on race but appearance.   The cab driver was a black man as well.

Fox news has been accused of a lot of things...much like the tea party was accused of calling a black congressman n*****, all networks carried the story, not one retracted when the video was shown and the word was not said nor was the congressman spit on as alleged...you show me a non-biased news agency in the US and I'll show you a 22 inch penis that dances and sings in greek.

As for the state religion thing...The US Constitution promises that we will have no Federal religion, they didnt so much mean religion as they did what we call denomination these days....the Founders all acknowledged the existence of a Supreme Creator...so for all the pushing of all things spiritual or religious out of our society is an affront to the people that formed this great country.  States on the other hand MAY have a state religion, that is dependent upon the state's constitution.  Does it violate one's rights? Not sure, BUT, you are also free to leave that state.  A state having its own chosen religion in no way violates the US Constition based solely on that, the choice, dont like the religion of one state...move to one you do.  That actually was a big factor in how the colonies were divided into states.  Recently a judge ruled that the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER is unconstitutional, Im not a judge but I can tell you thats just ridiculous, I've NEVER in my life been forced to pray.
If others find strength and comfort in prayer whats the problem?

Hello Mr Primitive Human....2 million yrs ago this gas caused a large explosion, creating the known universe....I didnt come from no monkey, but Genesis was told in a way someone then could understand.  In the original Hebrew...it would be read as....Man and Woman....not Adam and Eve...Adam and Adammah

and the definition of faith is...belief without proof

At best good or bad, the best you can ever expect people to be, are people.
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