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: Can someone explain this to me?  ( 5069 )
Sr. Member
: 262

« : July 17, 2011, 10:37:21 AM »

OK, I have been a member here since March 2010. I have noticed something that makes no sense to me, so I was wondering if someone could explain it.

A member with poses and a member without poses go to a room and they both have access to all poses...so if a girl buys all the poses, why does she insist on "Premium only"? If a guy buys all the poses, why does he insist on "Premium only"? And before anyone says about the cold invite war or whatever, leave it out of the picture/equation....what purpose does it serve for BOTH people to buy poses when only ONE needs to?
Hero Member
: 3856

« #1 : July 17, 2011, 11:07:18 AM »

well taking a shot in the dark... ::)

 it takes several thousand scrip to pick up all the poses...a woman might have the poses available  to ensure she has full choice of options, since not all male partners may have had the scipr to purchase yet.  Limiting the play to Premiums isn't fool proof, but you might have a better chance of matching up with someone who knows what they are doing, other reasons might be visually enhanced with an Av that is not so generic..., capacity to gift...and quite frankly, because of the investment is not so prone to just disappear..but I am just speculating Apollo... a woman should give her reasons.. of course the obvious 3some capability.

I have often been asked by noobs which pose to pick up...and like you I made the comment..."why?"  most guys who have been for any length of time have their own...I tell them  just focus on the personal wear and appearance when they start... if they want a pose choose a favorite to ensure they have access to it.

As to a guy limiting it,,,mmm...I know I prefer Premium partners only because they are more likely to know how to play the game...use some language skills. Some guys may be hooked on the visual images though too...specific clothing wear (fetish)

Sr. Member
: 262

« #2 : July 17, 2011, 11:15:44 AM »

Well, I guess Unhealer could get his wish about getting rid of the free users if it was required for BOTH members to have the same pose to use it (though I'm sure more people would leave than stay if that were the case)
Hero Member
: 3856

« #3 : July 17, 2011, 11:34:33 AM »

That would kill the game... I see some truth to his words...but the free user is needed to to recruit new players.

I really think the "premium Only" tagline  by a woman is done so primarily  to reduce the chatter hitting them.

If not then your question is an interesting one...

Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #4 : July 17, 2011, 04:24:23 PM »

     I agree with Bear. I do think most guys and girls have their own different reasons to put Premium Only in their descriptions. For me, I do it for 2 reasons

  • 1. To reduce the amount of messages I receive and filter the people who are more serious and experienced with the game from the ones who are looking for quick satisfaction for themselves.

  • 2. And this might answer the question why do both users just share each other's poses. I don't own all the poses. If I went into a private room with a free user, our options will be limited. It would be nice to meet a premium user who has different poses than I do and together we will have a much larger variety of choices. Some of the free users know that if they find a premium user, they can "mooch" off their paid poses instead of buying them so, to me, it feels like I'm simply being used.

     Anyway, that's just my opinion. In short, to answer your question directly
"What purpose does it serve for BOTH people to buy poses when only ONE needs to?"
Not everyone owns all poses, so the option of sharing different poses is a great concept.

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: 198

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« #5 : July 18, 2011, 04:38:07 AM »

Another reason may be that, for a premium female/shemale, it feels like you're being used for a cheap thrill by someone who's not even willing to invest a small sum into his appearance. The free users all wear the same "PJ's", mostly don't give the same feel of immersion a premium player does and there's of course the increased risk of having a minor at the other end. Some of those minors may be very mature for their age and show the right attitude towards the other players, but in general I feel there's a different attitude among the free players then among the premiums.

Then again, I've played around with same free players too, it depends on what I feel like at that moment, like choosing between pie and ice cream. Usually though they need to come up with better pick-up lines then Unhealer tends to do...  :P :-*

I don't play two sides of the fence, I'm all over it. ;):-*
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