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: A Wonderful Morning  ( 4059 )
Hero Member
: 635

« : February 11, 2011, 01:05:05 PM »

I open my eyes from a nice wonderful sleep that I was enjoying and start wondering to myself what time it is.  I look around at the windows and see that there is no light coming through them and I'm hoping its not too early in the day.  I scan around the room for the clock and see that its 5:30 in the morning.  I start to wonder to myself what I am doing awake at this time, especially since I dont have to be awake for another hour or so before I get ready for work.  In my half asleep condition I scan the room and I see light.  With my eyes still a bit foggy I assume that it is Rachel getting ready for her work.
Once my eyes finally focus I see that its coming from the bathroom being reflected off the mirror.  I can also see that its not the only thing being reflected.  I see Rachel in the mirror splashing water on her face trying to wake up.  She splashed water multiple times and each time more and more water is hitting her beautiful skin and is running down from her face down her C cup breasts.  She grabs a towel and starts to dry herself and I see her breasts bounce.  To me in my half awake condition everything appears to be slow motion but I can assume that it is happening much faster.  At this time I notice that I have become arroused since there is now a tent on the bed where there was once a flat sheet.

I try my best to slide out of the bed without making a noise and move as slowly as I can so that I don't make a noise as I walk to the bathroom door that is open.  As I peek inside, the light hurts my eyes, but I am able to see Rachel more clearly now.  She is now brushing her teeth, in the mirror I can see her breasts bob up and down and side to side as her arm moves.  As she bends over the sink to get some water and spit out the toothpaste I see her lucious clit peek at me.  She brushed her teeth a couple more times and each time her clit winks at me as she bends over to spit.
  At this time I'm as hard as I can be and its getting more difficult to stand next to a wall hiding it.  Either she doesnt see me in the mirror or she plays along as to not see me, I sneek up behind her and whisper into her ear, "Good Morning."  Without turning around, just looking to the side she responds, "Good Morning.  Nice to see you are awake, both of you."  I guess she was able to feel that I was very excited.  "Did I wake you up?"  I respond, "No, I was fixing to wake up anyways."  "Liar." she responds.  I dont say anything as I put my arms around her waist and start to kiss her.  She doesn't say anything as all I can make out are moans of exctasy.
I say, "I was going to make breakfast anyways."  "Make it quick because I have work to get to."  With I raise my hands from her waist to her breasts and start to rub her nipples.  Rachel now moans a bit later but still doesnt say anything, but her butt now starts to rub into me.

I bend her over the sink and slide my dick under her clit.  I can feel that there is now some morning dew on it.  I remember her earlier words about her going to work so I think to myself that I have to skip breakfast.  I slide my dick into her all the way until the base is hitting her butt.  I feel how wet she really is and how warm she is in the morning.  And I hear a moan again and I look in the mirror and I see she's licking her lips and looking at me from the mirror.
  I jump it to 7 on the speed factor and 10 on the force factor, because of time constraints.  Rachel's body is swinging back and forth on the sink each time just missing the faucet with her head, with each thrust I can feel her lips clinching my shaft until I feel her body shake and her lips just close on my shaft.  I feel she had cum but I was still full mast.  I turn Rachel over so that she is now facing me and I'm carrying her legs as I go in again.  This time it was more wet than before and still just as hot, but now I had some delicious breasts to lick and suck on.  MMMMMM, delicious with just a hint of toothpaste.  A couple more thrusts and I fill her with my cream.
She kisses me and tells me to hand her a towel to clean up.  I hand her the towel. She walks out of the bathroom and starts to get ready for work as she's not late but she's not running on time either.  It seems as though it was just a few secods she was wiping the towel, the next she had on a sexy bra and panties, and the next she had her work clothes on.

Before she leaves she tells me, "I hope you enjoyed breakfast because I did.  Just wait for dinner."  I reply, "What's for dinner?"  She responds, "I'll let you think about that one the entire day and whatever it is you imagine, I can guarantee its not as good as what I have planned."  She kisses me as she leaves the apartment and I'm left to wonder........."Whats for supper?"

there`s  no right or wrong....just the consequences of your actions
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