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Got any problems running AChat?
Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
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: Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION! ( 7275 )
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Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
February 25, 2011, 05:30:01 AM »
Hello Admins,
please explain me following find of my Avira Antivir Professional:
Source: C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\AChat\achat.exe
Status: Infected
Operatingsystem: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA Workstation
Trojan Horse TR/Dropper.Gen
Date/Time: 25.02.2011, 12:16
Best, babette
: March 04, 2011, 10:27:47 AM tom
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe
#1 :
February 25, 2011, 06:38:40 AM »
Hi babette,
I had the same problem a few months back with McAfee. The problems lays with your anti-virus, not achat. It is recognised as trojan. I had to wait until McAfee adapted thier databse, and wrote an exclusion for this. Maybe you can check your fire-wall/anti virus settings and make an exceptiojn for AChat. Though I am not familiar with your software, most applications have the opportunity of marking programs/files as safe. I think the solution should be found there. Good luck!
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Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe
#2 :
February 25, 2011, 08:00:09 AM »
Hi Babette,
perhaps this link is a help:,742.0.html
Very often antivir programms are recognizing this kind of file (xxx.gen) as a virus, cause viruses are hiding in it. But I checked AChat with several programs before and they never found a virus or trojan horse.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe
#3 :
February 25, 2011, 12:30:17 PM »
A virus COULD be hiding, but just as often the program is carrying out acts LIKE a virus, but ones that are actually authorized.
An example here COULD be that when you click the AChat icon the AChat program launches a secondary program first, the updater. The only real difference between that and say a virus is that the secondary program is one you wanted to load... but the anti-virus doesn't know that.
Still, there COULD be a virus so I would suggest you post your actual anti-virus program so AChat can contact them and check if it's a false positiveor an actual one.
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: 336
Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe
#4 :
March 04, 2011, 10:27:07 AM »
again a false detection
AChat does not contain viruses.
We check our system continuously with 6 different antivirus programs.
The problem is, that most of these antivirus programs make heurustic detection, that means they analyse exe files and try to find out if there is a virus without checking the real behaviour of the program. AChat connects to the internet and downloads upgrades, communicates with the server. I looks like this fact can cause false detections, but we try to clarify these thing with virus protection software vendors.
McAfee put already on their white list the upgrader, we hope we can clarify problems like this with all major antivirus software vendors.
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: 114
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Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
#5 :
March 04, 2011, 07:00:54 PM »
Ok, guys, I work on PCs all the time, and fix them, install software, build new systems and such.
The ONLY antivirus and firewall and spyware programs out there that actually works, are TREND MICRO.
If you want the 2nd best, go with these from
1. AVG FREE Antivirus, run in Basic Protection installation. Works perfect, catches trojans that Norton and McCaffee dont. Runs Continuously, cannot be disabled once installed. You never need to disable ANY antivirus software, regardless of what your program states. Ever.
2. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall - my hacker friends cant get through it in 6 hrs. I can get throu McCaffee and Norton in 15 mins. Runs Continuously, if its not, start it manually. Keep it up folks. It will save your PC's life, and your personal info.
3. AdAware AE - It's free, just dont go with the full suite. This is only needed about once every 3 months or so. Keep it uninstalled till you need to run it.
If you use the FREE programs above, Achat will never have a problem. DO NOT USE ANYTHING ELSE, or it will block Achat, corrupt your system, and install Viruses.
Any other PC Cleanup or Tune UP software is a JOKE, and does nothing for you. Trust me. I stopped using them about 7 years ago.
Also, for those of you using AIM or AOL ANYTHING, PLEASE STOP! AOL is a VIRUS.
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Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
#6 :
March 17, 2011, 01:20:11 AM »
I use commodo
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
#7 :
March 17, 2011, 02:22:32 PM »
Same here Comodo, the only way I could override the Mcafee notification (which I do not have, find that an odd popup) was to run the updater as administrator
Hero Member
: 560
Re: Trojan Found in achat.exe - FALSE DETECTION!
#8 :
April 10, 2011, 03:37:43 PM »
thats what ive been doing. I didnt start having the problem until I re-downloaded the installer file and reinstalled. its not a big deal to run the updater though.
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