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: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC  ( 172756 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« #105 : January 10, 2012, 07:27:37 PM »

Simple start Janine, I'm sure some of us (me too) will join.

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #106 : January 10, 2012, 07:33:48 PM »

I must admit Lover I was hoping you'd join in.

Okay, I am right now getting myself back up to speed on the story. If I haven't heard from anyone by the time I am done I will just resume my tale. Otherwise we can figure out here how we will start blending them.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #107 : January 10, 2012, 08:37:44 PM »

Okay, I re-read my stuff to get myself familiar with my story, and I'm up to the second page of everyone elses and I've got an idea that could weave everyone already in together (and give any new people easy ways to enter).

Umbra's target is a member of Zeist's cult. A cult that has thoroughly infiltrated Libidinis.

My noticing of an over abundance of guardsmen, and the Brotherhood's notice of political unrest is the first signs of a much deeper, darker threat. The Cult of Zeist has been working to make the city a powder keg that at the height of the festival they plan to ignite, between the deliberate start of a riot, poisoning of wines and wells, and cultists just seeking to kill any who survive those first two they plan to make the entire city an offering to their dark patron.

The other lycan in the city ARE members (instruments if unthinking) of Zeists cult. I am thinking that I will notice that the attacks are forming a pattern and I will be able to predict, and prevent the next attack, but Tallon will have also scented his way there.

There will be a brief moment of confusion, but I can tell a thoughtful foe versus a slathering beast, and as a veteran I am used to making quick alliances on the battlefield.

We will team up and taken down the lycan. Afterward I will explain I saw a pattern forming, and when I show it Bear you will recognize it forms the symbol of Zeist.

We'll then go from there. With Tight being drawn in with his target part of a MUCH larger conspiracy (the Brotherhood saw a piece of a much larger puzzle) and Adera being naturally pulled in if for no other reason then I see her easily wondering what all the racket is about (she could even hear the battle when we take down the lycan).

Others could join in easily wherever they feel they would fit.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3856

« #108 : January 10, 2012, 11:57:43 PM »

The scholar Xegis is the one who holds the key to events. It was always my intention that Talon be forced into facing larger events then pure revenge, which has held his motivation and drive for many years.

I like the idea of the cultist attempt to undermine the city, though I saw Zierst as a pawn himself for his overload Faule, a higher power which sought to return to the corporal plane and exert his dominance.

Interesting thoughts though Janine,...I'll mull the idea over tonight and respond in the morning.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #109 : January 11, 2012, 02:46:44 AM »

Thanks Janine :) For the next time just ask me ;) You know I like talking to you, it's always a pleasure for me!

I have to dive in into the story and to the background then I jump in.

Hero Member
: 3047

« #110 : January 11, 2012, 03:08:05 AM »

Lover, you're very welcome to join in as is anyone else. :)

I can see quite a few possibilities for my character, I can continue kinda like how I've had, though I can also see how various people and/or groups might have taken an interest in the rare and rich magical creature. It could be groups like a thieves guild, exotic slave traders, power hungry magicians, servants of evil or something.

Things could easily turn quite dark and twisted though I'm not sure if I like that, if I'm caught I much rather it be a charming and cleaver person albeit the dark motives rather than a sickly perverse and horrible tyrant. Maybe my character will have to see some grotesque and evil horrors, but not experience them first hand.

Anyway, I don't want to end up in a classic situation where I'm too helpless and in need of rescue so I have to think some on where I want to take my story.
« : January 11, 2012, 03:11:55 AM Adera »
Hero Member
: 2415

« #111 : January 11, 2012, 03:26:42 AM »

:) I am very happy that there is an interest to continue that tale. I am in ofcourse.
I had been working on my own tale, continuing the tale f the Ranger on it's own and I have quite some material. Continuing with this thread will ask for adaptation of my own story. Something I will do with pleasure.
It's interesting Janine, that you suggest a larger underlaying conspiracy as the basis for the things happening in town. My story had gone the same direction, though the city had become the objective of the neighbouring Queen who desires to own the port of the City, as her own lands are not connected to the open water at all.
Though in content the story continues in a different direction, the idea is the same. I will be more as happy to join in again :)

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #112 : January 11, 2012, 07:00:21 AM »

@Bear Could that be how his lord will manifest himself?

@Adera I'm not sure hon. I basically thought maybe you might see things others don't because you don't have those same blinders of what to expect.

@Tight I thought it might be a nice way to blend your story and his, supernatural forces causing political unrest for their own gains.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3047

« #113 : January 11, 2012, 07:59:16 AM »

Hmm after thinking some on it I realized that I thought of my character as too much of a "human", she isn't and therefore she wont understand or even be affected by things humans or mortals find evil. She can of course be robbed or tricked but it's not certain it will dawn on her or that she'll even care much about it.

@Adera I'm not sure hon. I basically thought maybe you might see things others don't because you don't have those same blinders of what to expect.

Oh, I will notice things others wont, I will for instance see the true nature of lycans but since everyone seems to be fine with it I'll just think it as the norm of this new and exciting place.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #114 : January 11, 2012, 10:50:53 AM »

mmmmmhh......i give a quick look here and there on this long tread. creating an entire city (and a country around it) whit a background to make your character move on it isn't so much easy, specially when a story is gonne be write by several peoples. so, i'll gonna read the entire tread carefully and then your, mmmh, 10 hands story cause you have make me really curious.

i'm a big fun of fantasy and sci-fy in general, plus i like work on modell kit (bad point i have soooo much wip suspended!) and when i work on something of my project, i allways try to image a world when my characters can move and have theyr own story. in the past years i had made several sketch of some chars: some of them was inspired by manga i read, others just come up like a sparkle in the dark. mmmmmmm, all this make me wanna try to do something more..........let's see, let's see!

oh....i forget: the best thing i like of this tale is cause it's write from different peoples, so anyone of you make move this world and your own character  step by step. the hard point is how to coordinate your idea, so this tread is essential to creat a good path to follow and avoid the risk of overlapping events or places, which is quite easy if more then one people is writing the story.

i hope i can give you soon my impression on your work, my friends!
« : March 02, 2012, 10:20:38 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3856

« #115 : January 11, 2012, 12:03:33 PM »

Janine my first suggestion to you (several months ago) about the abduction of the daughters of high profile members of the community might offer a common weave here. Out of my curiosity are you looking at the lycan abilities akin the line of attributes the  underworld series with manifestation at will, (my own development of the thought of the taint was that it was more diseased... following traditional lines of monthly manifestation... though I had tickled myself with the thought downstream of  "what if" in future stories should he encounter a pack that could transform at will)

I definitely see the issue Tight's character would face, a royal heir twisted with his desire of power to corrupt the natural order of sexual freedom the city now demonstrates. It would be a character easily drawn to the promises of the the cult of Zierst... even those followers may not know of his final end plan.

As to the female lycan bounty hunter, I definitely saw her as an alpha she wolf... a manipulator, yes it might seem she is used, but her compulsion and animal lust is a vehicle for manipulation of the men around her. Someone, who if in a wealthy community would have no qualms about creating a problem to solve, and morally bankrupt about not caring who gets hurt. So the twist of her presence for a higher purpose...
pondering that suggestion. (I am still trying to weave that thought under my original conception of the "taint")

(writing on the fly right now as the mind churns under its caffeine rush...the concept of an organized lycan community, the ability to change at will would take magic,... power... an ordered evil attitude what jumps to mind as a suggestion is a community of Dark elves... they would have the capacity of magic to control manifest at will... the mental development that might provide actual control in the form) Honestly I don't see humans as having such abilities in the mainstream of thought... they are just too damn weak willed... remember Talon is half elf,... magic imbued from his lover to handle his disease...( rambling in thought I am.)) 
@Adera I totally see your character as chaotic neutral, oblivious to the motivations of the conflict between good ad evil. That is what makes your character so charming., and fun to read. Your clarity of vision to all supernatural, might best be served by tripping across characters through the story and questioning them about the strange behavior,...in a final confrontation though, to be true to form,  you might be as upset that the ugly dog people are slaughtered as to the issue of humans being killed.

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #116 : January 11, 2012, 12:31:28 PM »

I'm fairly impartial about the lycans. Since I haven't set my swordswoman's time it could be right near the full moon, or it could be the at will transformation attack.

The key points I was going for were.

-I figure out there is an attack pattern, and use that pattern to anticipate the next attack.

-There I recognize Talon as the rational of the two (kind of like how you described that earlier lycan battle).

-We form a battlefield alliance against the predatory one.

-In the aftermath I reveal the pattern and you recognize it as the demonic symbol (Zeist, or your sage could recognize it as his boss).

I didn't want to weave it much farther then that, but I thought giving an over arching goal of saving the city could help pull storylines together.

@Hentai Have you read the Dragonlance chronicles? It started as a D&D campaign. So all those characters were shaped by the individuals playing them. Here it's quite similar, but rather then needing a DM we just respect each others boundries and hash things out here in the OOC thread before bringing them in story.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

« #117 : January 11, 2012, 01:02:22 PM »

I have an idea for my character:
A traveler who is able to see the future, but only few days. Also I am able to feel emotions, but not able to read minds in detail. Something inside of me brought me into this city though I don't know exactly why. So I'm searching the reason - which is my destiny, what is my task here?
Looking into the future costs lots of mental energy - so I can't do this every time and have to be careful using it.
I'm always having an inner fight - am I allowed  to tell other people what I've seen? Am I allowed to use these information for my own advantage or to help other?
The other quest for me: The old story between intuition and mind. Though I have a very strong intuition (which all of my people have) I also wanna get knowledge from thinking.
I should be a wise man because of my properties. But in my thinking it's all just living without fun. I wanna have fun, wanna love, wanna laugh.

These properties together made me bit sarcastic. Perhaps I'm here to find my inner peace? Or I am here to loose my intuition and mental abilities...
Hopefully I find out...

Any other ideas for my character?

Hero Member
: 3856

« #118 : January 11, 2012, 01:24:56 PM »

Lover for depth,.. perhaps as a traveling fortune teller,.. who uses the charade of the tarot cards to cover his ability? Interesting idea...

Perhaps reading one of the disciple(s)... seeing the horrific pattern emerging...

The motivation to lose your connection in carnal pleasure... always undermined by unintentional readings... that makes a interesting story. Creates fear... caution... a dreading sense in intimacy... (just thinking aloud)

Hero Member
: 3047

« #119 : January 11, 2012, 02:12:55 PM »

@Adera I totally see your character as chaotic neutral, oblivious to the motivations of the conflict between good ad evil. That is what makes your character so charming., and fun to read. Your clarity of vision to all supernatural, might best be served by tripping across characters through the story and questioning them about the strange behavior,...in a final confrontation though, to be true to form,  you might be as upset that the ugly dog people are slaughtered as to the issue of humans being killed.

Ehehe, ugly dog people :D, I hope my character wont upset them too much. :P
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